Tuesday, March 15, 2005

More sun and interview #3!

Okay. Toay is beautiful outside. Yes, it is 30 outside, but my car was warm on the inside from the beautiful sun!! YAY for the sun. I am not counting, but it's been sunny every day for several days now. Not bad at all.

Today kinda blew so far. I'm looking forward to seeing Sean. The meeting at work was 2 hours. 10-12 noon. That sucked. They spend so much time talking about nothing. I just feel like it is the biggest waste of time. It's every 2 weeks too. COMMON PEOPLE! Too much meeting time... it's just because managers do meetings. :P.

After the meeting I spent some quality time with Liz. That was fun. :) Good times. Plus P-nut had a friend visit today - we brought Zoey over to play. P-nut went CRAZY.

Then I brought liz home and in 20 minutes Sean will be home from work (I hope). Then church, then bed til 11, then work midnight to 8am.... then probably bed again for a few hours. Then my third interview for the pre-k teacher position.
I have a good feeling about this. This time I'm meeting with the executive director or something like that. Yahooooooooo. :)
So that's that.... Good night, hello, good night, hello etc. Can't wait til I have a normal schedule.

Oh.. the nasty blood is gone. YAY! Still have the raspy voice though :\ such is life

ciao ciao

1 comment:

Sean said...

Church? We never went to church. :-)