Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We're having a heat wave.... a tropical heat wave!

So California, as you all know, is SO freaking hot right now. It hasn't been this hot in 50 years. The death toll is going up. People and animals are dying because of lack of water... it's very sad.
I have been fine for the most part, in case anyone was worried! Although yesterday and the day before were pretty hot in my aunt and uncle's house. NO A/C!!! When the forcast says it will be 100-110... I think that warrants rushing to Walmart and buying a window unit... but they say "it'll be gone soon and then we won't need it anymore." Yea til next year gets hot again. But the truth is it is not normally this hot in the summer. 110 is unusually hot for the bay area. The fog normally keeps it relatively cool. Even Pacifica has been warm - which means it was perfect this past week.

We went back up north again this weekend. It was beautiful - big surprise! I swam the most I have in a very long time! Sometimes I was swimming and pulling Briana - so swimming for two is even more of workout! I see myself everyday so I haven't noticed - I wonder if Sean will see a difference when he gets here. Hopefully I look more buff. ;)

So you all heard probably - but I will say it again. WE ARE MOVING INTO A HOUSE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!??!!?


I'm stoked. Like totally stoked, baby! ;) Too bad you all can't come and help break it in with a proper party... beer pong would somehow have to be included. Anyways, life is good - hope all is well. 22 days til I see Sean (and counting).
Miss you all!

1 comment:

hannah said...

it's hot hot hot here too. but definitly not 110. crazy. sounds like you're still having a great time:)

congrats on the house again! can't believe it. we totally need to have an open house for you both...plane trip anyone? miss you!