Friday, July 28, 2006

Maybe I am on Mars...

Okay I'm having a bit of a hard time soaking up all of this information. Myspace is a great thing, don't get me wrong - but I've come to realize some things about people I graduated with and it just is weird. I think 99% of the people that graduated in my class are married. Many of them still live in Jamestown - if not they moved to Florida. Why, I can't figure that out... I'd never move there... (no offense to Amanda) They are guarenteed hurricanes EVERY year. At least here I am not guarenteed to have an earthquake that will tear my house off of the ground!
I don't know. So anyways. The weirdest part is every one that is married and in Jamestown all but a very select few have kids! Is that how it works? Make babies and be merry?

I don't know. I'm just so confused. What happened to enjoy the marriage - get that going good. Enjoy being together without distractions... P-nut is enough for me! And they all own houses! I guess for me it's just so freakin' impossible that I can't fathom buying a house. Yea - $600,000 later I can own my own outhouse on a property! :P Not really, but anyways - everyone has houses... but then again you can afford one for about $75,000 there... makes a big difference!

Anyways I'm just really bothered. I feel so different than any of them - like i'm not sure I can understand where they are in life because it is so foreign to me. I feel like there's nothing better to do so that's what they do - make babies! I guess when I was sitting graduating with them all I didnt' realize how different my life would be than theirs. I don't want their lives or anything - I love my own, thank you... I guess I just don't get what led them down their path. I can't imagine graduating from high school and thinking, "Wow! This town is meant for me. I'm going to find me a husband and get busy! Then i'm going to stay home and just cook and clean and hang out with all my friends who have babies."
Now that doesn't sound horrible - but it's just so different than where I am. Anyone else have this to deal with?

I feel like I am on a different planet or something.


Kristen said...

YES! I went through one day and looked at everyone's MySpace profiles from my high school, and it was freaky. Made me realize just how much I'm over high school, over being friends with these people, and over the things I thought were so important back then.
Only a couple of them have kids now, but it's so strange to see that people who graduated even a year or two before me are married. It used to depress me, like my life wasn't moving forward the way it's "supposed to." But now I'm glad - if you make marriage the be-all and end-all of life, and you're married by age 21, that's it. What's next? More being married. Maybe I shouldn't judge - I'm sure for some of them, that's the right thing to do right now - but I can't see it being right for ALL of them. Most of them probably will just have kids, and won't take the time to enjoy being together, like you said.
On the other hand, the even sadder part is that while I'm criticizing their lives, it seems like most of my classmates have left Rochester... and I'm still here. Time to get moving...

Anonymous said...

Amen. . .

I have been thinking this stuff since I was going back to take care of my dad. I agree... I look at you and me and we, I swear, are the only people that found out about who we are... I dunno... I can't imagine being that settled and content... it seems as if they have settled... and there is so much to see and do in the world. I have such a long list... although I wouldn't mind the married part.. hah.. Im proud of us.. and I don't we live on Mars... we just ventured outside of our comfort zone and I say go us...

Xtine said...

:) Thanks guys! You make me feel better now. It was just a little weird... everyone is a "proud parent" as myspace puts it - not that there is anything WRONG with that... but my goodness! I guess in Jamestown people forget there is adventure EVERYWHERE..even there... althought it is probably harder to find! But if you go looking for it, you will find it! And that is what life is about! If you spend all of your time thinking about doing something your thought is so useless... MAKE LIKE NIKE, Just Do It!

That's another interesting point... that we've found who we are. It does seem like the group of people who stayed are more bland.... but maybe it's just because I don't know them anymore. Maybe things are better than I think they are. Who knows. All I know is that I've lived in different places and experienced a lot. I wouldn't take back all of the moving if you paid me to!

...and Kristen - GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE :) The saddlerack calls your name ;)

Sean said...

Most of the people I went to High School with are either 70 pounds heavier or just leading pretty normal lives. Besides, the people with 3 kids in the basket already are just saying the same things about other people, "Why is she moving all around?", "Doesn't she want kids?"

Another statistic you have to understand is that 85% of people don't move out of their own city. Ever. And, that's ok. Different strokes for different folks.

As for people talking a lot and saying, "I'm getting out of here! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...", I'll believe it when I see it. Everybody is quick (especially in H.S.) to talk about how great they are going to be and how they are moving to another city. Then 5 years later you run into them drunk at some shithole bar.

These are the days of our lives.

liam said...

I'd have to say i'm in the opposite end of the boat. Maybe because i didnt go to a "normal" school the idea of settling down and having kids wasnt the norm with about 75% of the people there. 10 years later i find myself in the minority of those still left in rochester, and all of my freinds are gone. There in NYC or california or seattle, or florida or virginia, and i think one lives in europe right now, i think last time i heard. Time to get my butt moving also.........

side note, i was having a conversation at work about something similiar. My coworker lives in irondequoit and his grew up there. all her freinds still there and family. This "society" of people will not leave irondequoit. they have no aspirations of doing anything else. that to me is unbeleivable.