Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My new toy!

So the coolest feature on this is laptop that I got today from work is that if u look just above where it says IBM ThinkPad there is a little fingerprint scanning device. I recorded my fingerprint on it and instead of signing in with a password I use my finger! It's insane. Needless to say we're not complaining. We get to sit on the couch, play online and relax!

This is my first ever laptop (it's not really mine, it's the company's... but same difference) and I am loving this more than I can express. It is such a crazy new experience for me.

Besides this, I'm getting used to work. It's very different than what I have been doing for the past few years so there will be a period of time where I'm still getting used to it. I like the people there. They pick on each other. I work in the office with the executives/sales people and it's a small office of about 10 people compared to our office down in Atlanta with 50. Good times.

Everyone getting psyched for Christmas? I love this time of year. It helps us remind ourselves that there is so much to be thankful. Love you all!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Just in time for the holidays I'll be officially employed again next week and I am so very excited! It'll be nice to get my brain working again. I think it will be difficult at first, which is probably the most exciting part of it all. I am hoping to come home exhausted mentally.

I've learned a lot from these past few weeks. Sometimes I think people doubt others when they do life changing and career changing things. It wasn't easy to put myself out there and find places that were willing to look past the fact that I took a detour for a few years working with kids with Autism. It was so rewarding and taught me so much about how everyone learns at different paces and in different ways. The the key is EVERYONE can learn.

Another thing that is really positive that I wanted to share is that there ARE jobs in Rochester. There are jobs that pay good money in Rochester. And there are more than a few of these jobs. My dad told me the other night that the northeast is going through a rough time right now. A lot of people are moving south, leaving less good workers in the northeast. According to my dad, it is really difficult to find people that are hard working that want to GO to work on a daily basis. He finds people that say "I can only work "x" amount of days a week" or people that come to work drunk or just don't show up and don't care about the consequences. He said it is a great time for people with a good head on their shoulders to find a job. In my experience, he is right. I found plenty of places looking for someone and I had a few interviews right away!

So I think that was a huge rant, but oh well.

The bottom line is that if you want to do something- it doesn't matter what it is... put your mind to it and you can make it happen :)
That's all the optimism I have for one day :-D

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's snowing in Rochester :)


So it's been a while since I've posted anything. Sean has been putting up his amazing pictures and I just don't have anything that exciting to put up. Maybe i'll put up some stuff soon..
hannah - it's snowing more!!!

alright going to go shower for my day and maybe do something productive.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hi Rochester!

We'rreeeeeee baaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk! :)

Friday, November 10, 2006


What's up with everyone? I haven't been on this for a while. I've been so busy with work and with Sean that I haven't been on here in what seems like forever. How are you all handling the cold weather? It's supposed to drop down to about 30 tonight. BRRRRR! Anyway, thought I'd share with ya'll a beautiful picture of us when we visited. miss you all! Hannah - wish you were there!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Big Picture Rochester

Check Big Picture Rochester out!

I think Sean might have linked this before on his blog. I came across it from this site online and thought you'd all enjoy seeing what Rochester is doing. :)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Moby's newest video... Hannah this is for you! :)

I have to admit that Moby breakdancing is pretty cool... don't you agree? His videos are always weird or silly. Gotta love New York!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006

Less than 24 hours...

Ok. So It's 1am my time. My flight leaves in 5 hours! I should sooooo be asleep. Can't wait to see you all. :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The countdown... :)

2 more days!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Shut down!

So I had a funny thing happen to me last night. We went out to this bar in the yuppie city of Burlingame. We had a pretty good time. Towards the end of the night there was this guy that was playing pool and it was his last ball he had to get in to win - or something like that. I wasn't paying attention to him or his game. I have a hot hubby that keeps me occupied :)... anyways this guy asks me to come over to him. I go over thinking he had a questions... I don't freakin' know. Anyways he puts his arm around me and asks me for a kiss for good luck. I kindly remove his arm and then tell him that maybe he should ask my husband. LOL! I embarrassed him and it was fun.
Shut down baby! :)

So yea now Sean and I are feeling the pain of drinking and having fun. I think it was the three shots that we had... along with the beer. So yea we are both hungover. Sean just showered and it's only 8pm! :) We are going to finally eat dinner.

Less than a week!!! Can't wait to see you all :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Finished - finally!

