Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My long and beautiful weekend....

Life has been beautiful and tiring all in one this past weekend. I hiked at total of maybe 12 miles in two days. The first day we hiked a trail that took us to a beautiful bend in the South Yuba river. Upon arrival to the water we only encountered ONE person! This older guy mining for gold (for fun). He showed us a few pieces he found. Pretty interesting. The water was so clean and clear.

On the way out I tripped when I was trying to slow down from running down a hill and banged up my left leg a little ... nothing that was too much to talk about but my leg was sore the next day...

These are pictures from my hike I did yesterday, Monday. Keep in mind that I was hungover from TWO beers... (I don't really drink anymore so I have NO tolerance) So imagine waking up the next day with a hangover headache. Excederine didn't help and neither did two cups of coffee... So I hiked up to over 8000 feet feeling this way. My own fault! But the view was worth it. These are the Sierra Buttes. It's an amazing sight. I'd definately do that hike again someday, next time I won't drink the night before.

This is the sign right before you climb to the tower on the highest point of the buttes.

Here you can see just how small the tower is.

See the tower now???

A view from the top. It was VERY windy and cold at the top... about 60 degrees.

I did it!!! I was feeling a little vertigo on top. I felt like the wind was going to pick me up and throw me into one of the small pockets of snow in some crevace where I'd freeze to death on the mountain!

This is on our decent - not too far from the top. I was still cold!

A view of lakes half way down the trail.


liam said...

so really how long does this paradise last for you?

So im thinking the hike should of cleared your system up good. no more hangover?

hannah said...

here i am melting in 100 degree weather in new york city while you're staying cool at the top of mountains and hiking the buttes in california. i don't know about this christine!!! you're having way to much fun:) miss you!

Xtine said...

I was fine when I had a beer at dinner... you know that's what cures hang overs... right? Yea seriously I was ill the whole time I was hiking. I felt the worst when we were running back down the mountain because the change in altitude was quicker and my body wasn't up to par. oh well. I'm fine now!!!