Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another nice day!

I could focus on the kids being brats at some points of my day but I seem to walk out of work and have a smile on my face. I'm not sure if it's because I'm leaving them to go to a quiet home where they will not be yelling, or because I forgot about all of the bad they did. Either way leaving work is nice :).

Today a mother was telling me how she wants to keep her son in the class and not move him up to the next class because he got a new teacher and her and the boy's father like me and so does their son... and I think my face must have gotten 3 shades darker red than a stop sign. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm already leaving. How hard it must be for a parent to be in their shoes. I still am going. I think that it's always hard for a parent. But, I need to do what I need to do! The kids will still have "Ms. Tiff" so it'll all work out in the end.

We went to the Lilac Festival today! The kids loved it. We went to the main stage and watched some high school bands play. The kids were all jumping and dancing and having a great time! HOW CUTE THEY WERE. All of the people walking by were like "Oh how adorable they are!!" And in the back of my head I'm thinking.. yea til they start telling you "NO!!!" when you tell them to do something, hit their friends, or spit when they're angry. Tell me they're cute then!

I bet people who were my teachers when I was that age thought someone thought the same thing about me. Oh well.

Well tomorrow we get visitors. I'm looking forward to it. Should be nice.

It's Kim's birthday today. One year closer to a dirt nap - congrats Kim! :-D haha

1 comment:

Kyle Wash said...

I'v never been to the lilac festival, I seem to be at work or something. Sounds like you and the kids had alot of fun!