Since the beginning of the summer I have decided that I should read more. I love to educate myself and I miss being in a school setting where i am constantly being tested. (This is crazy to me because I never cared enough when I was actually IN school... oh well.) So tonight I finally finished the Da Vinci Code. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie now that I have finally finished the book. I have to say it was a long book but it kept my attention the entire time. I think I might be one of the last people on earth to actually read it and definately one of the last to see the movie - but I don't mind finishing last! :)

Anyway, I suggest it to anyone who has not yet read it. Unless you're a fast reader, prepare to spend a lot of time on this book... for me I'm a slow reader so it takes forever to get through books.

Alright - enough dorkiness for one evening.

10 days and counting...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I love tomatoes!

This is something I thought I'd never say. I really do love having tomatoes in our back yard. Today I am attempting to make a homemade soup. I didn't follow a recipe so who knows how it will turn out... It includes:

Lentils, leeks, tomatoes (of course!), potatoes, carrots and celery.

Who knows how it will turn out but I guess I will never know unless I try. So that's my main attempt of the day. I will let you all know how aweful/good it tastes! Happy Thursday to all! :)

15 days and counting... :) can't wait to see you guys!

Monday, October 02, 2006

This is a really cool video :)

More baking... (in a way)

So yesterday I continued with my baking/cooking/etc. spree. Briana and I made Old Fashioned Hard Candy. Anyone ever make that when you were young? You cook it on the stove and then pour it on a cookie sheet and as soon as it starts to cool you use scissors to cut it into pieces and toss it in confectioners sugar so they don't stick to eachother. It's fun and the result is delicious. I found the recipe online at It's a great place to find recipes. That's where I got the cheesecake recipe.

...note to the wise. If you DO make cheesecake and they suggest that you leave the cheesecake in the oven to slowly cool down, DO IT! Otherwise the cheesecake will crack and look ugly. No worries though - it will still taste delicious no matter what! :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

He did say for better or for worse.. RIGHT?!?!?!? :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I made some snickerdoodles today... along with a cheesecake. Been busy in the kitchen. Sean will have to let you know if I succeeded. I tried one of the cookies and they taste pretty good to me! :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

For Kim...

So we don't have any pictures online of us so I put together a slideshow from old pics i have of us and some friends/family...

RockYou slideshow

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Art of Poi...

Ok. So none of you have heard of poi... YET. Well maybe you have. But it's my new thing. I'm going to learn everything I can about it. Check out this video. Poi is what you use to do fire dancing. I'm going to learn it... eventually! Thinking of taking a class that is offered in Oakland. :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sean and Will have arrived!

I just wanted the world to know that I am so excited. Sean is here! (Will is too :))
Good times. Let the unpacking begin!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Free fun... even when it's not completely free... is AWESOME!

"DUDE... what's mine say?"
"SWEET!!!...what's mine say?"
"DUDE... what's mine say?"
"SWEET!!!...what's mine say?"


Anyone else out there think that is hilarious?? Know where that comes from? Sorry - but I think that might be one of the funnies stupid movies EVER! LOL Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Anyway, Marisa, me and Pam (my boss) went to the Elbo Room in the mission district in downtown sf. Man that place is so freakin' rockin. This band called "Nobody from Impanea" played. It was brazilian pop kindof music with some twist to it. It was faaabulous! We danced the night away, tried this Brazilian Rum that tasted like taquila... got a little tipsy (remember I don't really drink anymore so one to two makes me pretty tipsy)... and just had so much fun. Thus the title of this blog.

The marisa and I decided we needed a little bit of grease.... aka food... from nations so we weren't driving on an empty stomach. We got there and rhymed for a bit... because I told her that Nations has PIES AND FRIES! Good old fashioned FREE FUN is what we had. And to make it the best ever time the person taking our order said HI to us without knowing our rhyme game.

Alright so I'm sure I've lost you all by now but I just wish everyone could have come with tonight. The Elbo room is an awesome little bar that is my favorite until I find something that can compete. Miss you all and wish you coulda danced the night away with us!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Free fun in camptonville... and sac-town too!

I spent last week from Sunday through Friday with Marisa going up to and hanging out at the house in Camptonville while Briana was at a summer camp. The break was just absolutely wonderful. I read a lot, I slept a lot and I spent a lot of time in the sun!!! Some funny things happened along the way. I only have pictures up through our first full day because I was sitting on a rock with Marisa, just drying off before we hiked back out of the area we were and back down to the house for dinner, when I opened up my camera to take a picture or two of the beautiful area that was completely ours for the time being (the whole time we were there there was no sight of other people - it was great) and I wanted to capture that and two of my four RECHARGABLE batteries come rolling out and roll down the rock so fast and fall into the deep dark water. I was sooooo sad! So needless to say my camera is out of commission until I go get more. Sad. Very sad.

