Thursday, November 29, 2007

PR squared

At U of R, "PR squared" (short for Periodical Reading Room) is this huge and beautiful room that I spent a lot of time at when I went to school there. Since I've got a lot of reading/studying to do - this is my new home away from home... At least it's cozy and warm! :) If I have to read - this is THE place to be reading. This was taken with my cell phone last night...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I would just like to say that the word resource, in my humble opinion, does not have the letter z in it and should never be pronounced with a "z" sound.

That's all for now.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


This was post on April of last year. I invented my own free fun in May... I'm very sad... THEY SAY FREE FUN! WTF?!?!?!


Kristen and I.... LOL!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I have PROOF that it snowed today! I'm not sure how I feel about it... i woke up hearing the snow (which was more like pellets than anything else) hitting the window. I really wish i was waking up to hot, sunny weather... maybe with mountains in the distance and an ocean.... haha - now i am dreaming... so anyways. Thumper actually went through last year's winter, but not with me - so it's our first winter together. She looks much better with the sunroof OPEN on a hot and sunny day. Happy Friday to all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The not so geek.... well maybe i am....

So until yesterday I never thought of myself as a "geek". I'd have to say - I'm not ummm.... normal??? But yea - so I am studying right now for this certification class that I'm going to take. I'm super worried about the test because I never do that great on them and I really want to kick ass on it. So almost every night I have been spending time reading my book, taking notes and really trying to digest this information. Last night I dreamt about the stuff I am studying! Ok.. NOW you can all officially call me a geek. I guess it's just really interesting to me and I'm loving it but man... I feel like such a dork.

On a much brighter note - I saw lightning today briefly and some sleet-like matter coming from the sky. It was very interesting.

That's all the excitement from my little corner.... happy Thursday to all!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Weekend

So this weekend was nice and relaxing. I went down to see the fam and actually got to spend some time with Megan. I hadn't seen her in YEARS! It would have been better if we weren't in the chillin' in the hospital, but that's where she was all day (waiting for her sister to get released). So.... cest la vie. Kim and I had a nice time too. She straightened my hair and then CUT IT!!! I know - gasp for air, she cut my hair. I can't believe I let her do it. She did a great job and I'm not complaining, but it's still a surprise. If you'd asked me 5 years ago if I would ever let anyone but a hair dresser cut my hair, you'd hear me scream "hell no!" So she didn't really cut that much, it was more of a snip snip sort of deal. At any rate, it was free fun, so I can't complain.

Nothing else too exciting. Hope all is well with with everyone on all corners of the earth :).

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hamlin Beach

These are not the best images, but keep in mind that they were taken with my cell phone. I have never been to Hamlin Beach the entire time I've lived in Rochester and today I decided to go for a drive. It was little chilly, but it was so nice to be near a large body of water and walk on sand. :) I really liked it there. I even spent some time on the swings they had there. It's rare to find swing sets these days... they're too dangerous for kids, you know! :P So it was a nice and relaxing time. Hope all is well with everyone!