Thursday, June 30, 2005

HA - Spending time on the boat.. that's funny

Ummm yeah.... so about that hanging on the boat thing - I was way off course. First off, a few weeks ago my brother and dad were putting the boat back up on the lift and the lift cable broke. They had to take the lift out of the water and replaced. The guy who replaced it decided that it wasn't important to put the lift BACK into the water when he was done so my parents just returned from their trip late Tuesday night and the lift was just put in this morning (Thursday). Tomorrow is supposed to be crappy so I highly doubt the boat will be in until Saturday and I am not sure I'll even be here.
Secondly, I've been pretty busy. My first two days I spent at Mike and Lynn's house after work with little Alexander - my nephew. He's such a cute baby - I swear! :) Then my parents came home, I spent last night hanging out with my friend, Megan, and parents after... today I worked most of the day and spent some of the time doing wedding cake stuff and favor planning. My mom and I ordered the things we need for the favors and bought the other stuff at the craft store today. I'm really psyched about the whole thing. :) YAY!!!
Plus the invitations are all picked out so that's a good thing. They'll be ordered first thing tomorrow morning. Busy busy busy busy busy.
After this we just have music for the actual wedding and then it's smooth sailing from here. It seems a lot more frantic than what it actually is. The bridal shower is in less than a month, then a week later is the bachelorette party... then breathing room at the end before the wedding a month and a half later. AHHHHHHHH! haha.
Seriously I'm having a good time. My mom has taken a lot of stress away by helping me. Lynn has been extra awesome lately. Yesterday she helped with invitations and today she helped with the cake stuff. Anyone have any places to find huge books full of wedding cake ideas? I need help with that still. The lady who will most likely do the cake doesn't have pictures of much to show me so I have ot really create what I want on my own and I honestly have no freakin' clue. I just know I want a cake!!

By the time I'm done with everything every night it's about the time it is now.. 10:30 and I want to go to bed soon. No time for a tan. And I doubt I'll actually get to lay out in the sun this weekend. It seems like a nice dream but never really happens. such is life. It'll be nice to see Sean again after the long week down here. :) Hang in there Seaner.... only one more day left then you're stuck with me again for a few days. :P

That's all for now. Oh - and everyone read Sean's blog and shed some tears for Donut's Delite. Such a sad story.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Off to my hometown...

Well I'm off to go work for the fam this week. Not sure I'll be online much since my parents are still running 56k MODEM!! I swear they are in the ice age when it comes to the internet. But on a brighter note, I'll probably spend a little bit of time on the boat and trying to get a tan when I am not working at the shop. Hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Isn't this a cute picture of Kelly?!?!? :) I personally don't see how this is a way to get her back for Sean's buck tooth picture but I thought I'd join in the fun... sorry Kelly :-D

Lovely weather!

I have to say - so far it's been SO beautiful for the past few months. Ever since the last day of snow it's been so warm overall. There have been a few days that felt like the ice age was coming back, but other than that I'm satisfied with the weather.
It's funny - I think I've seen more sun in Rochester since January than the amount of sun that I saw the entier time we lived in Pacifica. Sure - 5 miles outside of Pacifica there was sun... but Pacifica SPECIFICALLY... it was soooo foggy!

So lovely weather - that's all I have to say about that. I'm looking forward to getting a little tan. No more bright white legs!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Gettin' lazy

Okay - it's official. I'm lazy. I haven't blogged in almost a week.
Oh well.
Just had to leave a blog so i'm not lazy.

Friday, June 17, 2005

a night out with girls... can you believe it?

Tonight was the first night I really went out with girls ONLY! It's been so long I honestly can't remember.. probably back in like 2002 I went out with only girls. Serioulsy - I love hanging with "the guys" BUT it was SO nice to be around girls. I feel like I never get to do that and i always feel so out of touch with girls and girly kind of things.. like make-up or my outfit, or hair or anything.. all that girly crap i do not do.. sometimes i wish i were more girly. anyway i just wanted to let u all know that it is way after 1am and i'm drunk... not super drunk but yea ... i barely got myself home. didn't feel like waking sean up to get me home and yea it's close enough. we went to mex, then that metro lounge (weird place, fun though) especially when you're not paying... and then to soho east. Fun night. got to know my co-workers better. they're the best.
i'm sleepy, p-nut wants out. and i've had 2 glasses of water.
good night
guten nacht


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Damn those pesty loggers!

So most of you are probably thinking... She's talking about thos mountain men up north that cut logs.


I'm talking about a virus-like program that is on our computer, called a logger. What does it do you? I'll tell you! And I will tell you how you are SUPPOSEDLY able to remove it (but I'm finding it difficult to get rid of it).

If you search your PC for ISNSYS.dll and find it.. YOU HAVE IT TOO! :(

if you go to start -> run and type in
Regsvr32 /u isnsys.dll

it is supposed to unregister this .dll andthen you can go into your computer and remove it by deleting the file... but it has to be unregistered first.

Basically this stupid logger has been on our computer since April 20th and has been logging every single key stroke on this computer. That means e-mails, blogs, passwords, etc. you name it... I found where they have it stored on our computer for "pick-up" later. They... whoever the hell THEY are, leave a backdoor open somewhere on my computer so that they can either come in and manually copy the files whenever they want, or set it up so somehow the information gets sent to them and updated from time to time. ]

So basically this entire blog that I am putting up is being logged on my computer right now and ready for some low-life to have access to.

I guess I am sortof new to these things. I've always heard that the internet isn't as safe as I thought that it was, but when I see that a site is "secure" I tend to believe it. WRONG. I now know that someone has pretty much all the information they would need to steal my identity. Scary, huh?

This is why programs that scan for viruses are good. Of course, we do not own one... ours are just the free ones.
Not sure what we'll do to get rid of this. I've got computer people helping me that program mozilla firefox. They've been super helpful :)

Until then I guess I should give a huge FUCK YOU LOGGERS shout out since this blog is being copied ;)