Then the same night I go to make Baba Ghanoush.... yea I shouldn't have done anything more after the battery incident.... I had it all blended and it looked beautiful. I unscrewed the blender. Do you know that you're not supposed to UNSCREW the blender??? Anyone know what happens? Yea - my baba went all over the blender and onto the counter and marisa and I tried to salvage what we could. Sad. Very sad.

But those were the only two sad occasions - oh yea and Marisa smashed her finger tring to lift very heavy rocks underwater. That too was sad. I hope her finger is better now - it was pretty bruised!

So enjoy the pictures. i will do my normal explaining and ignore that part if you don't care!

This is in Sacramento, CA. We decided to stop and see what this city was all about. It has a beautiful capitol building where Ahhhnold's office is. There is a huge garden that is behind it. We walked around for a while. You should have seen all of the orange trees. And the oranges were bad. That was also very sad. I wanted to eat one but they were hollow inside so I thought i better not try one!

ever seen people do this and want to? Next time try it... it's fun! Marisa and I had a blast - it was all her idea (a great one too!)

This was in the garden behind the capitol building.

I loved the way the floors looked so I tried to play with them in some pictures. we got some cool pictures of us too - but I'm waiting for Marisa to give me them then I'll post a few!

This is on the way to the epic swimming hole.. also known as strawberry and mushroom hole (because of the shape of the rocks). This is a premium place to spot mountain lions - but I've never seen one there.

Marisa on her way to see the beautiful epic hole!

Monday, August 14, 2006

I'm baaacck!... for a little while

So I think this next week or the week after I will be back up north for a week or two again! Yahoooo! This time maybe Sean will get to experience some of the beauty of old gold country. Marisa and I went up there for this past week and got some awesome pictures. Good times. anyway I will post my pictures soon... just waiting for marisa to give them to me!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Work is such a chore :)

So today I am going to pick up Briana and we're going into the city. The band Bat Makumba, which I saw with Sean and loved, is playing for FREE in Union Square tonight and I am taking Briana, her sister and mom. It will be awesome. It's a free concert which makes it even BETTER!!!!!!!! Plus it's right by the cheesecake factory............ maybe just maybe we'll go there for desert! I'd love that. Or maybe I'll go get some cheesecake and eat it while I watch Bat Makumba. Oh what a rough life. Anyone feel bad for me yet??? ;)
Miss you all!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My long and beautiful weekend....

Life has been beautiful and tiring all in one this past weekend. I hiked at total of maybe 12 miles in two days. The first day we hiked a trail that took us to a beautiful bend in the South Yuba river. Upon arrival to the water we only encountered ONE person! This older guy mining for gold (for fun). He showed us a few pieces he found. Pretty interesting. The water was so clean and clear.

On the way out I tripped when I was trying to slow down from running down a hill and banged up my left leg a little ... nothing that was too much to talk about but my leg was sore the next day...

These are pictures from my hike I did yesterday, Monday. Keep in mind that I was hungover from TWO beers... (I don't really drink anymore so I have NO tolerance) So imagine waking up the next day with a hangover headache. Excederine didn't help and neither did two cups of coffee... So I hiked up to over 8000 feet feeling this way. My own fault! But the view was worth it. These are the Sierra Buttes. It's an amazing sight. I'd definately do that hike again someday, next time I won't drink the night before.

This is the sign right before you climb to the tower on the highest point of the buttes.

Here you can see just how small the tower is.

See the tower now???

A view from the top. It was VERY windy and cold at the top... about 60 degrees.

I did it!!! I was feeling a little vertigo on top. I felt like the wind was going to pick me up and throw me into one of the small pockets of snow in some crevace where I'd freeze to death on the mountain!

This is on our decent - not too far from the top. I was still cold!

A view of lakes half way down the trail.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Maybe I am on Mars...

Okay I'm having a bit of a hard time soaking up all of this information. Myspace is a great thing, don't get me wrong - but I've come to realize some things about people I graduated with and it just is weird. I think 99% of the people that graduated in my class are married. Many of them still live in Jamestown - if not they moved to Florida. Why, I can't figure that out... I'd never move there... (no offense to Amanda) They are guarenteed hurricanes EVERY year. At least here I am not guarenteed to have an earthquake that will tear my house off of the ground!
I don't know. So anyways. The weirdest part is every one that is married and in Jamestown all but a very select few have kids! Is that how it works? Make babies and be merry?

