Friday, June 02, 2006

The Fruth about the Elk... and the Ram's too!

So I would just like to set the record straight. When you are driving in New Mexico and Arizona there are signs for Elk... for like 60 miles! Now if you saw signs for Elk for a good portion of your trip - wouldn't you think the chance of seeing one would be HIGH?!?!?! Well I have something to tell you all.


The FRUTH :) is that the Elk are no more... The Mothman has come and eaten them all up and he even took the time to get the ram's up near the Hoover Dam too.
Another thing - WHAT ARE RAMS DOING NEAR THE HOOVER DAM? Does anyone know how freaking big that thing is?!?!?! It is HUGE. You know - come to think of it I think the rams all fell into the dam. Yea... that's it! :)

Anyway I am in California now. We arrived yesterday after a very fun evening in Las Vegas.
That's another post.... :) to come


Kyle Wash said...

Glad you made it safely. My family saw mountain rams in the rockies. its odd, they are standing on a small small ledge like it's nothing, hard to explain really.

kelly said...

Rams are pretty least i thought.

I am glad you made it safely! You are probably happy you do have to get in the car for long hours today!

hannah said...

thanks for that beautiful sunny ocean picture on my cell phone yesterday. i was walking through the pooring rain here in new york. i guess i can't blaim you too much for movin';) miss you!