Thursday, March 31, 2005


So with my second half of my post I have good news. My interview yesterday was awesome... despite me being up for almost 24 hours when i had the interview and having worked a 9 hour shift right before the interview.. I did great! I should hear back from the director today. If not today I'm guessing tomorrow. She's probably going to say they would like to offer me the job. LETS HOPE SO!! I just want to quit my job right now. Today we had a meeting at work and all the admin people from the office were there (i didn't dress up either! LOL I looked like such a goof and I didn't care)... no one told me about this. Anyway, they made us a really good breakfast and just introduced themselves to us. It was interesting. Got out a little early. That's about it. Just waiting to get a phone call and go to work. Have a nice day!


Today is so emotional for me and I thought this was the best way to just let it all out. To start with the good or bad... nothing seems to matter I guess either way. What is done is done.
Terri Shiavo is dead. Nothing anyone says or does will change that. Her parents tried for their last appeal last night... her 12th day of starvation. Where is the justification for starving someone. And on the news I heard that her jerk of a husband had refused her own parents, the people responsible for bringing her INTO this world could not be there when she was LEAVING it. AND he said he was playing music and had flowers around her during her last hours alive. Now let me inform you that this is the SAME man who was taking the feeding tube out because he said that she had no sense of anything anymore. So why play music if she can't hear.. why give her flowers if she can't smell? WHY the heck would he do that?? Oh, yea because she is a human being who DOES have her senses and should NOT have died. Who in their RIGHT mind would have someone on a feeding tube for 15 years and then say "Oh, by the way... Terri didn't want to live if she was like this, so I'm just going to starve her to death." AND if your wife/husband/loved one was in a coma or not speaking for 15 years and when you DID pull out their feeding tube, they say "I WANT TO LIVE" Do you put it back in? If you are a human and know that you are not God and don't make these decisions for others... you'd put it back in. The woman doesn't talk and she SAYS she wants to live. How can he get away with murder?

Did you know that in the Nazi concentration camps they played music and had bands come into the camps and play WHILE they were dying? AND Terri's maiden name is Schindler. I know it's a huge coincidence, but damn!

So I'm just really upset today that Terri died. Granted, she's gone to a much better place where she is no longer confined by her physical body.... but was that her husband's decision? I do not think so. We have Dr. Kevorkian being sentenced to jail time and the judicial system so unfairly holds her own blood from giving her the life that she deserves. Where is the justice. It's all gone. Probably was never there - I've decided.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Cloudy day, no call, it's okay

So it's not sunny today, nor do I recall yesterday having sun. Please correct me if I am wrong :)

Still no call from the school. Keep your fingers crossed... they want me, they really do. My hopes are still high but not as high as they were last Wednesday. It's been over a week. Will SOMEONE from that school please fill me in? Waiting is the worst.

Today I got an email from Christopher's mom and I had to post his picture. Isn't he adorable? This was the last day that we spent together. I had his parents take us to a skating rink and he did so awesome. It was only his second time ever skating and he was going by himself. Just had to share this moment with the rest of the world :) I miss the kids.

Christopher and me skating

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Look out ladies!! Alexander has THAT look... he'll seduce you with his eyes.

Alexander.. doesn't he look happy to be in his jumper??

New Digital Camera

Well.. it's new to Sean and me, and that's what counts. Kyle gave us his old (not really that old) digital camera and we went nuts tonight. We tried to take some pictures of the skyline at night but it didn't turn out. Sean took some great pictures but you'll have to look at his blog to check them out. Thanks again Kyle.... and thanks to Mr. W :) too! Look out Rochacha... We're armed and dangerous!!!

Who is this adorable couple??

Sean with the AWESOME digital camera Kyle gave us!!!

Kyle and I look so stupid I had to put it on my blog :-D

Mmmmm tasty! P-nut looks like something must be tasting pretty good

Monday, March 21, 2005

Moby's CD cover :)

Briana and I on the trampoline... jumping while the sun sets into the Pacific

Briana by the Pacific

The lovely Briana

Kaila and Marisa

Moby Moby Moby, oh and it's sunny today...

