Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Snowboarding.. take 3!

So we did it again, and this time we convinced Kristen and Will to come along. I can speak for Sean, and myself... we had an awesome time. Will hurt himself a lot from falling, Woody kept practicing but hurt his wrist, and Kristen didn't like it.
All in all... it was an interesting evening!
I think I only fell a few times and Sean and I went at least 4 or 5 times down the mtn/hill. We took a different lift this time. I'm not as impressed with this lift. It throws you off of the lift. you'd think it'd be a little more gentle, but no! The first time we went up, Sean got a great view of Woody and I on our attempt at getting off of the lift. We both got thrown off of the lift and I fell onto Woody's snowboard. In case you don't know - snowboards are NOT very soft! On my right arm just above my armpit I have a pretty nasty black and blue bruise. The first night it was cute - part of it was in a heart shape. Then it just turned into a long ugly thing. Oh well. I'll still be going back for more!!! I think this next week we have to take a Saturday off, but after that, we'll be up on the mtn/hill trying to get even better :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I know it sounds crazy coming from me, but Sean and I have fallen in love with snowboarding! We went yesterday with Woody and had a great time. We plan to go again next Saturday... hope Will and Kristen come!!! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Now you can get your baby's SUPER SIZE too!!!

Imagine this happening...

"Honey, I think we should have child."

"Sure... can we get it super size?"


Well I guess down in Mexico this young 23 year old mom is proud of her new super size baby!!! (Not that they necessarily planned it, but I like to imagine they did... just because it sounds funny)

Super size baby takes over planet...