Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hump day is here!

Alright - so positive thought - it's already halfway through the week and I just started working yesterday! I just found out that I DO get paid for sleeping in and sitting on my butt on Monday!! HURRAY!! Sorry.. I had to get that out. So anyway - this weekend we're supposed to see our Mr. Sun, we'll see ... I'm hoping for a glimpse. But, we were blessed with more than our fair share of sunny days this summer so no complaints. I'll wait patiently (for now!) :) Anyway hope everyone is having a good week. :)


hannah said...

before you know it the snow will be here! yaaay!

Kyle Wash said...

Sun.... what is this 'sun' that you talk about...

liam said...

Hump day? No one humping around here.

kelly said...

I can't believe you didn't work until wednesday - YOU SUCK!!!

Well, I best go cook dinner, and get ready for Friday, yet another work day. Do you work tomorrow? Or is it just another day off for you?

Xtine said...

Kelly - re-read my post. It was put up on Wednesday and I said that I started working "yesterday" ... which means I started on Tuesday. I WISH I started on Wednesday... But such is life... no I work tomorrow (friday) too... I'm not getting THAT many days off. I wish every day was a paid day off. How great would life be?!?!? :) I guess that's what it's like to be retired, if you play your cards right!