Thursday, February 10, 2005

Back to New York...

Okay, so some might say I've been a little slacker on this blog thing. Maybe this is true - but I've been a little busy these days. I just finally found a job working in a group home setting with developmentally disabled adults. I'd tell you how it's going but they've been pretty SLOW in getting in touch with me. I'm hoping thing are a smooth ride soon. Next Tuesday I go to the house for my first day training. Keep your fingers crossed. The job that I really want I applied for and haven't been able to see what's going on with that. I'm going to keep trying though.
The snow hasn't gotten to me yet but today it almost did. I thought I'd be nice and shovel and caught a tiny bit of frost bite! Luckily I could take care of it here and not go to the hospital. So now I know my gloves are officially for looks only! :P Sean and I have been out quite a bit and I love it. Hopefully this Saturday we'll hit up some beer pong at Snuffy's... anyone want to come? It'd be fun to take Marisa and Mika from Cali. but they're just a little to far to drive over and hang out :(.

I've been keeping in touch with the families I worked with at my last job. I miss the kids. I didn't realize how much a part of my life they were until we moved. But - enough soppy story stuff :P

That's about all for now. Oh - I picked out my wedding dress. Wanna see it?!?! TOUGH! :) I guess you'll just have to make yourself available September 17th for a view.
That's all for now.

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