Friday, April 22, 2005

Yay new job, new life, new everything!

So it is official. I have a new job. My new job starts this Monday. HURAY!
Sunday is my final day at my crappy job. I will miss the residents but I figure if I miss them that much, I can go visit them! My co-workers... we'll see if I keep in touch with any of them. There are a few I would like to keep in touch with but the feelings have to be mutual. We will see... only time will tell.

So the new job. YEAH!!! I'm going to be a Lead Teacher at a day care. It's more than jsut baby sitting though... I will be teaching little ones.. they're between 3 and 5.. I'm just not sure which classroom they are putting me in. Right now it doesn't really matter. All I care is that I am in. All of the staff there are SO friendly and seem to be a tight knit family... reminds me of Ed Tech Center days. (Man I miss that job still!!) So I am psyched and do not really care about working at 7:30 am. No more sleeping in during the week but I think that I can take it. I'll have weekends off now. YAhoooooo!!?!?!

1 comment:

Sean said...

Does this mean we have to actually see each other every night?? :-)