Sunday, December 30, 2007

Karma is a bitch!

So sometime either last night or today at the grocery store someone hit my car while it was parked. I'm pretty annoyed because now it's going to cost me money to fix something that I didn't even do!!! BASTARD! It's strange - I just went to look at my car because I was thinking that it needs to be washed, and I look in the back corner and there's a freaking DENT! I've only had it for like 3 months... I guess it's not longer 100% brand new looking. I'm just really annoyed. I think i'm going to park super far away from everyone from now on... lower my chances of it happening again.

So yea - I really hope that karma comes back and bites whoever hit my car in the freaking ass so hard they can't sit for days :P. What an asshole thing to do - hit and run.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Las Vegas

I'm back from Las Vegas. It was a wonderful week and a half and I was so sad to get on the plane yesterday. I miss the sunny skies and the mountains. I spent Sunday at Great Basin National Park. The second picture was taken from the park looking out. There wasn't enough time to get to the top of Mt. Wheeler, but it was beautiful. I went snow shoeing, had a camp fire and loved every moment of it. I miss it and wish I had more time to spend there.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


So tomorrow this time I'll be on the west coast. I'm looking forward to just getting on the plane. Between the getting ready for Christmas and just studying and now I have to pack... I'm just exhausted and looking forward to getting on the plane because I only have a test to worry about. Everything else will be done. THANK GOODNESS!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm getting sluggish on my countdown! I need an extra 5 hours in my day and more energy to stay awake. Last night coffee at 11pm was probably not the wisest choice I've ever made..... :)

Sunday, December 09, 2007



I'm off to PR2 again for the day... I have so much more studying that I want to get done this weekend! I wish it was still Saturday! :)

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Friday, December 07, 2007


The countdown continues.....

.... i'm SO tired! :)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The countdown begins

00000111 :) Got it????

Know what's funny? I taught Woody and Kristen how to count in binary today. FREE FUN!

Monday, December 03, 2007


Next Thursday I'm going to SUNNY Las Vegas for work! Yes, you heard that right... for WORK! What's that you say? Free fun??? :) Well - there is a price I'm paying - it's called studying 24-7 until then and a week of classes... but I'm learning some pretty valuable information so I'm not complaining. I'm not excited or anything ;)

I want the moon, please!

I went to see Rachel, who played Ginger the whore in Whorehouse with me, in the musical version of "It's a Wonderful Life" today with a few of my whores today. It was really nice to see a production... I really miss being on stage. (That could be interpreted in a few ways - I'll let you decide how to take it! ;)) Anyways, it was a really cute show and very clean-cut, unlike Whorehouse... although Rachel pushed the limit with her garter belt in one part and I loved it!!!

I just really liked the show and decided that I want the moon too... but don't we all. Actually - that seems like a bit much. I think I'd settle for something a little easier and more do-able. Plus - if I was going to choose something like the moon - I think I'd rather go for the sun - that's more like me... then I'd never be cold again. So yea - maybe the moon is a bit much. I'd say a star - but that seems like it'd be even more difficult than the moon.

Hmmm.... I'll get back to this one.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Phone free fun!

So I thought I'd share with anyone who actually reads my blog this awesome new free fun that I discovered. Actually - it costs at most $.25... which is very close to free so we'll consider it free fun. If you go to, you can sign up for a free account and after you do that, you can put songs on your phone. All you do is upload a song from your PC (keep in mind it can not be a song *purchased* from iTunes) and then select a segment of the song that you're going to use for a ringtone. After you do that, you save it to your Phonezoo account. From here there are two options... you can send it directly to your phone, or send it to your e-mail. If you have a Verizon phone, you can not send it directly to your phone. For some reason it does not work. If you send it to your e-mail, and then forward the mp3 file to your phone ( where xxxxxxxxxx is your phone number) it will arrive on your phone in about 10 minutes. From there you open the file, click on Options, Save as Ringtone... and voila! you've got a FREE RINGTONE that you created.

Maybe you like paying $2-3 for your ringtones... i don't really know. I personally don't want to pay anything for mine... which is why I didn't have any. Now I do...

Alright... enough free fun for one day. Hope all is well with everyone!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

PR squared

At U of R, "PR squared" (short for Periodical Reading Room) is this huge and beautiful room that I spent a lot of time at when I went to school there. Since I've got a lot of reading/studying to do - this is my new home away from home... At least it's cozy and warm! :) If I have to read - this is THE place to be reading. This was taken with my cell phone last night...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I would just like to say that the word resource, in my humble opinion, does not have the letter z in it and should never be pronounced with a "z" sound.

That's all for now.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


This was post on April of last year. I invented my own free fun in May... I'm very sad... THEY SAY FREE FUN! WTF?!?!?!


