Wednesday, October 19, 2005


DAMN! I forgot how much freakin tetanus shot's hurt! Today I got pricked 3 times... BY A NURSE (you sick-o!)... Tetanus, PPD, and blood test to see if I'm anemic (FOR THE TRILLIONTH TIME I AM NOT ANEMIC). Anyway the Tetanus didn't hurt as much as the PPD when it happened... now the Tetanus hurts the worst and that's the only one of the 3 that didn't bruise. I know... wahhh wahhhh I'm a big baby but I don't care. It freakin' hurt and my whole left arm feels like it's out of commission for the next few days.

On a brighter note my doctor, despite hearing about all of my medical concerns, says I'm in great health. Always a good feeling :).

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?!?! I think we're going to a corn maze here - the biggest one in the world. It better not suck!


Kyle Wash said...

Tetnus shots hurt like heck al lthe next day, I hate them. Other than that your a little wussy girl :)

I'm working this weekend, maybe Ican meet up with you guys after work or something I'll give you guys a ring dingy.

Kyle Wash said...

oh and if your really lucky you can ditch Sean in the maze!!!

oh dont tell him I suggested that.

liam said...

once again william has to do another overnight at chase. so all you kids can have your fun, and ill be working and stuff.

oh by the way try having a needle stuck in your fingertip 5-6 times so thet can numb it and sew your left part of your finger to the right. thats alot of fun. ok whos got the next sob story?

hannah said...

i'll pass..
corn mazes are so much fun! especially when you're tiiipsy. (not like i know or anything:)

can't wait christine!

kelly said...

I hate tetnus shots - that is why I have mastered the dodging out before they actually give it to you!! man, I am really good at it!! Although, I think the next time I go, they will tie me to the table so I can't run out!!

I LOVE CORN MAZES, and hannah is right, they are MUCH better when you are tipsy!! can i come? can i? can i? can i?