Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sean and Will have arrived!

I just wanted the world to know that I am so excited. Sean is here! (Will is too :))
Good times. Let the unpacking begin!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Free fun... even when it's not completely free... is AWESOME!

"DUDE... what's mine say?"
"SWEET!!!...what's mine say?"
"DUDE... what's mine say?"
"SWEET!!!...what's mine say?"


Anyone else out there think that is hilarious?? Know where that comes from? Sorry - but I think that might be one of the funnies stupid movies EVER! LOL Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Anyway, Marisa, me and Pam (my boss) went to the Elbo Room in the mission district in downtown sf. Man that place is so freakin' rockin. This band called "Nobody from Impanea" played. It was brazilian pop kindof music with some twist to it. It was faaabulous! We danced the night away, tried this Brazilian Rum that tasted like taquila... got a little tipsy (remember I don't really drink anymore so one to two makes me pretty tipsy)... and just had so much fun. Thus the title of this blog.

The marisa and I decided we needed a little bit of grease.... aka food... from nations so we weren't driving on an empty stomach. We got there and rhymed for a bit... because I told her that Nations has PIES AND FRIES! Good old fashioned FREE FUN is what we had. And to make it the best ever time the person taking our order said HI to us without knowing our rhyme game.

Alright so I'm sure I've lost you all by now but I just wish everyone could have come with tonight. The Elbo room is an awesome little bar that is my favorite until I find something that can compete. Miss you all and wish you coulda danced the night away with us!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Free fun in camptonville... and sac-town too!

I spent last week from Sunday through Friday with Marisa going up to and hanging out at the house in Camptonville while Briana was at a summer camp. The break was just absolutely wonderful. I read a lot, I slept a lot and I spent a lot of time in the sun!!! Some funny things happened along the way. I only have pictures up through our first full day because I was sitting on a rock with Marisa, just drying off before we hiked back out of the area we were and back down to the house for dinner, when I opened up my camera to take a picture or two of the beautiful area that was completely ours for the time being (the whole time we were there there was no sight of other people - it was great) and I wanted to capture that and two of my four RECHARGABLE batteries come rolling out and roll down the rock so fast and fall into the deep dark water. I was sooooo sad! So needless to say my camera is out of commission until I go get more. Sad. Very sad.

Then the same night I go to make Baba Ghanoush.... yea I shouldn't have done anything more after the battery incident.... I had it all blended and it looked beautiful. I unscrewed the blender. Do you know that you're not supposed to UNSCREW the blender??? Anyone know what happens? Yea - my baba went all over the blender and onto the counter and marisa and I tried to salvage what we could. Sad. Very sad.

But those were the only two sad occasions - oh yea and Marisa smashed her finger tring to lift very heavy rocks underwater. That too was sad. I hope her finger is better now - it was pretty bruised!

So enjoy the pictures. i will do my normal explaining and ignore that part if you don't care!

This is in Sacramento, CA. We decided to stop and see what this city was all about. It has a beautiful capitol building where Ahhhnold's office is. There is a huge garden that is behind it. We walked around for a while. You should have seen all of the orange trees. And the oranges were bad. That was also very sad. I wanted to eat one but they were hollow inside so I thought i better not try one!

ever seen people do this and want to? Next time try it... it's fun! Marisa and I had a blast - it was all her idea (a great one too!)

This was in the garden behind the capitol building.

I loved the way the floors looked so I tried to play with them in some pictures. we got some cool pictures of us too - but I'm waiting for Marisa to give me them then I'll post a few!

This is on the way to the epic swimming hole.. also known as strawberry and mushroom hole (because of the shape of the rocks). This is a premium place to spot mountain lions - but I've never seen one there.

Marisa on her way to see the beautiful epic hole!

Monday, August 14, 2006

I'm baaacck!... for a little while

So I think this next week or the week after I will be back up north for a week or two again! Yahoooo! This time maybe Sean will get to experience some of the beauty of old gold country. Marisa and I went up there for this past week and got some awesome pictures. Good times. anyway I will post my pictures soon... just waiting for marisa to give them to me!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Work is such a chore :)

So today I am going to pick up Briana and we're going into the city. The band Bat Makumba, which I saw with Sean and loved, is playing for FREE in Union Square tonight and I am taking Briana, her sister and mom. It will be awesome. It's a free concert which makes it even BETTER!!!!!!!! Plus it's right by the cheesecake factory............ maybe just maybe we'll go there for desert! I'd love that. Or maybe I'll go get some cheesecake and eat it while I watch Bat Makumba. Oh what a rough life. Anyone feel bad for me yet??? ;)
Miss you all!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My long and beautiful weekend....

Life has been beautiful and tiring all in one this past weekend. I hiked at total of maybe 12 miles in two days. The first day we hiked a trail that took us to a beautiful bend in the South Yuba river. Upon arrival to the water we only encountered ONE person! This older guy mining for gold (for fun). He showed us a few pieces he found. Pretty interesting. The water was so clean and clear.

On the way out I tripped when I was trying to slow down from running down a hill and banged up my left leg a little ... nothing that was too much to talk about but my leg was sore the next day...

These are pictures from my hike I did yesterday, Monday. Keep in mind that I was hungover from TWO beers... (I don't really drink anymore so I have NO tolerance) So imagine waking up the next day with a hangover headache. Excederine didn't help and neither did two cups of coffee... So I hiked up to over 8000 feet feeling this way. My own fault! But the view was worth it. These are the Sierra Buttes. It's an amazing sight. I'd definately do that hike again someday, next time I won't drink the night before.

This is the sign right before you climb to the tower on the highest point of the buttes.

Here you can see just how small the tower is.

See the tower now???

A view from the top. It was VERY windy and cold at the top... about 60 degrees.

I did it!!! I was feeling a little vertigo on top. I felt like the wind was going to pick me up and throw me into one of the small pockets of snow in some crevace where I'd freeze to death on the mountain!

This is on our decent - not too far from the top. I was still cold!

A view of lakes half way down the trail.