Thursday, August 25, 2005

I miss you guys!...and a nutty story ;)

This is Marisa on the left and Kaila on the right. I miss you guys!! Pics like this make me miss California and all of the people out there that I met. Sometimes I wish the world was just a little smaller...

On a positive note I made a friend today - well.. we'll see if I made a friend. I was running with P-nut when we crossed paths with a girl and her chihauhua.. named Cha-chi I believe :)
Anyway - the first time I was on the other side of the road and P-nut literally was trying to drag me towards her and the dog - she wanted to smell it and all that doggy stuff but I kept running. I normally wait to see if an owner is interested in having their dog socialize with P-nut.. sometimes they're a little apprehensive and I'd rather just run than have them be like "sorry..m y dog is not very social or whatever" The next time we ran into them we were on the same side of hte road and P-nut ran up to her dog and you'd think the two were going to go at it in front of us. P-nut either likes the dog or really doesn't like it - normally there's no middle ground for her. Anyway we got to talking and this girl seems like she needs a friend. Her boyfriend is in Cleveland and she's here and in med school... stressful. I don't know. I invited her to come out with some girls that are hopefully up for going to The Roost on Saturday night. If she emails me then maybe I made another friend :) Anyway it was nice to meet her - she seems cool. Making friends is one of my favorite things to do... the reality of it is though that it doesn't really happen that often the older you get... it is weird like that. Remember in high school when you had a lot of friends? Not like that anymore. Even in college it was easy to make friends. Now in the "real world" it's not realistic.. don't you think they should make THAT part of growing up more realistic so it isn't a real bummer when you leave school and it's totally not the same?!?! Alright enough about that. Yay for another beautiful day! I am LOVING it! Does this summer REALLY have to end? Can't it go on indefinitiely? Oh wait - I had that and I traded it in... I guess I can't complain. Cest la vie!


Sean said...

You forgot to tell us that you pooped today..... :-)

Kyle Wash said...

and that you found five bucks.

Se la vi.

kelly said...

I love memories, but the do make you sad at times.