Thursday, October 13, 2005

Oh Briana :)

So tonight I got a chance to catch up with one of the families I used to work with in California. It was great! I even got a chance to say hi to Briana - she laughed and got all excited when she heard my voice. I can't wait til I get to see her again. She's such an amazing girl! Hearing about what families with any kids with special needs go through just breaks my heart. I wish that there were more programs out there for kids - especially the ones that over 5 years old... it's like once they turn 5 the support services drop and it's like - hey parents... good luck! And then that's it. Anyway this is my rant and I don't expect anything to change because of the time I'm putting into it but atleast I'm just letting my "steam" out. I just love these kids so much and wish the best for them all. ...and I miss them!

That's all. Hope everyone had a good week and tomorrow's the end of it. I'm looking forward to another break from work. I love weekends. Do you think that you don't love them as much when you're older? Are they just another day? Or do they still hold precidence over weekdays? I'm just curious.


liam said...

well speaking as an "old" guy, days off are nice. They seem fewer and far between these days. Its just that on your days off, there not your day off. Its called catch up day. Whatever you couldnt do while your at work or whatever, you do on your day off. So does anyone truly have days off?

kelly said...

I agree with liam - but i still look forward to them. Although I wish i could sleep in and just lay there in the mornings. But there is cleaning, laundry, chores to be done. That part sucks - but I love crash weekends. I am due for one of those. Maybe next weekend. This weekend I am off to UVa for a football game!