Okay so I haven't been looking for info on Moby lately but I found out that his newest Album is coming out TOMORROW!! it's called Hotel and I can't listen to any of it until I buy it because he doesn't have excerpts that I can find on his website.

SECONDLY.. Moby is doing some book signing cause he has a book coming out on the 24th and HE IS GOING TO BE IN SAN MATEO - WTF!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Go figure that once I leave, Moby comes to San Francisco. He'll be at Hillsdale Mall - well the Barnes & Noble across the street. Again, WTF?!?!?!

THIRDLY, he's touring and going to be playing at the Warfield in SF... Gosh that sucks. He'll be playing in April on the 20th in NYC but I know it's just not going to happen. I'm so bummed. He's playing in Toronto but I believe it's on a Thursday or something that would be hard for us to make it.

Boo Hoo!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Coping with a lot of feelings tonight... oh.. and it was sunny today!

Tonight has been a huge conglomeration of feelings... and I thought just letting them all out is the best therapy. I really felt like crap like after going dress shopping with the girls, which went pretty good considering we only had about 15 minutes when we stepped in the door til they were closed.
So then I had a headache for a good portoin the night. Got to meet Christo and Ellen's dog... his name is Buster and he's really cute. He loves to play with P-Nut and P-Nut loves to pretend she's protective of her environment. They're going to be good friends, just give it time!!!
So I tried to go out with the guys but it just didn't work. One sip of beer and the neon lights got to me so they brought me home. I love you Blue!!! :)

I spoke to Mika tonight. It was great to catch up with her. Whenever I speak to someone back in Cali I just get all sad. I never thought it'd get to me like this. I've moved around enough in life and met so many people that I had to say good-bye too. What's the problem? Marisa sent me this adorable picture of her and Kaila and it just makes me smile. I miss them all so much. I wish I could go visit them soon. Even if it was just for an hour, I'd do it. Just to hug them all again. once more... Gosh I feel so pathetic. Oh well. So I'm posting the pictures as a little "I miss you guys" tribute. Aren't they SO cute??!?!?!?! Miss you all more than you know :(

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Short and sweet entry...

Okay. gotta go to bed. 7 hours til I work AGAIN and I jus got hom. WTF. I saw the sun for like a second today but in all honesty it was just loads of clouds and a little blue sky. So in all fairness today was the first gray day I've seen in a while. There you go Rochacha... you proved me wrong!!! haha. Tomorrow I'll see the sun again, I'm sure.

Work sucked. What's new. 10-12 pm was alright. Me and my co-worker "S" had a good talk. She's actually much cooler than I thought. I have learned not to judge so quick. The ones I thought were cool... yea they're bitches and I really could care less to see them. Anyways, it was nice to come home to Maverick but I have to go to bed now and that sucks. Tomorrow I'm probably going bridesmaid dress shopping and that makes me super happy. We need to get them ordered. That's all.

Good night.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Men who are baby killers and the sort...

So tonight was a good night. "Maverick" and I went to Snuffy's expecting to see Mike and had a beer just the same. Then when we arrived home we got a call from "Styles" and we went and met them out. After we were out we met Mike and his girl at this restaurant where this drunk from like the vietnam war or something saying he's a baby killer. Not cool. Then Styles' friend got upset and they argued. It was an interesting night out. Maverick and I tried a new garbage plate. Good times. Good night :)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sunny weather, I feel better (oooh that rhymes!)

So today is sunny - yay. :)

My interview yesterday definately raised my spirits. I got there almost late. I woke up at 12:30 and had to be there at 1. I took the worlds fastest shower (if you can call it one) - and yes I did turn the water on :). I think it went great. I'm pretty sure I'll get a call by the end of the week with the director asking me to come in for the 4th interview (which means I'm hired, I believe). At the 1st interview she said the fourth interview is to meet the pastor of the church that the school is in. She had said that it basically means you have the job but the pastor wants to meet the person who will be teaching in the church. Fine with me!! Just hand over the job :) So say a little prayer for me, if you pray that is. I have a good feeling about all of this... plus after yesterday I need it for my sanity. I need to be done at my job. No more of this crap.Anyway, I'm looking forward to the phone ringing and it being them. That's all for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Toe nails... who needs toe nails?? (and did I mention the sun is out?)

