Monday, August 29, 2005

He said "sure"!!!!

So I had a few friends over tonight to pop the big question to Sean tonight. I thought I'd turn the tables a little bit and propose to him too... it sounds better than it happened - i didn't get down on one knee like William thought I should, but it's all good. He was surprised and said "sure" so I guess I am excited :)

I love you Seaner!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A honky tonk night out on the town...

Me and Buster cuddling at Ellen and Cristo's place :)

Me (red) and Kristen (green) dancing - notice how my legs don't match everyone elses and Kristen's do! We had a great time though.

Random old man doing funny dances the entire night!

So last night Ellen, Kristen, Mike (her roommate), Bari, Megan (a neighbor) and her two friends all gathered at The Roost for some good ol' times! It's line dancing place here in Rochester. It's amazing how many people now how to line dance. Now I'm not talking about the electric slide.. this stuff is hard!! The steps change and are confusing and they go on for 24 counts! EEEK! I dragged Kristen out on the floor a lot and we laughed so much my cheeks started to hurt! I just tried to follow other people's lead and learn the dances. Sometimes I ALMOST got it and then the song ended! What the heck?!?! Anyway we had a great time out. Sean had his bachelor party and when I saw him today he looks great! (although he's a little hurtin' from the bull!!!)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I miss you guys!...and a nutty story ;)

This is Marisa on the left and Kaila on the right. I miss you guys!! Pics like this make me miss California and all of the people out there that I met. Sometimes I wish the world was just a little smaller...

On a positive note I made a friend today - well.. we'll see if I made a friend. I was running with P-nut when we crossed paths with a girl and her chihauhua.. named Cha-chi I believe :)
Anyway - the first time I was on the other side of the road and P-nut literally was trying to drag me towards her and the dog - she wanted to smell it and all that doggy stuff but I kept running. I normally wait to see if an owner is interested in having their dog socialize with P-nut.. sometimes they're a little apprehensive and I'd rather just run than have them be like "sorry..m y dog is not very social or whatever" The next time we ran into them we were on the same side of hte road and P-nut ran up to her dog and you'd think the two were going to go at it in front of us. P-nut either likes the dog or really doesn't like it - normally there's no middle ground for her. Anyway we got to talking and this girl seems like she needs a friend. Her boyfriend is in Cleveland and she's here and in med school... stressful. I don't know. I invited her to come out with some girls that are hopefully up for going to The Roost on Saturday night. If she emails me then maybe I made another friend :) Anyway it was nice to meet her - she seems cool. Making friends is one of my favorite things to do... the reality of it is though that it doesn't really happen that often the older you get... it is weird like that. Remember in high school when you had a lot of friends? Not like that anymore. Even in college it was easy to make friends. Now in the "real world" it's not realistic.. don't you think they should make THAT part of growing up more realistic so it isn't a real bummer when you leave school and it's totally not the same?!?! Alright enough about that. Yay for another beautiful day! I am LOVING it! Does this summer REALLY have to end? Can't it go on indefinitiely? Oh wait - I had that and I traded it in... I guess I can't complain. Cest la vie!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Off to J-town again....

So today I'm doing my second trial run for my hair for the wedding and tomorrow is a family reunion. We'll see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Important information that you need to know about cars! (...seriously)

So I guess I don't know as much about cars as I THOUGHT I did.. either that or my commen sense escaped me for a while today. My mind has been on a nother planet - I should say first before I go any further. So today was probably the peak of my stress.. not sure it can get worse and if it can I hope it doesn't.

I was driving today and I kept thinking about how I need to get my oil changed. Then I drove after work to go pick up Diana's dress so I can get it to her. I remember how I have some oil in my trunk and have the brilliant idea that I should put it in my car so that my engine doesn't die. Good thinking - RIGHT?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! would be the correct answer right here.

So my engine was hot. First BIG RED WARNING THAT THIS ISN'T A GOOD IDEA. But I proceed. So I pour the oil into the hole where it's supposed to go, thinking that I'm doing good for my car. You know - making sure that there's oil in it so that the engine doesn't seize. Man - I was SO wrong. So first came the smoke. Then came flames. I ran in the car, grabbed everything valuable and called 911. You know - when I'm freaking out because my car is on fire and they ask where I am ... I CAN'T FREAKING REMEMBER. So I tried my best to spit out where I was and within 1-2 minutes the fire people were there. Go figure by the time they get there my car is no longer on fire. The flames basically stayed put... just on the engine in the back where the oil had spilled. So lesson #1... invest in the little tunnel cup things to avoid spills.. Lesson #2... when the engine is hot don't pour oil into it - it might start on fire. Lesson #3... Change your oil on time and you won't have to have any problems like I had. What a nice start to my weekend. Things will get better. :)