I don't know. I'm just so confused. What happened to enjoy the marriage - get that going good. Enjoy being together without distractions... P-nut is enough for me! And they all own houses! I guess for me it's just so freakin' impossible that I can't fathom buying a house. Yea - $600,000 later I can own my own outhouse on a property! :P Not really, but anyways - everyone has houses... but then again you can afford one for about $75,000 there... makes a big difference!

Anyways I'm just really bothered. I feel so different than any of them - like i'm not sure I can understand where they are in life because it is so foreign to me. I feel like there's nothing better to do so that's what they do - make babies! I guess when I was sitting graduating with them all I didnt' realize how different my life would be than theirs. I don't want their lives or anything - I love my own, thank you... I guess I just don't get what led them down their path. I can't imagine graduating from high school and thinking, "Wow! This town is meant for me. I'm going to find me a husband and get busy! Then i'm going to stay home and just cook and clean and hang out with all my friends who have babies."
Now that doesn't sound horrible - but it's just so different than where I am. Anyone else have this to deal with?

I feel like I am on a different planet or something.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


So I spent last weekend up north, again :)... seems to be the way weekends are in the summer. I love it! So anyways here are some pictures to enjoy from my weekend. I have been taking less pictures since we go to the same places. All of these pictures are at Bullard's Bar. the water is about 10 feet lower than the first time we went on the water!!! Every day they let some of the water out at the dam so it is always different every time you go. So now there are beaches that were 10 feet below us a month ago. Strange huh???

This pictures is blurry but it shows you how high the jump rock is. I actually jumped on a few feet higher than this one - and I definately was scared out of my mind, but oh well - I did it!!! I figure I have to get down one way or another, I might as well make it quick and hopefully painless. They jumped individually - not safe to do it together.

This is the beach that we were on at Bullard's bar.

Another shot of the same beach

I took this shot and didn't realize that my cell is in the picture - but I like it there... even technology makes it way into the wilderness sometimes ;)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We're having a heat wave.... a tropical heat wave!

So California, as you all know, is SO freaking hot right now. It hasn't been this hot in 50 years. The death toll is going up. People and animals are dying because of lack of water... it's very sad.
I have been fine for the most part, in case anyone was worried! Although yesterday and the day before were pretty hot in my aunt and uncle's house. NO A/C!!! When the forcast says it will be 100-110... I think that warrants rushing to Walmart and buying a window unit... but they say "it'll be gone soon and then we won't need it anymore." Yea til next year gets hot again. But the truth is it is not normally this hot in the summer. 110 is unusually hot for the bay area. The fog normally keeps it relatively cool. Even Pacifica has been warm - which means it was perfect this past week.

We went back up north again this weekend. It was beautiful - big surprise! I swam the most I have in a very long time! Sometimes I was swimming and pulling Briana - so swimming for two is even more of workout! I see myself everyday so I haven't noticed - I wonder if Sean will see a difference when he gets here. Hopefully I look more buff. ;)

So you all heard probably - but I will say it again. WE ARE MOVING INTO A HOUSE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!??!!?


I'm stoked. Like totally stoked, baby! ;) Too bad you all can't come and help break it in with a proper party... beer pong would somehow have to be included. Anyways, life is good - hope all is well. 22 days til I see Sean (and counting).
Miss you all!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

This is Oregon Creek. It feeds into the middle yuba river where their house is... It's a bit cooler but amazing. If you could just drop from the swing into the water you'd be looking at a small waterfall which you can actually swim under. About 3 people could swim under and stay back there... it's a cool little cove. The rocks are huge and white in this swimming hole... but the ones underwater are green and slimey. It's a great place to sun because the rocks are nice and flat! You can get ahold of the swing and swing around and drop into the water too because it's deep! Beautiful. I guess more up stream there is a bigger waterfall but it's hard to hike to so we did not go there.

This is looking up Oregon Creek. The water up there is just so clean and beautiful!

This was at Purdon. There were schools of fish swimming really close to the surface by the beach so I tried to take a picture. It was so sunny that it was hard to get a good shot with my camera. The bottom right shadow is the fish and if you focus for a while I think you can make it out. It sorta blends in with the water.

This is another shot at Purdon swimming hole. Purdon is actually the name of the road you take to get to it - I'm not sure if that's the official name of the state park area... it's amazing. We actually hiked up about 20 minutes along the water on this trail and ended up at this amazing swimming hole - i didn't bring my camera (maybe next time!). There was a huge rock that we jumped off of (well, Kaila, John and I did at least... Pam wasn't in the mood and Briana is too busy being a mermaid in the water). The rock was about 30 feet at it's highest point. I jumped off the shorter part (about 26 feet) because I was too scared. It didn't hurt too bad... I'd do it again :)

Another shot at Purdon.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

One more picture...

