Monday, November 29, 2004

Gettin' lazy!!!

So I haven't been posting as often as Sean so I thought I might want to get on and leave another boring and lifeless post. Well - not really... I've just been so busy. My old woman cross-stitch project is coming to an end and so maybe then I'll post more frequent - don't count on it though. :P I'm sure I'll find something else old lady like to replace it! (Sean just farted while I was writing this fyi)... Anyway - that's been the extent of my excitement while I'm here at home. I went wedding dress shopping the other day though :-D I'd say more but Sean reads this so I guess you all just can't hear about my hot pink wedding dress!! Oops.. I guess I slipped.

I'm looking forward to our trip back to NY. Can't wait to play some beer pong and go to all the good night spots. Get ready guys - it'll be like two sips this time and I'll be saying "Guess what.....I'm DRUNK!!!" HAHA that will be exciting.

That's all for now- keep it real and think about posting on your own blog site again.. Eh hem.. you know who you are!!!


Kyle Wash said...

Woooo hooo Beer Pong, cant wait to see you guys. We should get together and have lunch, maybe asome tea, and sit around nad have deep meaningful conversations. Or we can go out and play beer pong and get trashed, then stay up till 5 drinking and chatting.

liam said...

You wouldnt be talking about me would you? Anyways i cant wait till you guys get here. Although we might have to find a new venue for beer than one of usuals (snuffy mcgees) cause of this past weekend. william kinda left without signing for his tab. just took the card and reciept and left!!!

So how about that hot pink dress!

Sean said...

Wow, Christine is almost as bad as Willy when it comes to posting on this thing. Geesh!