So I need to get to sleep... 2 hours til I have to get up and get ready to kick butt at this third interview but I need to vent.

My morning went great until 6am. Then it SUCKED more than any other day I've worked at this place. First of all this woman has these special stocking like socks that are open toed... like they go past her toes and up to her knees to help with the circulation in her feet. They are so freakin' tight that you have to pull with all of your might to get the freaking things on right. So in the midst of me doing this I did something horrible. I didn't know until I went to put her shoe on and she said "uh uh" and had this aweful face. Then I look at her sock which is BLEEDING and I freak out. I try to calmly tell her I'll be right back and I go tell the girl on meds that her TOES IS BLEEDING. I UNINTENTIALLY started to tear her toe nail off when putting the stupid stockings on. Then the staff bitch has the nerve to say "we'll have to have someone work with you next time and figure out a better way to put the stocking on so her nail doesn't fall off." Man, I almost lost my nerve - and that never happens. I've heard other staff say they don't like her because of the way she talks to them ,now I understand. I'm thinking of telling the manager how I feel because I'm so pissed off right now. I wanted to leave work right then.
To make matters worse I had asked the med girl what she was doing and said I'd take over what she was doing because I didn't know if she'd have to call a dr. or take this poor resident to the hospital because I tore her nail off.... So she said if I wanted to take over with another woman resident that would be fine. The bath tub was filled with water. So I assumed that she was to take a bath. It wasn't made clear. She normally takes a bath at night but I thought maybe she didn't get to last night. So I put her in the bath. I then find out that the bath water was for another resident (the one I was working with next) and she was pissed off when she couldn't get into that bathroom because they had to rinse off the resident I put into the tub that wasn't supposed to be in the tub. AND that resident got her knee wet, which isn't supposed to ever happen. UGH.
THEN the pissed off resident whose bath I ruined wouldn't go into the other bathroom. Then when she got in there she refused to use that bathtub. She calls it the pool and the other tub the hot. She said she wanted the hot and no pool. THEN she proceeds to try to hit me and spits on me a gazillion times while I put her in the tub. THEN when I go to get a washcloth she sucks up bathwater and starts spitting it all around the room. Then when we get done with that and I take her into her room and get her all dressed and to the med room to get her meds the one that I ripped her toenail.. yea she has to go to the bathroom. REAL BAD. And the lift that she needs, yea it's being used. And she gives me a not so pleasant face when I tell her she has to wait. Turns out she had to take a crap - I guess I can kinda understand. But I have told her before not to wait til it's 100% dire that she go RIGHT THEN... she's in a wheelchair, we can't lift her she needs this special lift that other's use in the house and it takes time to lift her up, move her to her bed, pull the pants down, lift her back up, lift her into the b athroom chair, bring her to the bathroom. It's always like this. So she goes into the bathroom. And then the bitch that is running meds tells me I need to make sure I do not leave dirty clothes behind in the bathroom. LIKE I FREAKIN' MEANT TO. I was BUSY! I told her that I didn't mean to leave them but that I didn't have the chance yet. Whatever. I can't wait to leave this job. I have no bad feelings about quitting soon. It needs to happen. I'm pissed off right now. Not a good feeling.

So now I am going to sleep for an hour and 45 minutes.. then I get ready for my interview. Hope my nap takes my anger away.


:) ahh I feel a little better now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

More sun and interview #3!

Okay. Toay is beautiful outside. Yes, it is 30 outside, but my car was warm on the inside from the beautiful sun!! YAY for the sun. I am not counting, but it's been sunny every day for several days now. Not bad at all.

Today kinda blew so far. I'm looking forward to seeing Sean. The meeting at work was 2 hours. 10-12 noon. That sucked. They spend so much time talking about nothing. I just feel like it is the biggest waste of time. It's every 2 weeks too. COMMON PEOPLE! Too much meeting time... it's just because managers do meetings. :P.