...I wouldn't mind a beer right now

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Mosh pits

Okay. You know you're old when............ you think mosh pits are so stupid. I guess it's official. I'm getting lame. I just don't see the point in it. Little boys who have like 2 pubes on their body and still squeek occasionally when they talk are looking around at eachother to see if it's cool to push the person next to you. Then when they get the okay they all just start pushing eachother around. HOW FREAKING LAME! Sorry... I just went to a concert tonight and I was so disappointed with the behavior. I don't know - it just seems stupid to push eachother around. Why not just all make a big circle and dance together. GOSH I sound so much like a freakin' hippie. I hate that. Can't deny my inner hippie... as sean would say ;)

So vendetta red SUCKS. The bassist or one of the guitarists (sean and will help me out with this one) I saw before they went on. He walked by and I commented on how he looked like a girl from the back with his hair. I couldn't even see his face the whole time because the hair was in the way. He looked like cousin it from the addams family. What the heck!?!?! And the lead singer looked like Mr. Big! LOL. So I think Bayside is pretty good for a new band. Check em out. I give them 1 thumb up. At least their songs didn't all sound the same. The dude from Vendetta Red always would kinda sing low and then all of a sudden when the chorus broke out he sang the SAME note. It got old fast. Sean and I just kinda looked at eachother. I think they sound better produced..... but I've never heard them on the radio so I can't confirm that. Anyway ... it was nice to go out and support live music. Thanks again, Will... he took us to the show. Way to splurge on the .94 cents!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jesus on food

Alright. Not sure who heard about this. But there was this woman who was frying her Pierogies on Palm Sunday when she flipped one over and saw the face of Jesus burned into it! So first they put it in the freezer to keep it and didn't know what to do with it. So the lady decided to sell it on Ebay... to see how much it would cost?!?!!? It sold for $1,775 to Golden Palace Casino! What does a casino want with a piece of food with Jesus burned into it?!! How freakin' weird is that. The lady seemed pretty genuine and didn't really know what else to do with the piece of food. They couldn't eat it because they're felt it was a little odd to eat something with Jesus' face on it. I can understand that. And they couldn't just throw it away... so why not make almost 2 grand on it!!! Anyway I just wanted everyone to hear about this ... I linked the picture to the eBay website in case u all want to see it for real. It's already over.. the auction that is!

Great weather and attitudes

So first off... what a kick ass summer we have had so far. Can I get an AMEN?!?! I love the sun :)

Anyway - I just wanted to make note that I'm happy. That's all :) Life is grand. I've started to run/jog every day... for the most part I've been doing it every day. It's really for myself :)... I think it's a good idea to keep a good physique and the only way to do that is to be in shape and exercise. I do a little stretching and exercises after too... sit -ups hopefully will be showing some progress in a month or so. It's sparked by a lot of things. I'm getting to the point where I realize that if I do not work out that I'm not going to stay the same size. My metabolism has slowed down a tiny bit and I want to look good. So... instead of talk a lot about it (well except to Sean :) ) I'm doing something about it! I just wanted to say this because it goes into the whole happy thing. I feel so much better about myself and about life in general when I exercise. All the happy juices/seratonin stuff is doin its thang. If anyone out there is feeling like life just needs a boost - go for a walk or something. You'd be surprised what it will do for you.
..for me it'll hopefully help me look hotter than I will already look on our wedding day!

... speaking of which - that's only 32 days away! EEEEEK! ;)

(don't worry Sean .. that's a good EEEEEK!)

Where the heck did these people come from?!?!

What happened to just a personal blog to rant and rave and keep in touch with friends. First my e-mail gets loaded with spam. And you have to have pop-up blocker on your web browser if you don't want to be annoyed with announcements/advertisements. NOW they're leaving replys on our BLOGS?!?! WHAT THE F@#$@!!!!!
I'm sorry but I'm so pissed off and I know it's stupid but thats the whole problem.

I will NEVER become that. EVER. I hate ads. I think they're for businesses that suck and need some information to be popping in front of your face all of the time so that you are hearing about them. It's obvious that they don't have what it takes.

Anyway - hope everyone is having a nice week. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bats, Mr V's will KILL me and 9am drive time

Yes - those all pertain to me. First the BATS!!! So apparently because of this weather we have BATS in our house. Will and I were walking out of my apartment into the hallway when a bat was swarming above us. I screamed and it might have been scared and left the building - I'm not sure. If I sleep tonight I'll be lucky. I'm so afraid it made it's way into our apartment because the hole between the floor and the door are wide enough for those tiny things. How fun - sleeping with bats. I feel ghetto!

Second. Anyone hear that Mr. V's cheeseburgers can ACTUALLY kill you? Just ask Sean. He'll tell you all about that. I think Will and I almost literally pissed our pants because sean was so serious about the matter. He got so trashed (not sure how that happened) on little alcohol and even puked his brains out. I was trying to help and offered some y ummy mr. v's and he refused and said if he ate it IT WOULD KILL HIM! LOL. Sean - just too funny sometimes :)

Lastly 9 am.. that's the latest we can leave tomorrow. It's after 3am. Ick.
Good night.

p.s. had a good time tonight everyone - including my fellow friends who i called :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Damnit Janet!!!

