Thursday, September 30, 2004

A whole lotta shakin' goin on...

So maybe my post is a little belated, but I wanted you all to know that I "heard" the earthquake and I am excited about that - as crazy as that sounds. I was at work in an apartment building when I heard some things in the kitchen shaking. The mom comes out and tells me there's an earthquake as if it was nothing... kinda like Sean's post where someone came into his work and asked if he felt the quake - but the way people out here say things - it's like "oh.. by the way the tea is on if you want some." I want to feel an earthquake... just a tiny one - so I know what they feel like. But I guess it's not like I can say.... please, earth, shake for me a little so I know what it feels like... then never do it again. Oh - and while you're at it please only do it away from my home. I sound like a lunatic. Maybe I am!! Who knows. Anways... life is fine here. Nothing like a little shakin' to make sure all the Californians haven't spaced out completely. Lalala. Hope all is well wherever ya'll are!!

1 comment:

Kyle Wash said...

That would be really neat to feel an earthquake. Just a small one though dont need you guys getting hurt ar anything.