Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Mosh pits

Okay. You know you're old when............ you think mosh pits are so stupid. I guess it's official. I'm getting lame. I just don't see the point in it. Little boys who have like 2 pubes on their body and still squeek occasionally when they talk are looking around at eachother to see if it's cool to push the person next to you. Then when they get the okay they all just start pushing eachother around. HOW FREAKING LAME! Sorry... I just went to a concert tonight and I was so disappointed with the behavior. I don't know - it just seems stupid to push eachother around. Why not just all make a big circle and dance together. GOSH I sound so much like a freakin' hippie. I hate that. Can't deny my inner hippie... as sean would say ;)

So vendetta red SUCKS. The bassist or one of the guitarists (sean and will help me out with this one) I saw before they went on. He walked by and I commented on how he looked like a girl from the back with his hair. I couldn't even see his face the whole time because the hair was in the way. He looked like cousin it from the addams family. What the heck!?!?! And the lead singer looked like Mr. Big! LOL. So I think Bayside is pretty good for a new band. Check em out. I give them 1 thumb up. At least their songs didn't all sound the same. The dude from Vendetta Red always would kinda sing low and then all of a sudden when the chorus broke out he sang the SAME note. It got old fast. Sean and I just kinda looked at eachother. I think they sound better produced..... but I've never heard them on the radio so I can't confirm that. Anyway ... it was nice to go out and support live music. Thanks again, Will... he took us to the show. Way to splurge on the .94 cents!!!


hannah said...

i feel like i'm getting old too. the show in syracuse was similar...not as humiliating from the sound of it. but yea vandetta red does suck and bayside is pretty good....i played arcade games with the bassist in syracuse once. random. sorry i couldn't make it! next show i'm in. and we'll just have to start our own dance party.

Kyle Wash said...

I was in a mosh pit once.. Had a hard time getting out of bed the next day. I don't think i'll be doing it again ever. Although I'm not a big dancer either, I guess I'll just be that dude against the wall witha beer in his hand.

Anonymous said...

bayside was ok, besides the fact that the singer had bronchitis. Vendetta Red was aweful! Who signed these guys? What the hell? Absolute predictable crap.

liam said...

out of all the shows so far this year, it was the the most disappointing. Im really sorry i expected vendetta red to be better than they were. The lead was really trying to hard to be like zach de la rocha from rage.

next show: 30 seconds to mars