Monday, November 29, 2004

Gettin' lazy!!!

So I haven't been posting as often as Sean so I thought I might want to get on and leave another boring and lifeless post. Well - not really... I've just been so busy. My old woman cross-stitch project is coming to an end and so maybe then I'll post more frequent - don't count on it though. :P I'm sure I'll find something else old lady like to replace it! (Sean just farted while I was writing this fyi)... Anyway - that's been the extent of my excitement while I'm here at home. I went wedding dress shopping the other day though :-D I'd say more but Sean reads this so I guess you all just can't hear about my hot pink wedding dress!! Oops.. I guess I slipped.

I'm looking forward to our trip back to NY. Can't wait to play some beer pong and go to all the good night spots. Get ready guys - it'll be like two sips this time and I'll be saying "Guess what.....I'm DRUNK!!!" HAHA that will be exciting.

That's all for now- keep it real and think about posting on your own blog site again.. Eh hem.. you know who you are!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Wedding planning

So now that we've been engaged for a few weeks I've been thinking a lot. Still fine tuning the when and where factor which leaves a lot of other things still way up in the air. Hopefully once I get a chance to chat with my parents this will all go smoother.. I can hope right? I hear that it just gets more stressful. My goal is to stay as focused on the happy things and enjoy my engagement. Hopefully my good attitude will prevail. And when it doesn't woefully Sean will be there to give me a nice back rub. :) (I love you Sean!!!) So that's all for now. I'm off to a nice relaxing evening with him now.... Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

New jeans

Okay - so this is probably such a trivial post but I like being trivial :-P.

With that said, I went out tonight and got a new pair of jeans. I have been putting this off way too long. My other jeans have a patch, a hole and a soon to be second hole in them. So now I'm back to having a pair of normal jeans!!

You men out there have it made. You know your size, and unless you grow, and have no problem just picking up the pants and buying them. You don't even really need to try them on most of the time!
Us girls have it harder. Size 8 can be tiny or HUGE on me... never just right. I feel, as a hippy girl - and I'm referring to the bones - that it's soooo hard to find a pair of pants that fit me right.

But needless to say I found a pair... can I get a HALLELUJAH?!?!?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Goin to the chapel.... :)

So I think I've told everyone I can possibly think of but I feel as if there must be someone I've forgotten. Because, as you all know, I am so forgetful. My happiness and excitement just keeps growing. Everyday I am so amazed by that. Now the plans begin... which for me is really exciting. But then again I am the MOST INDECISIVE person in the world. And Sean isn't much better. At least we both knew we wanted to marry each other and didn't say "you decide..." "no you decide..." LOL.! Now I'm just rambling. I feel this post is just so belated but I've been spending so much time just calling everyone. Wish me luck in the planning. I'm going to try to keep on top of things to make it easier for myself.

That's it for now. Thank you Sean, for making me happier than I ever thought I could be. I love you!