Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Brrrrrr it's cold in here!

Alright - this is a picture of what my apartment FEELS like right now. If I ever think being an eskimo is cool and living in an igloo is humane - SHOOT ME! Seriously - our heat had to be turned off yesterday because some major problem with our heating source. Basically we were all given a space heater from our landlord and told he was fixing it as fast as possible and that it might be a few days. So hopefully it'll go faster than expected. Right now our bedroom is the ONLY warm room. BRRRRRRRRRRR!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Christmas time is HERE!!! :)

Sean and I put up the Christmas tree :) I love palm trees and when we saw this in a store in California I knew we had to have it. So now we have it up again this year spreading our Christmas joy with a little spirit of California :) The last picture I really like because the palm tree is reflecting in the window... hope you all are getting in the festive spirit of Christmas!!


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Something very cool.. an internet time capsule!

So I saw this link on my email's website today and I thought I'd try it out. I highly recommend you all do the same. It's pretty neat! So remember making the time capsule that you bury into the earth? Yea if I did one when I was little it's burried at my parent's old house... I probably will never find it. So I thought it would be really fun if I tried this internet one because it's electronic and hopefully will work. Forbes teamed up with Yahoo to make this happen. Go to:


to check it out... Let me know if you do one.... I did! I'm getting it back in 5 years :-P

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's almost turkey time!!! ...or Tofu if you're a veggie person

So I just wanted to wish everyone a happy early thanksgiving. What are you all thankful for? I'm thankful for my husband :), family and friends. I'm also thankful that today was the first day of snow.. and NOT a month ago. I'm thankful for global warming because maybe I'll get my wish someday and there will be no more snow :). I'm thankful that I live in America. I'm thankful I can go to other countries if I decide I am no longer into the America thing. I'm thankful for P-Nut. I'm thankful that the sun never fails me... even when I can't see it I know it's there! I'm thankful I have a roof over my head. I'm thankful I have the freedom to persue happiness. I'm thankful for garbage plates (2 days in a row baby!!!) I'm thankful for The Roost and Snuffy's ;) I'm thankful I've only gotten bitten ONCE since I started working at my job in May. and last but not least.. I'm thankful you took the time to read my lovely blog!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Yummmmmm I love cake!

I decided that eating our wedding cake (the top part) on our anniversary seemed silly. Yea - let's FREEZE a cake for a year and then eat it. I'm SURE it will taste DELICIOUS! HA!
So we have been eating it slowly since last week. It tastes delicious! :)

Sunday Stroll... :)

So this weekend Sean and I decided to check out the fall colors. Here are a my attempts at being a photographer. We had a blast with the leaves :)

Doesn't Sean look hot in this picture?? :)

Cobbs Hill :) The picture doesn't really do justice.. the colors were amazing!

This is in Penfield... we were looking for a place to get some "hilly" photos ...

This tree was very unique. Sean got a really awesome close-up of it too... you can check it out in his blog :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Taco Bell Rocks!!!!

So I just want to tell the world that my lovely husband got me Taco Bell for dinner tonight, as a surprise!!! :) Now, to some of you that could mean something not so nice or negative but this is better than bringing me much else - I LOVE TACO BELL! Why don't more people love it as much as I do - I have no clue. I guess not everyone gets it.. it's the best stuff on earth! :)
That's all.. just wanted to share with you all how much I love this stuff! ...and SEAN ROCKS :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


DAMN! I forgot how much freakin tetanus shot's hurt! Today I got pricked 3 times... BY A NURSE (you sick-o!)... Tetanus, PPD, and blood test to see if I'm anemic (FOR THE TRILLIONTH TIME I AM NOT ANEMIC). Anyway the Tetanus didn't hurt as much as the PPD when it happened... now the Tetanus hurts the worst and that's the only one of the 3 that didn't bruise. I know... wahhh wahhhh I'm a big baby but I don't care. It freakin' hurt and my whole left arm feels like it's out of commission for the next few days.

On a brighter note my doctor, despite hearing about all of my medical concerns, says I'm in great health. Always a good feeling :).