After the meeting I spent some quality time with Liz. That was fun. :) Good times. Plus P-nut had a friend visit today - we brought Zoey over to play. P-nut went CRAZY.

Then I brought liz home and in 20 minutes Sean will be home from work (I hope). Then church, then bed til 11, then work midnight to 8am.... then probably bed again for a few hours. Then my third interview for the pre-k teacher position.
I have a good feeling about this. This time I'm meeting with the executive director or something like that. Yahooooooooo. :)
So that's that.... Good night, hello, good night, hello etc. Can't wait til I have a normal schedule.

Oh.. the nasty blood is gone. YAY! Still have the raspy voice though :\ such is life

ciao ciao

Monday, March 14, 2005

I see sun! ...and me complaining about my stupid nose

So I see the sun again today. I actually woke up before Sean today because the bright red sun was glaring into the apartment. It was quite a sight!

So now onto me complaining. Really - it's just for me to complain. You might as well not even read this part... it's a little gross.. I just am so frustrated! So when we lived with Liz I got a stupid bloody nose again that kinda bugged me out. After that last big ordeal where Renee had to hook me up with a nose doctor that cautorized my nose for free(!!!), I have been super cautious about the whole nose thing. I just always have this crap happen when I don't have insurance. (actually I don't have insurance a lot so I guess the chances are high) So anyway, yesterday my voice started to sound like crap. Today it is a little worse. It sounds like lyrngitis or however you spell it. I even had hot tea last night to help with my throat. I've been taking DayQuil religiously (3 times in a row at the right time) which is apparently hard for me. This morning I woke up and don't really feel like it's done anything to help. It might have actually made me worse! Now I have a bloody nose and when I cough up phlegm, blood will come up too! So now I'm coughing up blood. What started as a little tiny cold that I was not really worried about turns into this! At least I do not have to work until Wednesday afternoon!! UGH. So I'm just kindof frustrated. Plus the nose spray stuff that I use - it's with Sean so I can't get it til he gets out of work. Go figure once it leaves my side THEN I need it. Sometimes I just wish so badly that I could have better luck with my health. I don't understand why me.. what have I done to deserve this.
Now I don't think I can take DayQuil again because it makes my nose bleed. I need a new nose.
That's all.

New Job interview and the sun

So my interview went really well. I went in thinking I had to have a 30 minute lesson planned and got there ten minutes early - because you all know how I am normally early. HAHA. So I get there and think.. this is great I have 40 minutes until my turn to teach the little critters. WRONG! They bring me to the classroom and tell me I am ready. The teacher's assistant (t.a.) tells the kids to clean up and get ready for Ms. Christine.!!! Then they tell me to make myself at home and go to it. I teach the kids for almost 30 minutes and when I am finished I have them calmly go sit back at their correct tables and wait for further instruction. While they are doing that I tell the t.a. that I am finished. She said "Already??" and I said "Yea.. it's supposed t o be for a half hour. Sorry if it was a few minutes short." SOOOO she then tells me" You're here til 12 right?" So I was supposed to run the show for 2 hours, not 30 minutes?!?! I quickly fumbled to the front of the classroom and with the help of the volunteer we sang songs and then I created an art project for the kids. These kids are so bright for their age. 4 year olds can not write their name, or spell or any of that. They are learning their abc's and the sort. These kids know sign language and how to write their name and all sorts of stuff. They have a few behavior issues I will have to tackle if they hand over the job but other than that I've got it down. The director of the school (kinda like a principle in public schools) was supposed to sit in on my teaching thingy but she had something else that had her tied up so she didn't even see me teach. My gut feeling is that they're going to hire me and are just going through proceedures. If all goes well I will be teaching VERY soon. I can't wait. My heart is so set on this job so if I shed a few tears if I do not get the job (small chance :) ) then don't mind me. I'll just hae to keep searching for that right job for me. No more of what I do. I honestly just can't take it. If I open up one more diaper (they call them attends) and see pasty crap I'm going to throw up on the resident. It just is not for me. At least I gave it a try. It COULD have been the right job for me. I'll miss the residents when I do quit but it's worth it to quit, my sanity needs it.

