Friday, December 24, 2004

San Francisco Drivers are the WORST!!

Okay - so I'm driving down the freeway and everyone is going a nice, comfy 70 mph. Suddenly someone saw something on the side of road (most likely) or had an itch or something - and EVERYONE slammed on their breaks. I almost made a car sandwich with the car ahead of me! The worst part is - I was at least 3 car lengths away from the person ahead of me. People weave in and out of traffic like my grandma and her knitting. It's insane! No turning signals, no warning - just HELLO I'm in your lane now and you have to deal. Who gave these people driver's licenses? I want to know. I would love to see the driver's test here. They probably get in the car, drive around the block and the instructor says - welcome to the club! I don't get it. It doesn't help that most of the people who drive around are foreign and didn't get their license until they were over 30. I'm sorry - but when you learn something like that at that age you're probably not going to be as good as someone who learns it as a 16 year old kid.
So that's my rant for the evening.


Kyle Wash said...

You should see my sister drive. Mis lead-foot with speratic and random turning. I lose ten pounds whenever I have to drive with her.

On another note, when I was visiting my parents for Thanksgiving, my Mom had picked me up from teh BWI airport and was dricing me home. The traffic and driving is the same there as in California it seems. It drove me nuts. Maybe I'm a very defensive driver or someting I dont speed much and I dont change lanes often. So when my Mom was driving me home I ket on grabbing the dashboard and pointing, as if yelling, watch out!!! Look!!! Whaoo!!!

Sean said...

It seems as though drivers are getting worse. Can you imagine what it will be like in 10 or 20 years?