Monday, March 14, 2005

New Job interview and the sun

So my interview went really well. I went in thinking I had to have a 30 minute lesson planned and got there ten minutes early - because you all know how I am normally early. HAHA. So I get there and think.. this is great I have 40 minutes until my turn to teach the little critters. WRONG! They bring me to the classroom and tell me I am ready. The teacher's assistant (t.a.) tells the kids to clean up and get ready for Ms. Christine.!!! Then they tell me to make myself at home and go to it. I teach the kids for almost 30 minutes and when I am finished I have them calmly go sit back at their correct tables and wait for further instruction. While they are doing that I tell the t.a. that I am finished. She said "Already??" and I said "Yea.. it's supposed t o be for a half hour. Sorry if it was a few minutes short." SOOOO she then tells me" You're here til 12 right?" So I was supposed to run the show for 2 hours, not 30 minutes?!?! I quickly fumbled to the front of the classroom and with the help of the volunteer we sang songs and then I created an art project for the kids. These kids are so bright for their age. 4 year olds can not write their name, or spell or any of that. They are learning their abc's and the sort. These kids know sign language and how to write their name and all sorts of stuff. They have a few behavior issues I will have to tackle if they hand over the job but other than that I've got it down. The director of the school (kinda like a principle in public schools) was supposed to sit in on my teaching thingy but she had something else that had her tied up so she didn't even see me teach. My gut feeling is that they're going to hire me and are just going through proceedures. If all goes well I will be teaching VERY soon. I can't wait. My heart is so set on this job so if I shed a few tears if I do not get the job (small chance :) ) then don't mind me. I'll just hae to keep searching for that right job for me. No more of what I do. I honestly just can't take it. If I open up one more diaper (they call them attends) and see pasty crap I'm going to throw up on the resident. It just is not for me. At least I gave it a try. It COULD have been the right job for me. I'll miss the residents when I do quit but it's worth it to quit, my sanity needs it.

On a brighter note it was sunny today and I am pretty sure I saw sun yesterday. So there you go - not so gray after all eh???? :)

Today I worked early so that I could actually spend the day with Sean. Three days in a row we get to see eachother for more than 2 hours! It's so sad when that's all you get. I miss spending more time with him. Can't wait til we get back into a better routine. Tomorrow and Tuesday I have off other than a 2 hour meeting on Tuesday at 10am. Doesn't taht suck that I do not get to sleep in on my day off? They always schedule meetings on Monday or Tuesday... MY DAY FREAKIN OFF! Jerks.

For work today I got paid to go to church. That almost seems wrong - doesn't it sound wrong? We ended up going to Bethal church which is in Hochstein school of music. It's beautiful in there.. so open and everyone has the best seat in the house. It was a great time. It put a smile on my face. I love a church that just uplifts your soul. The weirdest part of this church is that it is literally a walk away from our apartment! I coulda seen Sean :(... but I had co-workers with me so I couldn't. He was sleeping anyway, it's Sunday for goodness sake! So at church one of the resident's pants fell down when he was walking up to communion. WHAT A SIGHT!! He wasn't really bothered by it so that was good. I got a good laugh out of it. One of the women that is another resident hit on every church-going man that came up to hug her during the time they say to greet your fellow neighbor. This church - man they do that stuff up. They spend like 5 minutes talking and saying good morning and peace be with you and all that! It's more personal I think. The bummer part is that it's not Catholic. I really liked this church and would love to go again but they don't do pre-cana and if they do it doesn't count for our wedding. It'll be ok though, I'm looking forward to going to church. This week we start. :) Get ready Seaner!!! OH BABY

Okay that's enough for now.

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