Sunday, July 31, 2005

The weekend is almost over!!

It feels like this weekend was nice and long - which makes me very very happy! I've really had a good time. Friday we all got a little carried away with the drinking - Kelly and Will were trashed at like 8 at night! That was funny watching Will stumble down the stairs! Then Kelly rode the bull at Daisy Dukes. It was just crazy!... in a good way.
Yesterday was fun too. I spent a whole 3 hours on straightening my hair and then after 3 hours when it was only half way done I decided to quit and sprayed water all over my hair and it instantly went back curly. Ugh. Oh well. I went to a bachelorette party with Kelly and that was fun too! Soho East... where all of the bad dancers go! Oh my gosh - seriously bad dancers! It was fun to watch though. Then the drama that some of the girls brought along was funny to watch too! Kelly, maybe this is why you don't have a lot of friends that are girls - if that was what I hung out with all of the time I think I'd never be around them - I just can't associate with that. But they were alright. The drama could have been left out of the night and I wouldn't have cared. Oh - and what was up with those guys at Soho East? There were all of these guys dressed up like they were from the late 70's early 80's! Strange.
And then there's today - it's beautiful and sunny... AGAIN! I think it's basically been sunny every day for a few months. Let's hope that this weather carries over into the middle of September! Keep your fingers crossed.
That's all for now.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!


Xtine said...

Soho East is down by East ave and Alexander. It's where the old Tonic bar used to be... right above Roc City Hots.

liam said...

im even more thaankful i didnt meet out with you guys last night!

Sean said...

Last night was fun too.