Here are some pictures from my trip

This is a picture of Bullard's Bar. It's a beautiful lake with water as warm as a bath. It's my favorite place we've gone.

This is Briana on her rock. Her family's house property line goes out into the middle of the river.... it's so beautiful!

We generally would take the boat and tie ie to driftwood, a stone or a tree... whatever we could find, when on Bullard's bar. If we couldn't find anything sometimes we'd just let the boat just sit and float - we could always swim to it anyways :)

This is Lake Tahoe. We went there for the 4th of July. We took the boat on the lake and saw the fireworks at King's bay. It was a pretty awesome display of fire in the sky!

...more Bullard's bar. I DID say it was my favorite - didn't I?!?!?!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

To Camptonville I go!

So I am leaving now, going up north for about 2 weeks, I think. I will think of all of you. when you're out having a good time make sure to call me - i will be up :) I will take lots of beautiful pictures and be sure to share them with you when I get back from my adventure working with Briana in the Sierra Nevada mts! Love and miss you all!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New York New York, here I come!

So tomorrow I will be up at the crack of dawn and on my 12 hour journey to get to nyc. I'm really looking forward to it and can't wait to see Sean mostly. So my blog will be quiet for the next 4 days. I hope everyone has a great weekend!! :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This past weekend I went up to Camptoniville, CA. It's just north of Lake Tahoe in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mt range. I found these pictures on-line to share with everyone a glimpse of what I got to see this weekend. There are supposedly mountain lions and rattle snakes out that way - but the only thing I saw was something that looked like a scorpian near the river. The house I stayed at is on the Middle Yuba River. There are loads of swimming holes along the river and it's about 5 miles from a very long lake that flows into a river. The water was so clean and clear! It was the most beautiful green-blue color. It reminded me of the sea when I was in Nice, France. Pretty much it is up in gold country where all of the mining took place during the gold rush. Lots of history up there. I can't imagine people living there year round though - they get the most snow out of anywhere in the country... even more than Buffalo NY! :) :P

These are both pictures of the Yuba river... this was pretty much at the bottom of the family's property. I spent a bit of time sitting near it.

Well only a few more days here and then I'm off on a plane to see Sean - I am getting so excited!!! The wedding will be SO much fun and to make it even better I get to see Sean so all will be great!!! :) 3 days... and counting!

Friday, June 09, 2006

The weekend is upon us!!

I can not believe that tomorrow if Friday. It feels like today is Tuesday so i'm all screwed up. Today we had a great day - had some delicious food made by the great mexican's in Pacifica. Anyone out this way should check it out. .. El Toro Loco. :)
One week til I get to see Sean!!! I am SO excited. It feels like I haven't seen him in a month - well, it will be 2 weeks..
Nothing else too strange going on... oh! The president of my class from high school contacted me and they are trying to plan a 10th year reunion for next summer... not so sure I care enough to go to something like that. What do ya'll think. I dunno - the only person I really would want to see is Amanda - and I could just skip all the drama and fake people who don't give a shit where I am in life anyways schmoozin'.
:P I don' think I'll end up going. It will probably just be the people that all stayed friends because they all got stuck in my hometown and never left!

So what's the plan for this weekend. Snuffy's anyone?!?!!? I'll be here... working and perhaps going to the line dancing place alone :( Oh well I'll just down a beer and dance the night away...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

San Francisco!

This was Kristen, Mike and my first time stepping on a Pacific Ocean beach our whole trip.. what fun it was. We had Taco Bell on the ocean and after Kristen and I got brave and put our feet in the cold ocean water. What fun.. FREE FUN :)

This is a picture of a flower.. it was taken near Santa Barbara, CA. This is the kind of flower you find a lot out here.. very different than back east.

Last but not least... the transamerica building. It makes for a beautiful touch to the San Francisco skyline. Miss you Kristen and Mike.. come back quick... Now I am just waiting patiently for my other half to get his butt out here.. then I will be complete again. Who will ever go to the country line dancing place... Yee Haw Seaner...

The Cannery

These were all taken at The Cannery... it is a building in the fisherman's wharf area. I loved the way the light was shining in and out of places so I took a few pictures.

City Lights

This is the awesome bookstore near the Garden of Eden... bar.. ummm place :) that we took Marisa to way back in the day.. good times