Sunday, October 24, 2004

Here's Alexander's father - Mike.

Here's Lynn as a new mom with auntie Kim checkin' out the little one.

My newborn nephew... isn't he adorable?

Welcome Alexander Chase!

First off - this is just a picture of a random baby.. not Alexander. :) Isn't he cute though? Anyway - I'd like to announce that at 3:33am on October 24th Alexander Chase was born. He is Mike (my brother) and Lynn's first baby! Please join me in welcoming him and congratulating Mike and Lynn. I'll post real pictures as soon as Mike sends me some.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Halloween costumes anyone?

So I thought I'd just ask everyone out there what they're dressing up as this halloween. I'm not sure what I'll be... Sean has a great idea I think we might do but I'll let him do the explaining :). And for all you lazy folks out there who don't dress up... BAH HUMBUG!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Telemarketers... :)

To all you telemarketers out there - LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Does anyone else get annoyed with them? I can't think of anyone who picks up the phone and says "Hey hon - the telemarketer is on the phone... can I get this one? I love when they call." NO!! Just so everyone knows - I'm not angry. I just laugh at them. I've found a way to have the upper hand with them. Let's see if anyone can top this one. When they start talking I just say "Can you hang on just one sec?" Then I put the phone down - end of story. Today I did that and went back after a minute to check and the guy was still sitting patiently for me to return. I checked a few more times and still - he was waiting nicely. I didn't say a word! After 5 minutes he hung up. How's that for the stupid companies. They just paid that guy for 5 minutes of sitting waiting for me to come back to the phone. Maybe they'll stop calling me now! Yea right. Well as long as they keep calling I'll just keep doing the same thing and I advise you do the same :).

Halloween MUST be around the corner...

It's amazing what I saw today. It's so weird - so let me get to the point. On my way home for lunch I saw over 15 people just walking. Now this sounds normal to you - right? But they were all walking like there was no purpose to their walking. Here's the thing - it is SO nice and beautiful and hot out today (silly me for wearing long sleeves this morning!!!). So I can understand why people would be walking around. But I felt like if I stopped one of those people and asked what they were doing they would just look through me and keep walking. I swear Californians are freaks of nature. Maybe there's a full moon out tonight. Who knows. Strange.....

Thursday, October 07, 2004

What's up with ya'll???

So I get onto this blogger thing and no one checks theirs anymore. I think it lasted like an entire week or so that everyone was really putting any effort in. Atleast with me it's a consistant once in a while!!! Anyway - life in California is goin alright. The fog has been rollin' in more and more lately and "fall/winter" is comin' our way. Oh no - there will be RAIN?!?!? Oh no! I might have to use my windshield wipers for once. I think I need to replace them actually - they're the same ones I had put on 3 years ago :-P. I bet you didn't know they could last that long! So yea - I think the winter will be good though - I'm sick of the dried up "golden hills" look. That's about it for now. Lookin forward to the weekend. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

Ciao for now :)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Rico vs Suave

So which would you prefer?

Friday, October 01, 2004

This is L-R Will, me and Sean at the Golden Gate Bridge. If only it was green like in this picture now......  Posted by Hello