Thursday, March 31, 2005


Today is so emotional for me and I thought this was the best way to just let it all out. To start with the good or bad... nothing seems to matter I guess either way. What is done is done.
Terri Shiavo is dead. Nothing anyone says or does will change that. Her parents tried for their last appeal last night... her 12th day of starvation. Where is the justification for starving someone. And on the news I heard that her jerk of a husband had refused her own parents, the people responsible for bringing her INTO this world could not be there when she was LEAVING it. AND he said he was playing music and had flowers around her during her last hours alive. Now let me inform you that this is the SAME man who was taking the feeding tube out because he said that she had no sense of anything anymore. So why play music if she can't hear.. why give her flowers if she can't smell? WHY the heck would he do that?? Oh, yea because she is a human being who DOES have her senses and should NOT have died. Who in their RIGHT mind would have someone on a feeding tube for 15 years and then say "Oh, by the way... Terri didn't want to live if she was like this, so I'm just going to starve her to death." AND if your wife/husband/loved one was in a coma or not speaking for 15 years and when you DID pull out their feeding tube, they say "I WANT TO LIVE" Do you put it back in? If you are a human and know that you are not God and don't make these decisions for others... you'd put it back in. The woman doesn't talk and she SAYS she wants to live. How can he get away with murder?

Did you know that in the Nazi concentration camps they played music and had bands come into the camps and play WHILE they were dying? AND Terri's maiden name is Schindler. I know it's a huge coincidence, but damn!

So I'm just really upset today that Terri died. Granted, she's gone to a much better place where she is no longer confined by her physical body.... but was that her husband's decision? I do not think so. We have Dr. Kevorkian being sentenced to jail time and the judicial system so unfairly holds her own blood from giving her the life that she deserves. Where is the justice. It's all gone. Probably was never there - I've decided.

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