Thursday, July 27, 2006


So I spent last weekend up north, again :)... seems to be the way weekends are in the summer. I love it! So anyways here are some pictures to enjoy from my weekend. I have been taking less pictures since we go to the same places. All of these pictures are at Bullard's Bar. the water is about 10 feet lower than the first time we went on the water!!! Every day they let some of the water out at the dam so it is always different every time you go. So now there are beaches that were 10 feet below us a month ago. Strange huh???

This pictures is blurry but it shows you how high the jump rock is. I actually jumped on a few feet higher than this one - and I definately was scared out of my mind, but oh well - I did it!!! I figure I have to get down one way or another, I might as well make it quick and hopefully painless. They jumped individually - not safe to do it together.

This is the beach that we were on at Bullard's bar.

Another shot of the same beach

I took this shot and didn't realize that my cell is in the picture - but I like it there... even technology makes it way into the wilderness sometimes ;)

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