Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So I thought I posted... but I guess not.

Sorry - things have been busy around here and I haven't been on this much. I thought I posted a picture I had taken but apparently it's not on here - not sure what happened with that.

Work absolutely sucks right now. I actually could care less about the company I work for. I feel like everything they stand for is bullshit. Non-profit my ass. That's why the owners both have nice cars and don't seem to be financially struggling like the rest of the people who work for them. Great - they founded the joint - but share the wealth! The parents are outraged because the agency let go a social worker, music therapist and now a admin. assistant... who's next?!?! Could it be me?!?! I honestly would be happy at this point. Less stress on my back. I would rather work at Taco Bell. At least I'd have good lunches :) lol
Seriously though. If they don't cover their butts and start talking to the families and being open about why they are letting people go - they will have a lot of families pulling out of the agency and it's going to go down FAST. Then everyone will be out of a job and I will laugh at them... ha ha ha in THEIR face.
This week started out like crap and hasn't gotten much better. Yesterday was my day from hell. Nothing could go right yesterday. I'm surprised I didn't burn dinner. My doctor sucks ass and I'm getting a new one. I'm sick of my pill-pushing physician... Some people just like to get better and be better without taking 50 pills a day. Today would have been better except for the fact that everyone at work has a knot in their stomach and it just rubs off on you after a while.
I'm looking forward to things getting better. I enjoy days that makes me smile... dont' you?


liam said...

smiling makes me happy

kelly said...

Hey...sorry things are going all that great. Sounds like we could all use a little pick me up! I hope work is getting better, and I hope you are feeling okay.

Kristen said...

I hope this week's going a little bit better than last week. When are we going out for coffee again? It was a nice change of pace, and good to actually talk for once.

Oh, yeah, and I've got one of these things now, check it out...