Thursday, April 28, 2005

Yay spring!

So spring is taking a while to really be visible but I'm enjoying the leaves starting to show. Yay green!

That's all I wanted to say about that :)

Oh.. and Sean, it's been great so far having the same schedule. I love seeing you everyday!
I love you!!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Yay new job, new life, new everything!

So it is official. I have a new job. My new job starts this Monday. HURAY!
Sunday is my final day at my crappy job. I will miss the residents but I figure if I miss them that much, I can go visit them! My co-workers... we'll see if I keep in touch with any of them. There are a few I would like to keep in touch with but the feelings have to be mutual. We will see... only time will tell.

So the new job. YEAH!!! I'm going to be a Lead Teacher at a day care. It's more than jsut baby sitting though... I will be teaching little ones.. they're between 3 and 5.. I'm just not sure which classroom they are putting me in. Right now it doesn't really matter. All I care is that I am in. All of the staff there are SO friendly and seem to be a tight knit family... reminds me of Ed Tech Center days. (Man I miss that job still!!) So I am psyched and do not really care about working at 7:30 am. No more sleeping in during the week but I think that I can take it. I'll have weekends off now. YAhoooooo!!?!?!

Monday, April 18, 2005

This is the log named Old Faithful. I remembered a sign of it and thinking the end of it looked like a face, although now looking at the picture I do not think it looks like a face at all.

Old Faithful... the log that is!

Go there... read how there is a 9 1/2 foot diameter piece of Petrified wood named Old Faithful. (No one has picked it up but it is estimated that it weighs over 44 tons!!!) Then laugh really hard like we did. Apparently a dingleberry is now named Old Faithful too.. (RIP dingleberry...)'s not mine fyi
And what else is named Old Faithful guys? Common help me out.. And don't say that silly thing in California. I'm talking about things like logs.

So last night we got to talking about the Petrified National Forest. I mentioned how they have this huge log named Old Faithful. Sean and Kyle found it to be so funny that they started saying "that must be called old faithful too.. right christine??" to anything... even a dingleberry. LOL. So I phoned a friend. I was desperate. Regis would have been disappointed in my friends. My mom and dad didn't know. They travel all over the US and didn't know the answer to my ?!?! Then I phoned Mike and Lynn because I thought they might have a computer near by to look up the information. No luck. so I was stuck with Sean and Kyle thinking I had lost my mind for "phoning a friend" to set the record straight. If I was wrong I didn't care because the whole thing was so freakin
funny. So I found a picture of it on here. It will be posted on top of this blog after I'm done! No worries people. I'm all over it.
So that's all. I had a great time at the concert and have learned that short people at that venue have a large disadvantage and everyone over sean's height should be behind us so we can see!!! ...not that Sean is short... but I want him to be standing with me! :)
That's it ... I'll write more later.

Anyone want to guess what's under the white tarp?!?! It could be dead people the people that live in this house are trying to hide from the police... Or it could be wood for the dock... who knows!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Amazing grace!!

What a beautiful weekend... and for that matter it's been sunny every day back to the last time i said it was sunny minus the day following that last post I made - not sure that made ANY sense at all but that is the best part of this being MY blog - it doesn't matter!

Saturday was the best. The weather was the best and Sean was the best too ;) He threw a nice birthday party that I didn't know about until about 20 minutes before it was going to happen. Pizza, cake and good times! I even broke out the Dance Dance revolution for the kids to play. They were so cute! It was just really nice to see everyone and have them all come see our place. It was extra special because his parents were there and it made my day. Then a few of my friends came out with us to snuffy's and we played some beer pong. Good times boys! I was up for a long time and the only part of the night that was not so fun was when I was sleeping on the couch and Red and Style's place and when I turned onto my other side I could smell Charlie's ass. Sorry guys - new couch I think is a good idea... even one from like VOA or Salvation Army would be better. And Charlie needs a lesson in toileting after that so he doesn't stink up another one!
That's it for now
Going to go find a job tomorrow... gotta get a new one. Only ONE co-worker is cool, the rest are groupie bitches who wouldn't help you out unless it benefits them. Whatever... I ignore them and hang with the residents.
Peace out!

