Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy May Day... Yay sunshine today :)

Happy May Day everyone!
Not that you all celebrate it... but still :). I went to take the puppy and p-nut outside and I put on my winter coat and was pleasantly surprised with a warm sun. Yesterday was really foggy... especially for Rochester. It threw me off! So I was super happy to see the sun again today. It has been cloudy for a few days and I was ready for the sun to come out. The clouds are quite large so I think the sun will be coming in and out all day but I will take it!

We get to give the puppy back today, I think it's a good thing. He's starting to finally get along with p-nut but still. They play for like 2 minutes and then p-nut is all out of breath. Poor old dog... doesn't have it in her like the pup does! But she puts up a good "fight". They look like they are fighting at first but if you really watch they're playing around. The puppy loves to jump all over her back.

That's about it.
Enjoy the sun... if you have it where you are. (If not I'll enjoy it for you!)


Xtine said...

Okay.. I re-read that. Sorry... that was a lame post!

liam said...

its a post, dont worry. dont know what to make of today though. its cloudy and windy right now.