Monday, April 24, 2006

Fat... not PHAT.... ness

I am honestly sick of watching people at work. It makes me want to diet. Today I was sitting at lunch with all of the kids and one of my not-so-slim co-workers breaks out with this huge lunch. I mean - I could have had half and been stuffed! What is up with people and these unhealthy habits? My other co-worker always tries to shove food down my face and if I say "no thanks..." She responds with "c'mon - you can stand to gain a few pounds"... YEA if I want to become FAT LIKE YOU!!?!?!?!? Seriously - always bringing me cookies and pie and cake - it's just tooooo much. It bothers me when it gets pushed onto me. I don't think I'm a toothpick - I happen to be the size I am because I watch what I eat... and I don't mean watch it go in my mouth. The worst part - summer is upon us and all of my co-workers will be wearing thinner clothing and it will make me want to vomit. UGH I can't stand it! I am honestly to the point where I want to tell people to stop making themselves fatter... it's disgusting! Last time I checked a 200 lb woman is not sexy or hot.... just my friendly opinion though :)


Kyle Wash said...

Sean, you, and I could start a coalition against fat people. CAFP, we would wear badges and carry nightsticks and stuff!

Sean said...

cool, we could carry barf bags and force them to hurl in them! ha!

kelly said...

ewwww! you two are disgusting. Let me know how it works out for ya!