Monday, April 18, 2005

Old Faithful... the log that is!

Go there... read how there is a 9 1/2 foot diameter piece of Petrified wood named Old Faithful. (No one has picked it up but it is estimated that it weighs over 44 tons!!!) Then laugh really hard like we did. Apparently a dingleberry is now named Old Faithful too.. (RIP dingleberry...)'s not mine fyi
And what else is named Old Faithful guys? Common help me out.. And don't say that silly thing in California. I'm talking about things like logs.

So last night we got to talking about the Petrified National Forest. I mentioned how they have this huge log named Old Faithful. Sean and Kyle found it to be so funny that they started saying "that must be called old faithful too.. right christine??" to anything... even a dingleberry. LOL. So I phoned a friend. I was desperate. Regis would have been disappointed in my friends. My mom and dad didn't know. They travel all over the US and didn't know the answer to my ?!?! Then I phoned Mike and Lynn because I thought they might have a computer near by to look up the information. No luck. so I was stuck with Sean and Kyle thinking I had lost my mind for "phoning a friend" to set the record straight. If I was wrong I didn't care because the whole thing was so freakin
funny. So I found a picture of it on here. It will be posted on top of this blog after I'm done! No worries people. I'm all over it.
So that's all. I had a great time at the concert and have learned that short people at that venue have a large disadvantage and everyone over sean's height should be behind us so we can see!!! ...not that Sean is short... but I want him to be standing with me! :)
That's it ... I'll write more later.

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