Kristen and I.... LOL!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I have PROOF that it snowed today! I'm not sure how I feel about it... i woke up hearing the snow (which was more like pellets than anything else) hitting the window. I really wish i was waking up to hot, sunny weather... maybe with mountains in the distance and an ocean.... haha - now i am dreaming... so anyways. Thumper actually went through last year's winter, but not with me - so it's our first winter together. She looks much better with the sunroof OPEN on a hot and sunny day. Happy Friday to all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The not so geek.... well maybe i am....

So until yesterday I never thought of myself as a "geek". I'd have to say - I'm not ummm.... normal??? But yea - so I am studying right now for this certification class that I'm going to take. I'm super worried about the test because I never do that great on them and I really want to kick ass on it. So almost every night I have been spending time reading my book, taking notes and really trying to digest this information. Last night I dreamt about the stuff I am studying! Ok.. NOW you can all officially call me a geek. I guess it's just really interesting to me and I'm loving it but man... I feel like such a dork.

On a much brighter note - I saw lightning today briefly and some sleet-like matter coming from the sky. It was very interesting.

That's all the excitement from my little corner.... happy Thursday to all!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Weekend

So this weekend was nice and relaxing. I went down to see the fam and actually got to spend some time with Megan. I hadn't seen her in YEARS! It would have been better if we weren't in the chillin' in the hospital, but that's where she was all day (waiting for her sister to get released). So.... cest la vie. Kim and I had a nice time too. She straightened my hair and then CUT IT!!! I know - gasp for air, she cut my hair. I can't believe I let her do it. She did a great job and I'm not complaining, but it's still a surprise. If you'd asked me 5 years ago if I would ever let anyone but a hair dresser cut my hair, you'd hear me scream "hell no!" So she didn't really cut that much, it was more of a snip snip sort of deal. At any rate, it was free fun, so I can't complain.

Nothing else too exciting. Hope all is well with with everyone on all corners of the earth :).

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hamlin Beach

These are not the best images, but keep in mind that they were taken with my cell phone. I have never been to Hamlin Beach the entire time I've lived in Rochester and today I decided to go for a drive. It was little chilly, but it was so nice to be near a large body of water and walk on sand. :) I really liked it there. I even spent some time on the swings they had there. It's rare to find swing sets these days... they're too dangerous for kids, you know! :P So it was a nice and relaxing time. Hope all is well with everyone!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pictures galore

So I am taking a bunch of photos from facebook that I was tagged in and putting them online.... FINALLY! :) ENJOY!

Me, Diana, and LeahU of R Class of 2002 reunion - Us 4 girls went down to Daytona for our senior year break... it was WAY too much fun... right ladies? :) It was totally free fun!

More alumni from Meliora weekend.

I miss you Briana!!!! This is Briana and I at the top of Mount Diablo. This was one of our last days together. I really miss her.

This was taken a month or so ago... Woody, Sean, Me, Dave, Chris and "T". We went to see the production called "The Fantasticks".... and yes - it was fantastic!

Sean took this this summer. We rode our bikes along the Genesee Riverway Trail. It was beautiful!
It was windy!!! :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Good things come to those who wait :)

Diana and Leah came to Rochacha for Meliora weekend at U of R. We definitely had a bunch of free fun... From amazing food and drinks at Max Chophouse, to dancing at Tilt and not getting to bed until 3:30 (and yes that was on a work night!!!), to crashing our class reunion party. Crashing the party was totally worth it. Diana and I just walked past the registration booth and pretended like it didn't exist. I only had 2 strawberries from the table - so it would have been a total waste to have paid the $20 for the dinner and $15 to register.

I also took Diana to the Genesee Riverway Trail. If it isn't called that - that's what I call it. It's this beautiful stretch of walkway that goes over the river. It's so beautiful and the leaves are starting to change color. We got some pretty decent pics and as soon as Diana gets a chance to upload them, then i'll get them too!!! I can't wait. Some of the trees around here are starting to have the burst of colors where the tops are bright red and the middle is yellow and the bottom is green. It's just really pretty. i tried really hard to capture the beauty of the fall colors that we were seeing.

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and today is supposed to be even nicer out!!! I wish yesterday was Saturday :P.

So that's all the update for now. As soon as I get pics, i'll share!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Well... I was digging through old photos, trying to find some good U of R pictures for Meliora Weekend coming up and I ran across these two pictures... one is to remind you all that I used to have long hair (and now I realize why you thought I was a little "crunchy-granola") and the other is to remind you all that I used to be cute!!! :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007


So I know this is so silly but I am SO excited and I had to share it with everyone. I got a new snowboard/bindings/boots today... snow country is closing and everything is on sale so I figured now was a good time... Above are the board pictures. The lighting does the board NO justice and the top of the board looks much cooler.... I just have to wait until daylight to get a good shot :)

So this is the binding closed....

