Friday, June 17, 2005

a night out with girls... can you believe it?

Tonight was the first night I really went out with girls ONLY! It's been so long I honestly can't remember.. probably back in like 2002 I went out with only girls. Serioulsy - I love hanging with "the guys" BUT it was SO nice to be around girls. I feel like I never get to do that and i always feel so out of touch with girls and girly kind of things.. like make-up or my outfit, or hair or anything.. all that girly crap i do not do.. sometimes i wish i were more girly. anyway i just wanted to let u all know that it is way after 1am and i'm drunk... not super drunk but yea ... i barely got myself home. didn't feel like waking sean up to get me home and yea it's close enough. we went to mex, then that metro lounge (weird place, fun though) especially when you're not paying... and then to soho east. Fun night. got to know my co-workers better. they're the best.
i'm sleepy, p-nut wants out. and i've had 2 glasses of water.
good night
guten nacht



Sean said...

You were a train wreck the next morning! LOL! Poor thing. :-)

Kyle Wash said...

I'm surprised you lasted so long, generally when we hang out you crashing on the couch! Sound slike you had alot of fun, it always good to have fun co-workers.

kelly said...

Sounds like you had a blast. I never do the girls night either, I don't know the last time I did. Glad you had a good night!

Xtine said...

Thanks for all of your support!! :)
Yea umm I haven't been on my blog since I posted that... and to be honest I don't remember making that post... well I did but not until I read it now! I guess I was out of it or something like that.