Sooooooo.. work this week has been slightly frustrating and because I'm chicken to say something to the person that is most bothering me - i'm going to rant about it now. So just don't read my post if you don't want to hear complaining :)

This girl i work with is really annoying me and it's getting to the point where I wonder if I need to just go request to not be on her teams anymore. It's so obvious that she has SOME problem with me.. what I did still boggles my mind. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not from her state (Mass.), I moved from California where ABA (what I do at work) is slightly different so my methodology isn't 100% the same as my company's.... or maybe she is a lesbian like I think she is and she feels like I'm judging her. OR she just plain out doesn't like me.
So she writes a note to me and my co-worker (I mind you it's written in a MEAN script.... like her normal writting isn't like the way she wrote it). It basically complained that she has to spend 10 minutes EVERY day fixing up mistakes me and my co-worker make in the book... WHICH i have to say, yes we make mistakes occasionally - but that is part of HER job, and something that is normally fixed at the CONSULT. But even if it weren't the case - the things we forget to write down are so miniscule... it's annoying! No one except her highness (yea right) is as anal about this stuff. Actually the more I work with this person - the less I care about the paperwork. I spend my time looking at the clock wondering when the hell i can leave. I am even thinking of taking the note straight to the owner and telling her I think this person needs to be talked to. It's just so RUDE to leave such a note! And the way she corrects me and my co-worker when we do something wrong is just SO FREAKING WRONG. It's like she's making us feel like shit when she does it. I like constructive criticizm... everyone needs it. But we don't need the kind that makes you feel bad and like they're better than you!
Plus I think she's taken a disliking to my co-worker because my co-worker spends time working with me! So anyone who has an association with me is officially onher shit list.

And get this - so yesterday we had our weekly meeting with one of the kids. The 3rd therapist on the case is not in town this week so wasn't supposed to be at the meeting. I get there first - go in and am playing with the kid, waiting for my SO FUN co-worker to come, and the one who was apparently on vacation this week (something I forgot about). So my SO FUN co-worker shows up and goes into the room to start the meeting... thing is I think she's just hanging out in there with the mom waiting for our 3rd co-worker who WASNT FREAKING COMING. I'm playing with the kid having fun and after a few minutes I go in the other room and the mom and co-worker kinda just look at me and the meeting papers are sitting on the table. I said something about how the 3rd person hadn't shown up and my SO FUN co-worker says so VERY kindly "She's not coming. She's on vacation." And I said "why didn't you come get me" And her and the mom didn't have an answer. They said they were just waiting for me. WHAT THE FREAKING HECK!?!?!?!? Shouldn't they have said.. hey christine,... the other one isn't coming, let's start the meeting." THEN the meeting only takes 30 minutes so we have to sit for 30 minutes and just talk because our meeting is an hour. GOSH!
So I'm happy to say I will do everything in my power to not work with her EVER again. What a bitch. There are places for these people. The sad part - she was one of my favorites when I started with the company. She does great work with the kids. But she's shit to me if she can't treat her co-workers with an ounce of respect.

That's enough venting for the day. I'm really not that upset - but I was going to get that way if I didn't just let it out. I know I should go tell the SO FUN co-worker that it's getting old and to just grow up and treat me with respect - but I can't. I'm a pussy! :P

Monday, August 08, 2005

Friday night...

So this weekend turned out to be loads of fun. All of the girls got a SUV Escalade limo for me and we went out for a night on the town. Of course, Kim had to throw something funny in - so she took us all to Show World first. It was funny - my cousin picked up porn dvd and all of a sudden a whole bunch fell down. The girls just over all I think had a good time walking around. :) Then we went to Coyote Joes, Karma/Barfly and ended the night at Liquid. Man - it flew by SO fast!! We got started a little late but it was fun. I'll post the picture of the entire group in front of the limo as soon as I get ahold of it. This is me at the end of the night... it was obvious that as the night progressed I got more and more drunk..
The best part - when I got home I was still walking with no assistance. We get back and I see Will standing outside of Sean's car.... Sean's in the passenger seat PASSED OUT! LOL. So he was more trashed than me. I tend to like to get drunk but remember my night... it was like Sean went out for his bachelor party - he was SO drunk. (Thus the pictures on Kelly's blog) :)
So thank you to all of the girls who attended - and a special thanks to Diana and Melissa for travelling from afar to be there!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Let's hope this isn't me later tonight or tomorrow morning!!

Okay, So tonight is the bachelorette party... and it is going to rock. BUT It is my desire that I do not vomit tonight or tomorrow from this partying. Let's see what happens. Isn't this picture just wonderful? Makes me want to get a garbage plate :)