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?!?! I think we're going to a corn maze here - the biggest one in the world. It better not suck!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Oh Briana :)

So tonight I got a chance to catch up with one of the families I used to work with in California. It was great! I even got a chance to say hi to Briana - she laughed and got all excited when she heard my voice. I can't wait til I get to see her again. She's such an amazing girl! Hearing about what families with any kids with special needs go through just breaks my heart. I wish that there were more programs out there for kids - especially the ones that over 5 years old... it's like once they turn 5 the support services drop and it's like - hey parents... good luck! And then that's it. Anyway this is my rant and I don't expect anything to change because of the time I'm putting into it but atleast I'm just letting my "steam" out. I just love these kids so much and wish the best for them all. ...and I miss them!

That's all. Hope everyone had a good week and tomorrow's the end of it. I'm looking forward to another break from work. I love weekends. Do you think that you don't love them as much when you're older? Are they just another day? Or do they still hold precidence over weekdays? I'm just curious.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hump day is here!

Alright - so positive thought - it's already halfway through the week and I just started working yesterday! I just found out that I DO get paid for sleeping in and sitting on my butt on Monday!! HURRAY!! Sorry.. I had to get that out. So anyway - this weekend we're supposed to see our Mr. Sun, we'll see ... I'm hoping for a glimpse. But, we were blessed with more than our fair share of sunny days this summer so no complaints. I'll wait patiently (for now!) :) Anyway hope everyone is having a good week. :)

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Alright - some people think we're crazy or old folks gone wild... I tend to think of us as twenty-somethings having the time of our lives. I think that it is very important to stay young at heart and go and have fun with your friends. We had SUCH a great time tonight. Kelly - thanks so much for making the trip out to spend an hour with us. We love having you up here!!! The music at Snuffy's.. common everyone - back me up - SALT N PEPPAHHHHH! YEA baby! We had a blast. Amanda - remember the videos?!?! DARE I mention the videos?!?!? I can imagine strangers reading this thinking sick sick thoughts. Too bad they're all very very tame and just funny... How about the Egyptian Magician?!?! LOL. Good times. I'll never ever let those memories fade - and if they begin to, I've got plenty of video to back them up. Not to mention the phone calls and trips to Bill's house after midnight. Yea- who would have thought anyone would order J-town's red raider's socks with red white and blue (insert bad accent throughout this whole thing) ...not to mention they were USED AND DIRTY! I'm happy Zach or Charlie never knew we took their socks for some guy and gave them to him after midnight. LOL Alright rants must stop. Anyway the reason for this post is to remind everyone that staying young at heart and going out and really having so much fun that you don't want the night to end - that's a good sign.

Tonight I honestly was saddened when I found out it was 1:41... only19 minutes til the bar closed. Not that I wanted to drink more - cause I had already stopped - but I just wanted to keep hanging out, keep dancing and just keep smiling. So tomorrow night, any takers?!?!? :) I'm sure we'll be at our regular joint. No Roost tomorrow I'm thinking - I think I need a break, plus their doing the same dance and what's the point of learning it twice, DUH I learn it after one lesson!! LOL.
Hope everyone else had as much fun as me.


p.s. Street meat outside of Pita Pit - pretty good - more spicy than Mr. V's but it did the trick. Sean wouldn't know - he was passed out and smushed his in the car, then proceeded to go into the bathroom and lean on the curtain and it FELL DOWN!?!? Normally it's me this drunk - so I'm very amused. :)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Buzz off!!!

So Sean and I had a BLAST at Disneyland.. haha! :) I know we look funny but I don't care. I wanted to shre our photos with everyone. We went and talked with Stitch too! I miss the palm trees!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. DeChalais!

It's official!!! We're back from our honeymoon. I didn't want to leave San Diego - big surprise, right?!?!? :)

It's nice to be back with friends and family though.. can't wait to see all of the pictures taken. If you want to check out our pictures taken by the photographer it's online, click here.

The pictures are not downloadable, but can be ordered through the website :) The last picture of us on the beetle is my absolute FAVORITE!

Thank you to EVERYONE who made our day so special and full of great memories. Love you all!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Last week of freedom... :)

So this past weekend I had a blast :) Kristen and Mike - thanks for going out to The Roost with me, as always I love it :) I'm apparently getting in touch with my inner country line dancing self!

That's about it... 2 1/2 more days of work then wedding preparations til Friday morning... the craziness has begun!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dark Water and random thoughts

So today we went to see Dark Water at the dollar theatre. I love the dollar theatre... yay for $1.50 movies! So anyway it was a pretty good movie - a little sappy at the end but good overall.