Friday, April 08, 2005

It's getting nicer out!

Yesterday was sorta gloomy but today made up for that 100%. It's so beautiful outside. Still waiting to hear from the school district that I sent my resume to. I am kicking myself in the rear - i forgot a word in the cover letter and Microsoft Word didn't pick it up either! Damn program... so much for helping me out!
Anyway, I'm off to work soon. Ick.
Hope everyone enjoys the weather ;)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another sunny day!

Today is pretty warm out. Not sure on how warm but it felt nice when I took P-nut out for her power-poop session :)
Job hunting is back on its way. A handfull of people now have my resume and I'm working on more. Hopefully I'll find something soon! Positive attitude.. that's omething I need to work on for sure.

Off to my wonderful job now *sense the sarcasm*!

Monday, April 04, 2005

It's sunny!!!

What a beautiful day it has been so far. I took this picture from the computer room today. I thought it turned out really cool because you can see the reflection of the windows in the picture... do you see it? I actually took it by putting the camera really close to the window so I'm not sure how that reflection got in there but I like it.

So I didn't get the teaching job. I don't know if was something I did or if they really did find someone that fit the mold better - but it's over and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm looking again now for a new job. Wish me luck. I really need a way out of the job I have now. That's it for now!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The sun and mindless babbles

So I saw the sun both today and yesterday. It was great. I walked P-nut today. It was awesome. She loved it. It was so warm outside I didnt' need my coat. Yea,

I'm still puzzled about Terri. I don't know her but I know someone JUST like her. The only difference is the woman I know is older and was born this way. Blind and deaf. But do we stop feeding her? She can not eat by herself. She has a special spoon that she holds onto and with 90% assistance she eats. If we just gave her the spoon and said, "K, if you want to live then go ahead and eat", she'd be dead. We take her to movies, to concerts, and other events. Michael Schiavo would think we were crazy I've decided. Because according to him, K has no hope, no sense of what's going on around her and should just die. Did you know that Hellen Keller said that she was happier before she knew how to communicate? She was at peace and life could not have been better. Then she figured out the sign for water and learned to interact with the rest of the human race. How sad is it that a woman who could not communicate with anyone was happier that way. This world is such a beautiful place... can't we work on making it more beautiful and not filling it with more Michael Schiavo's and the judiciary committee people? My faith leaves me with knowledge that these people WILL be judged... just not on our terms...So K, she listens to music too... even though she's deaf. But her face, it seems so peaceful when peaceful music is on. I hear that she responds to vibration at concerts and even to sound when she's near a speaker (not that anyone wouldn't - those things are so freakin' loud!!!).I just think about her and how if she was in the wrong hands she'd be starved to death. How sad.
On the other hand, Terri is lucky. She has left this earth... where hate and war exist - and is now in a better place. Someday some of us will join her. Others - I don't think will make it (but I won't be the one at the gate deciding :) )
I'm just still upset about that. And then the Pope.. ohhhh the pope. He's only 84 but I think he's done more in his life than some people's lives combined. What a great man he has been. I just hope that he is in the least amount of pain possible... if any at all.

And then there's my job. I am sick of it. Sick of pretending that I go in there enjoying my job. I think about quitting, telling my boss that I'm done. Telling everyone it's been nice to know them but my time there is well over due. Wishing that I was busy planning lessons and not planning the time to wake people up at 11:30 at night to go to the bathroom or change their depends/attends and wipe their behind. Those days need to be done. Finito!!!
That's it for now. I'ts 1am now and I have to be at work in 7 hours. I can't wait til 2pm. Then I get to spend the day with my handsome fiance!!! :) Now that sounds good! Can't wait to see him ;)

... I'm off to the nine :)