And this is how you open the binding when you're on the slopes... you slide your foot right in! I know this probably sounds stupid but if you knew how much freakin time i used to spend sitting on the snow trying to get my bindings set....

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Dawn loves Coke!

I LOVE Summer

So I don't know about anyone else, but I am in love with this summer weather that we are being blessed with. Although I am sad that the grass is rather dry and not so green, the heat has been awesome. It's supposed be hot hot hot this week! I spent part of today at highland bowl soaking in some rays. It was amazing.
Hope everyone else is enjoying the beautiful weather. I'm going to upload some pictures from my musical that my dad took. I definitely miss it, but am happy to have my summer back! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Best Little Whorehouse in ROCHESTER :)

So this is from our final dress rehearsal. There are problems with the video- but you get to see an amazing choreographed dance, so it's worth it to sit back and enjoy! :)

Friday, June 22, 2007


Wow.. it's been 2 months and I haven't been on this to post.. i'm getting pretty bad! Things have kicked into high gear with the musical only 2 weeks away. Next week we start practicing on the stage that we're performing on. Until then, we've been using large rooms to learn the blocking and all that fun stuff.

I hope everyone else is enjoying this BEAUTIFUL summer weather!

Monday, April 02, 2007



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mark Your Calendars!!

As most of you know, I auditioned for this musical about 2 weeks ago on a whim. I heard about through a guy we know that is friends with the director. I figured I might as well try...

WELL!!! I got two parts and am really excited. It's a pretty cool musical and I hope everyone gets to come see it. There are 2 weekends in July to choose so hopefully this is giving everyone enough notice :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Snowboarding.. take 3!

So we did it again, and this time we convinced Kristen and Will to come along. I can speak for Sean, and myself... we had an awesome time. Will hurt himself a lot from falling, Woody kept practicing but hurt his wrist, and Kristen didn't like it.
All in all... it was an interesting evening!
I think I only fell a few times and Sean and I went at least 4 or 5 times down the mtn/hill. We took a different lift this time. I'm not as impressed with this lift. It throws you off of the lift. you'd think it'd be a little more gentle, but no! The first time we went up, Sean got a great view of Woody and I on our attempt at getting off of the lift. We both got thrown off of the lift and I fell onto Woody's snowboard. In case you don't know - snowboards are NOT very soft! On my right arm just above my armpit I have a pretty nasty black and blue bruise. The first night it was cute - part of it was in a heart shape. Then it just turned into a long ugly thing. Oh well. I'll still be going back for more!!! I think this next week we have to take a Saturday off, but after that, we'll be up on the mtn/hill trying to get even better :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I know it sounds crazy coming from me, but Sean and I have fallen in love with snowboarding! We went yesterday with Woody and had a great time. We plan to go again next Saturday... hope Will and Kristen come!!! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Now you can get your baby's SUPER SIZE too!!!

Imagine this happening...

"Honey, I think we should have child."

"Sure... can we get it super size?"


Well I guess down in Mexico this young 23 year old mom is proud of her new super size baby!!! (Not that they necessarily planned it, but I like to imagine they did... just because it sounds funny)

Super size baby takes over planet...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy sunday with two bluejays

I took P-nut out this afternoon and heard a peculiar sound... a bluejay! So after I got P-nut back inside I tried to get a few close-ups of the bird. Then I saw there were two! So I thought I'd share with you all these. They are not anything too special but I love blue birds... enjoy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Play with fire - and you MIGHT get burned...

So most of you know that I'm getting into fire dancing. It's my new hobby - when I have time for that. Between reading, learning to swing with my poi (that's what you use to do fire dancing), line dancing, friends, and most important... Sean :), it's amazing I have time for sleep!

So I went to go into my e-mail today and there was link that I thought you guys would enjoy...

Fire dancing article online..

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Frozen Outside!!!

So I was planning to go shopping today with Kristen. That isn't happening now. The roads seem fine, but my car is frozen shut and I don't feel like scraping it for a half hour. Plus I like to stay inside and stay warm when it gets like this. I took a few pictures to share with those who can't be here to see. I think Frozen trees are beautiful!

p.s. I have a flickr account too!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The "Ashley Treatment"

I think this is something that is really interesting. I can honestly say I do not know what I would do if this was me... but I understand both sides. Having experience with children and adults with developmental disabilities has really shown me a lot. Take some time to read about Ashley's story.

I'm interested to hear other people's opinion. I'll give more of an opinion once you read this!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sean gets silly..

This is Sean on New Years after many Martini's...