Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Old Job, New Job... this is getting old!!!

Okay. Anyone else out there think I'm rediculous because I definately am thinking it might be a possibility. Today was my last day at the day care center. Man, I think I fought back the tears at least 3 times... Telling the kids "Ms. Christine is going to another school to play with other friends and won't be here anymore." Gosh that sounds so sad and depressing. My boss said, "Let me know if you change your mind..." Part of me wanted to just stay because I love the kids so much. But I know that it just isn't anywhere where I can grow with the company. The parents were so supportive of me leaving and most were happy to hear that I am going on to work with kids with special needs. Tomorrow I start over at ANOTHER job! This will be my third job since February. Basically it's like I've averaged one job every two months. That's sick. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this job is right for me.

This just all proves that I am indecisive. But the jobs are always with kids.. nix the one with the old people (who are like kids in some ways)...

Through all of this Sean's been there for me. Bless his soul! How anyone can sit and watch their loved one/partner/me :) go through this many changes ... geesh!!!

Let's hope tomorrow is a fresh start to something that will stick.

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