Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Interview... again!

So my new job is going pretty good but I still am going in for that interview today. It's doing what I did in California so I thought I'd see what they are all about. If they are anything like that stupid company CARD, then I REFUSE to work there. But if they're better than my last company then I might consider working there instead. I'm just trying to find what makes me the most happy (aka what pays the most!! haha). Seriously though.. kids are a definate as far as work requirements, but beyond that I am still exploring what I want to do with it. There are endless amounts of jobs working with kids. I just to find the best one for me. Takes time... sometimes it feels like too much time.
That's it for now. I saw the sun briefly today. It was nice... cold but nice. Can't wait for the summer.

Lilac festival is on its way. The tents are being set up now. Let's pray for good weather.

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