On a brighter note it was sunny today and I am pretty sure I saw sun yesterday. So there you go - not so gray after all eh???? :)

Today I worked early so that I could actually spend the day with Sean. Three days in a row we get to see eachother for more than 2 hours! It's so sad when that's all you get. I miss spending more time with him. Can't wait til we get back into a better routine. Tomorrow and Tuesday I have off other than a 2 hour meeting on Tuesday at 10am. Doesn't taht suck that I do not get to sleep in on my day off? They always schedule meetings on Monday or Tuesday... MY DAY FREAKIN OFF! Jerks.

For work today I got paid to go to church. That almost seems wrong - doesn't it sound wrong? We ended up going to Bethal church which is in Hochstein school of music. It's beautiful in there.. so open and everyone has the best seat in the house. It was a great time. It put a smile on my face. I love a church that just uplifts your soul. The weirdest part of this church is that it is literally a walk away from our apartment! I coulda seen Sean :(... but I had co-workers with me so I couldn't. He was sleeping anyway, it's Sunday for goodness sake! So at church one of the resident's pants fell down when he was walking up to communion. WHAT A SIGHT!! He wasn't really bothered by it so that was good. I got a good laugh out of it. One of the women that is another resident hit on every church-going man that came up to hug her during the time they say to greet your fellow neighbor. This church - man they do that stuff up. They spend like 5 minutes talking and saying good morning and peace be with you and all that! It's more personal I think. The bummer part is that it's not Catholic. I really liked this church and would love to go again but they don't do pre-cana and if they do it doesn't count for our wedding. It'll be ok though, I'm looking forward to going to church. This week we start. :) Get ready Seaner!!! OH BABY

Okay that's enough for now.

Friday, March 11, 2005

New Job Prospect

So tomorrow (Friday) morning is the interview. Unless something huge goes wrong, I'll be there at 10am and will show this school what I'm made of. I hope SO badly that they love me because I am lovin' the idea of being a pre-k teacher. Not to mention the hours, benefits etc. It just makes sense! So I'll let you guys know how it goes down. I'm sure it'll be a good thing.
Oh.. and today - it was sunny!!! :) just in case you didn't know.
Tah tah

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Another Sunny day and funny quote from George Carlin

Okay... so today is at least the 4th sunny day I have seen here since we moved. I'm taking a count. Every day I will mention when the sun is out. I think that people here don't realize how sunny it is. Maybe it's just because I have a room with 3 of the 4 walls covered in windows so if it IS sunny, I see it!! :) (this room rocks...)
So I was reading the book Braindroppings and found this quote to be super funny. Enjoy :)

Love Me, Love My Song

"There are entire too many love songs. I know. Society probably demands a certain number of them, but, goddamn, is this the only thing people can sing about? As far as I'm concerned, the love song category is filled. Let's move on. There must be some other topics. Everything's a broken heart. "Broken heart. Broken heart." What about a broken rib cage? Hah? How would you like that? Or a ruptured spleen? You never hear a song about that. Wouldn't you like to see some nice tall woman with long hair and big breasts up there beltin' out a song about a ruptured spleen? Or how about a nice song about a fire in a hotel? Or a guy who gets his legs caught in a threshing machine? How about someone who goes up into a hayloft and finds sixty dead Shriners? It seems to me we're passing up a slot of subjects that would make really good songs."

Monday, March 07, 2005

New Job?!?!?

So I might be working with kids sooner than I thought. I had an interview last Thursday to be a Pre-K teacher! I'm soooo excited. Today I was supposed to go in to do a demo lesson where I teach the kids for 30 minutes and the director and teacher's assistant critique every move I make. I was actually looking forward to this and go up all happy and then got a call from the Director. She's sick at home with the flu. At least she called me early enough so I could go back to sleep for a few hours. So she's calling me back tomorrow and we'll re-schedule the whole thing. I could tell she felt pretty bad about the whole thing but what are you going to do? I've noticed people here get sick far too much. In Cali it was rare that adults get sick. Oh well... so now I sit patiently for another call.