Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hot Hot Heat! :P

First I thought I'd share with everyone Sean and Will watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!
Sorry the picture isn't the best - but you all get the point :) Will came over last night for a little taco night :) They were SOOOO good! Sean did a super duper awesome job. (lol)

Man is it HOT here! I tried to take The Nut for a walk down by the river and I had to carry her back from the river because she was too hot and just kept laying in the shade and looking at me. Poor thing - she's just trying to deal with this heat. Funny - a Cali dog can't handle the heat! HA!! Well - most of you just don't realize how cold it is, especially in Pacifica.
Anyway - I'm back to working my normal job. Overall I like it. There's this girl I work with and I have this feeling that she doesn't like me. I'm trying to figure her out. She's so much more friendly to my co-workers than she is to me. I've never really had this happen like this before. She's a very normal person - well maybe not. but oh well. I'm not losing sleep or crying over it! :)

Wedding plans are coming along nicely. Hope everyone has September 17th set aside - PAR---TAYYYY!
The cake and wedding music are the only big to-do's left. Can't wait til I say "I'm finished!!!" It'll be fun though - unless a certain someone doesn't show up...but I have faith he won't disappoint me - he's stuck with me for GOOD! ;)

That's about all that's going on for now. How's everyone else doing?


Kyle Wash said...

Even Charlie is lying aorun dall the time with the heat. I think he has found the two coolest parts in this apartment. One being the floor in the bathroom, and teh other is on the coffee table in teh living room in front of the fans.

Xtine said...

P-nut prefers the bathroom floor... and while she's in there she'll proceed to mess up the two carpets too! It looks like a mini-tornado tore through there!

Sean said...

Stuck with you for good? I don't know if I'd put it that way!!