Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Damnit Janet!!!

Sooooooo.. work this week has been slightly frustrating and because I'm chicken to say something to the person that is most bothering me - i'm going to rant about it now. So just don't read my post if you don't want to hear complaining :)

This girl i work with is really annoying me and it's getting to the point where I wonder if I need to just go request to not be on her teams anymore. It's so obvious that she has SOME problem with me.. what I did still boggles my mind. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not from her state (Mass.), I moved from California where ABA (what I do at work) is slightly different so my methodology isn't 100% the same as my company's.... or maybe she is a lesbian like I think she is and she feels like I'm judging her. OR she just plain out doesn't like me.
So she writes a note to me and my co-worker (I mind you it's written in a MEAN script.... like her normal writting isn't like the way she wrote it). It basically complained that she has to spend 10 minutes EVERY day fixing up mistakes me and my co-worker make in the book... WHICH i have to say, yes we make mistakes occasionally - but that is part of HER job, and something that is normally fixed at the CONSULT. But even if it weren't the case - the things we forget to write down are so miniscule... it's annoying! No one except her highness (yea right) is as anal about this stuff. Actually the more I work with this person - the less I care about the paperwork. I spend my time looking at the clock wondering when the hell i can leave. I am even thinking of taking the note straight to the owner and telling her I think this person needs to be talked to. It's just so RUDE to leave such a note! And the way she corrects me and my co-worker when we do something wrong is just SO FREAKING WRONG. It's like she's making us feel like shit when she does it. I like constructive criticizm... everyone needs it. But we don't need the kind that makes you feel bad and like they're better than you!
Plus I think she's taken a disliking to my co-worker because my co-worker spends time working with me! So anyone who has an association with me is officially onher shit list.

And get this - so yesterday we had our weekly meeting with one of the kids. The 3rd therapist on the case is not in town this week so wasn't supposed to be at the meeting. I get there first - go in and am playing with the kid, waiting for my SO FUN co-worker to come, and the one who was apparently on vacation this week (something I forgot about). So my SO FUN co-worker shows up and goes into the room to start the meeting... thing is I think she's just hanging out in there with the mom waiting for our 3rd co-worker who WASNT FREAKING COMING. I'm playing with the kid having fun and after a few minutes I go in the other room and the mom and co-worker kinda just look at me and the meeting papers are sitting on the table. I said something about how the 3rd person hadn't shown up and my SO FUN co-worker says so VERY kindly "She's not coming. She's on vacation." And I said "why didn't you come get me" And her and the mom didn't have an answer. They said they were just waiting for me. WHAT THE FREAKING HECK!?!?!?!? Shouldn't they have said.. hey christine,... the other one isn't coming, let's start the meeting." THEN the meeting only takes 30 minutes so we have to sit for 30 minutes and just talk because our meeting is an hour. GOSH!
So I'm happy to say I will do everything in my power to not work with her EVER again. What a bitch. There are places for these people. The sad part - she was one of my favorites when I started with the company. She does great work with the kids. But she's shit to me if she can't treat her co-workers with an ounce of respect.

That's enough venting for the day. I'm really not that upset - but I was going to get that way if I didn't just let it out. I know I should go tell the SO FUN co-worker that it's getting old and to just grow up and treat me with respect - but I can't. I'm a pussy! :P


Kyle Wash said...

Ah well t least its good to get the venting out... HOpe it all works out in the end

Anonymous said...

Fuck her!

kelly said...

I am sorry that girl is still bothering you. Here is what I think:

You are the sweetest, kindest, nicest person out there and she is jealous of that. The other girl likes working with you, because you are very easy to work with and talk to - again making psycho girl jealous. So in return she is trying to make your life hell. In the end she will only bit herself in the ass. If she is the one that is supposed to make sure all the paperwork is correct, then she needs to take it upon herself to make sure you all know the proper procedures and take it from there. And hello, we are all human, and yes, that means we all make mistakes. Let her keep bitching, she is only hurting herself. And you keep you chin up, becuase you are doing your job, and as long as you keep doing what is expected of you, you will be fine. Just once in a while, go over and above!

Chin up young person!