Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Isn't Mister Rogers so cool in his sweaters?

The World According to Mister Rogers!!!

So Sean and I were in the store tonight and I walked by these little books. I suggest you all check them out in a book store. They're inspirational and great little books for any occasion. I'm going to post a picture of the front of one of his books. There are a few of them. I just thought they were great. Eventually we'll get them for our small book collection. Maybe I'll read them too!!!

Anyways, Just wanted to let the world know about these great little treasures ;)

Old Job, New Job... this is getting old!!!

Okay. Anyone else out there think I'm rediculous because I definately am thinking it might be a possibility. Today was my last day at the day care center. Man, I think I fought back the tears at least 3 times... Telling the kids "Ms. Christine is going to another school to play with other friends and won't be here anymore." Gosh that sounds so sad and depressing. My boss said, "Let me know if you change your mind..." Part of me wanted to just stay because I love the kids so much. But I know that it just isn't anywhere where I can grow with the company. The parents were so supportive of me leaving and most were happy to hear that I am going on to work with kids with special needs. Tomorrow I start over at ANOTHER job! This will be my third job since February. Basically it's like I've averaged one job every two months. That's sick. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this job is right for me.

This just all proves that I am indecisive. But the jobs are always with kids.. nix the one with the old people (who are like kids in some ways)...

Through all of this Sean's been there for me. Bless his soul! How anyone can sit and watch their loved one/partner/me :) go through this many changes ... geesh!!!

Let's hope tomorrow is a fresh start to something that will stick.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Why Sean rocks....

So this past weekend was a blast. Mike and Lynn came up with Alexander and I'll definately have to post a few pictures from the weekend. Then yesterday Sean surprised me with the Sarah McLachlan concert. This concert ROCKED! She played for almost two full hours and did two encores. The best part was the first song of the first encore was ICE CREAM! I loved it. It was a nice and relaxing show. The Parishers opened for Sarah. We were not so impressed but I'm sure that I could think of a few people who would like them. Too predicable and boring for my taste.
Anyway, I was so surprised by this concert and couldn't have asked for a better time. Thank you, again, Sean for a wonderful evening.I love you!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another nice day!

I could focus on the kids being brats at some points of my day but I seem to walk out of work and have a smile on my face. I'm not sure if it's because I'm leaving them to go to a quiet home where they will not be yelling, or because I forgot about all of the bad they did. Either way leaving work is nice :).

Today a mother was telling me how she wants to keep her son in the class and not move him up to the next class because he got a new teacher and her and the boy's father like me and so does their son... and I think my face must have gotten 3 shades darker red than a stop sign. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm already leaving. How hard it must be for a parent to be in their shoes. I still am going. I think that it's always hard for a parent. But, I need to do what I need to do! The kids will still have "Ms. Tiff" so it'll all work out in the end.

We went to the Lilac Festival today! The kids loved it. We went to the main stage and watched some high school bands play. The kids were all jumping and dancing and having a great time! HOW CUTE THEY WERE. All of the people walking by were like "Oh how adorable they are!!" And in the back of my head I'm thinking.. yea til they start telling you "NO!!!" when you tell them to do something, hit their friends, or spit when they're angry. Tell me they're cute then!

I bet people who were my teachers when I was that age thought someone thought the same thing about me. Oh well.

Well tomorrow we get visitors. I'm looking forward to it. Should be nice.

It's Kim's birthday today. One year closer to a dirt nap - congrats Kim! :-D haha

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Good things

Mike and Lynn are probably coming with Alexander this weekend to visit :)
The sun is out!
It's not too cold out.
My new job starts in a week - let's hope this works out!
I no longer work strange hours.
Lfe is good.. let me take that back. Life is GRAND! :)

If every day we all sat down and wrote about the good things that happened to us that day and every day, I bet our attitudes would be more positive. Just a thought. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Musical jobs :)

So apparently according to my brother, I am playing musical jobs lately. I am fine with this :) My current job has been great. I can not lie. I like what I do. The kids are so cute... occasionally I get pissed off because I tell them about 10 times that I do not want them to sit on the bean bag at circle time and then they look dead in my eyes and sit on the bean bag. But then they smile at me and the annoyance goes away... (most of the time). Sometimes they just piss me off the entire day but I still hug them.

BUT... here's the kicker. I'm quitting. Yes, I've given my notice. This is the second job that I have quit since I moved here in the end of January.

New Job....
So I decided to go back to work with children with autism. I'm starting the day after I end my current job. Let's hope that I keep this job for over a month. I'm hoping to work for at least a year at the new job. We'll see!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Interview... again!

So my new job is going pretty good but I still am going in for that interview today. It's doing what I did in California so I thought I'd see what they are all about. If they are anything like that stupid company CARD, then I REFUSE to work there. But if they're better than my last company then I might consider working there instead. I'm just trying to find what makes me the most happy (aka what pays the most!! haha). Seriously though.. kids are a definate as far as work requirements, but beyond that I am still exploring what I want to do with it. There are endless amounts of jobs working with kids. I just to find the best one for me. Takes time... sometimes it feels like too much time.
That's it for now. I saw the sun briefly today. It was nice... cold but nice. Can't wait for the summer.

Lilac festival is on its way. The tents are being set up now. Let's pray for good weather.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy May Day... Yay sunshine today :)

Happy May Day everyone!
Not that you all celebrate it... but still :). I went to take the puppy and p-nut outside and I put on my winter coat and was pleasantly surprised with a warm sun. Yesterday was really foggy... especially for Rochester. It threw me off! So I was super happy to see the sun again today. It has been cloudy for a few days and I was ready for the sun to come out. The clouds are quite large so I think the sun will be coming in and out all day but I will take it!

We get to give the puppy back today, I think it's a good thing. He's starting to finally get along with p-nut but still. They play for like 2 minutes and then p-nut is all out of breath. Poor old dog... doesn't have it in her like the pup does! But she puts up a good "fight". They look like they are fighting at first but if you really watch they're playing around. The puppy loves to jump all over her back.

That's about it.
Enjoy the sun... if you have it where you are. (If not I'll enjoy it for you!)