Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Taco Bell Rocks!!!!

So I just want to tell the world that my lovely husband got me Taco Bell for dinner tonight, as a surprise!!! :) Now, to some of you that could mean something not so nice or negative but this is better than bringing me much else - I LOVE TACO BELL! Why don't more people love it as much as I do - I have no clue. I guess not everyone gets it.. it's the best stuff on earth! :)
That's all.. just wanted to share with you all how much I love this stuff! ...and SEAN ROCKS :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


DAMN! I forgot how much freakin tetanus shot's hurt! Today I got pricked 3 times... BY A NURSE (you sick-o!)... Tetanus, PPD, and blood test to see if I'm anemic (FOR THE TRILLIONTH TIME I AM NOT ANEMIC). Anyway the Tetanus didn't hurt as much as the PPD when it happened... now the Tetanus hurts the worst and that's the only one of the 3 that didn't bruise. I know... wahhh wahhhh I'm a big baby but I don't care. It freakin' hurt and my whole left arm feels like it's out of commission for the next few days.

On a brighter note my doctor, despite hearing about all of my medical concerns, says I'm in great health. Always a good feeling :).

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?!?! I think we're going to a corn maze here - the biggest one in the world. It better not suck!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Oh Briana :)

So tonight I got a chance to catch up with one of the families I used to work with in California. It was great! I even got a chance to say hi to Briana - she laughed and got all excited when she heard my voice. I can't wait til I get to see her again. She's such an amazing girl! Hearing about what families with any kids with special needs go through just breaks my heart. I wish that there were more programs out there for kids - especially the ones that over 5 years old... it's like once they turn 5 the support services drop and it's like - hey parents... good luck! And then that's it. Anyway this is my rant and I don't expect anything to change because of the time I'm putting into it but atleast I'm just letting my "steam" out. I just love these kids so much and wish the best for them all. ...and I miss them!

That's all. Hope everyone had a good week and tomorrow's the end of it. I'm looking forward to another break from work. I love weekends. Do you think that you don't love them as much when you're older? Are they just another day? Or do they still hold precidence over weekdays? I'm just curious.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hump day is here!

Alright - so positive thought - it's already halfway through the week and I just started working yesterday! I just found out that I DO get paid for sleeping in and sitting on my butt on Monday!! HURRAY!! Sorry.. I had to get that out. So anyway - this weekend we're supposed to see our Mr. Sun, we'll see ... I'm hoping for a glimpse. But, we were blessed with more than our fair share of sunny days this summer so no complaints. I'll wait patiently (for now!) :) Anyway hope everyone is having a good week. :)

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Alright - some people think we're crazy or old folks gone wild... I tend to think of us as twenty-somethings having the time of our lives. I think that it is very important to stay young at heart and go and have fun with your friends. We had SUCH a great time tonight. Kelly - thanks so much for making the trip out to spend an hour with us. We love having you up here!!! The music at Snuffy's.. common everyone - back me up - SALT N PEPPAHHHHH! YEA baby! We had a blast. Amanda - remember the videos?!?! DARE I mention the videos?!?!? I can imagine strangers reading this thinking sick sick thoughts. Too bad they're all very very tame and just funny... How about the Egyptian Magician?!?! LOL. Good times. I'll never ever let those memories fade - and if they begin to, I've got plenty of video to back them up. Not to mention the phone calls and trips to Bill's house after midnight. Yea- who would have thought anyone would order J-town's red raider's socks with red white and blue (insert bad accent throughout this whole thing) ...not to mention they were USED AND DIRTY! I'm happy Zach or Charlie never knew we took their socks for some guy and gave them to him after midnight. LOL Alright rants must stop. Anyway the reason for this post is to remind everyone that staying young at heart and going out and really having so much fun that you don't want the night to end - that's a good sign.

Tonight I honestly was saddened when I found out it was 1:41... only19 minutes til the bar closed. Not that I wanted to drink more - cause I had already stopped - but I just wanted to keep hanging out, keep dancing and just keep smiling. So tomorrow night, any takers?!?!? :) I'm sure we'll be at our regular joint. No Roost tomorrow I'm thinking - I think I need a break, plus their doing the same dance and what's the point of learning it twice, DUH I learn it after one lesson!! LOL.
Hope everyone else had as much fun as me.


p.s. Street meat outside of Pita Pit - pretty good - more spicy than Mr. V's but it did the trick. Sean wouldn't know - he was passed out and smushed his in the car, then proceeded to go into the bathroom and lean on the curtain and it FELL DOWN!?!? Normally it's me this drunk - so I'm very amused. :)