Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Great weather and attitudes

So first off... what a kick ass summer we have had so far. Can I get an AMEN?!?! I love the sun :)

Anyway - I just wanted to make note that I'm happy. That's all :) Life is grand. I've started to run/jog every day... for the most part I've been doing it every day. It's really for myself :)... I think it's a good idea to keep a good physique and the only way to do that is to be in shape and exercise. I do a little stretching and exercises after too... sit -ups hopefully will be showing some progress in a month or so. It's sparked by a lot of things. I'm getting to the point where I realize that if I do not work out that I'm not going to stay the same size. My metabolism has slowed down a tiny bit and I want to look good. So... instead of talk a lot about it (well except to Sean :) ) I'm doing something about it! I just wanted to say this because it goes into the whole happy thing. I feel so much better about myself and about life in general when I exercise. All the happy juices/seratonin stuff is doin its thang. If anyone out there is feeling like life just needs a boost - go for a walk or something. You'd be surprised what it will do for you.
..for me it'll hopefully help me look hotter than I will already look on our wedding day!

... speaking of which - that's only 32 days away! EEEEEK! ;)

(don't worry Sean .. that's a good EEEEEK!)

1 comment:

kelly said...

yea - I find the best exercise is getting up from my desk, walking to the lunch room, grabbing a snickers bar from the vending machine, and walk back to my desk where I sit back down to consume it as fast as possible. Then I repeat that exercise twice daily. Well sometimes I might get chips or eat the junk food I brought! I will agree with you, I have noticed that my metabolism is slowing down. Not to thrilled about that one.

Keep it up! It is hard to get started - but easy to keep going.