Saturday, October 14, 2006

Shut down!

So I had a funny thing happen to me last night. We went out to this bar in the yuppie city of Burlingame. We had a pretty good time. Towards the end of the night there was this guy that was playing pool and it was his last ball he had to get in to win - or something like that. I wasn't paying attention to him or his game. I have a hot hubby that keeps me occupied :)... anyways this guy asks me to come over to him. I go over thinking he had a questions... I don't freakin' know. Anyways he puts his arm around me and asks me for a kiss for good luck. I kindly remove his arm and then tell him that maybe he should ask my husband. LOL! I embarrassed him and it was fun.
Shut down baby! :)

So yea now Sean and I are feeling the pain of drinking and having fun. I think it was the three shots that we had... along with the beer. So yea we are both hungover. Sean just showered and it's only 8pm! :) We are going to finally eat dinner.

Less than a week!!! Can't wait to see you all :)


Sean said...

3 shots. Wow, what a couple of lightweights. Don't forget that I had a couple beers at home before we even went out, and a few beers there along with the shots.

That guy was funny. Alejandro was laughing his ass off. Classic.

liam said...

was the guy that stupid or drunk to not notice you with another guy?

Sean said...


kelly said...

i am a major light weight too. now i don't feel so bad!

Kyle Wash said...

3 Shots? I'm a bit dissapointed in the two of you. What are you going to do this weekend? I can't wait!

I'll ask Chris for a kiss good-luck too.