Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Brrrrrr it's cold in here!

Alright - this is a picture of what my apartment FEELS like right now. If I ever think being an eskimo is cool and living in an igloo is humane - SHOOT ME! Seriously - our heat had to be turned off yesterday because some major problem with our heating source. Basically we were all given a space heater from our landlord and told he was fixing it as fast as possible and that it might be a few days. So hopefully it'll go faster than expected. Right now our bedroom is the ONLY warm room. BRRRRRRRRRRR!


kelly said...

Oh My Goodness! Go stay with Kyle and Willy! Man, what do you do, sleep in the smallest room so it is warm?? sorry - wish I could help!

Kyle Wash said...

Wow, hope it gets fixed asap!!!

liam said...

not sure what that is, but cool graphic nonetheless

Xtine said...

It's an ice structure?!?! Haven't you ever seen one for real? In Jamestown by the lake if the lake freezes up enough they make a castle out of ice that they cut out of the lake. It's beuatiful all lit up at night. Fun times when I was a kid freezing my ass off to see a freakin' castle made of ice...
p.s. our heat started working tuesday night but as soon as that started working out electricity in out bathroom and both bedrooms decided that it didn't want to work so it took 24 hours for THAT to be fixed so when we got home tonight it was the first time i'd been on this since monday. Geesh!

Sean said...

It's waaarm again. Thank you!

hannah said...

is it working yet?! i hope so! at least you have each other. *awwwww*