Today was a beautiful day.. it was a little crisp for me - I like to be able to wear shorts and be comfy but I'm not going to complain. It was sunny with a clear sky. I hope in two weeks it is the same! :) If not - the day will still happen either way.

Last night I went to the roost again.. GUILTY! :) I had a blast. I met Kristen and Mike out for some lessons and then Kelly and the wedding party came later. We got a few dances with Kelly before some drama happened.. but oh well! Atleast you came for a little while kelly.. i had fun! :) Then we met up at Snuf's for some more drama. I love it! :) I think Kristen now things my life is constant drama, which I find mildly amusing. So tonight we're having a few people over.. should be fun.

Monday, August 29, 2005

He said "sure"!!!!

So I had a few friends over tonight to pop the big question to Sean tonight. I thought I'd turn the tables a little bit and propose to him too... it sounds better than it happened - i didn't get down on one knee like William thought I should, but it's all good. He was surprised and said "sure" so I guess I am excited :)

I love you Seaner!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A honky tonk night out on the town...

Me and Buster cuddling at Ellen and Cristo's place :)

Me (red) and Kristen (green) dancing - notice how my legs don't match everyone elses and Kristen's do! We had a great time though.

Random old man doing funny dances the entire night!

So last night Ellen, Kristen, Mike (her roommate), Bari, Megan (a neighbor) and her two friends all gathered at The Roost for some good ol' times! It's line dancing place here in Rochester. It's amazing how many people now how to line dance. Now I'm not talking about the electric slide.. this stuff is hard!! The steps change and are confusing and they go on for 24 counts! EEEK! I dragged Kristen out on the floor a lot and we laughed so much my cheeks started to hurt! I just tried to follow other people's lead and learn the dances. Sometimes I ALMOST got it and then the song ended! What the heck?!?! Anyway we had a great time out. Sean had his bachelor party and when I saw him today he looks great! (although he's a little hurtin' from the bull!!!)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I miss you guys!...and a nutty story ;)

This is Marisa on the left and Kaila on the right. I miss you guys!! Pics like this make me miss California and all of the people out there that I met. Sometimes I wish the world was just a little smaller...

On a positive note I made a friend today - well.. we'll see if I made a friend. I was running with P-nut when we crossed paths with a girl and her chihauhua.. named Cha-chi I believe :)
Anyway - the first time I was on the other side of the road and P-nut literally was trying to drag me towards her and the dog - she wanted to smell it and all that doggy stuff but I kept running. I normally wait to see if an owner is interested in having their dog socialize with P-nut.. sometimes they're a little apprehensive and I'd rather just run than have them be like "sorry..m y dog is not very social or whatever" The next time we ran into them we were on the same side of hte road and P-nut ran up to her dog and you'd think the two were going to go at it in front of us. P-nut either likes the dog or really doesn't like it - normally there's no middle ground for her. Anyway we got to talking and this girl seems like she needs a friend. Her boyfriend is in Cleveland and she's here and in med school... stressful. I don't know. I invited her to come out with some girls that are hopefully up for going to The Roost on Saturday night. If she emails me then maybe I made another friend :) Anyway it was nice to meet her - she seems cool. Making friends is one of my favorite things to do... the reality of it is though that it doesn't really happen that often the older you get... it is weird like that. Remember in high school when you had a lot of friends? Not like that anymore. Even in college it was easy to make friends. Now in the "real world" it's not realistic.. don't you think they should make THAT part of growing up more realistic so it isn't a real bummer when you leave school and it's totally not the same?!?! Alright enough about that. Yay for another beautiful day! I am LOVING it! Does this summer REALLY have to end? Can't it go on indefinitiely? Oh wait - I had that and I traded it in... I guess I can't complain. Cest la vie!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Off to J-town again....

So today I'm doing my second trial run for my hair for the wedding and tomorrow is a family reunion. We'll see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Important information that you need to know about cars! (...seriously)

So I guess I don't know as much about cars as I THOUGHT I did.. either that or my commen sense escaped me for a while today. My mind has been on a nother planet - I should say first before I go any further. So today was probably the peak of my stress.. not sure it can get worse and if it can I hope it doesn't.

I was driving today and I kept thinking about how I need to get my oil changed. Then I drove after work to go pick up Diana's dress so I can get it to her. I remember how I have some oil in my trunk and have the brilliant idea that I should put it in my car so that my engine doesn't die. Good thinking - RIGHT?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! would be the correct answer right here.

So my engine was hot. First BIG RED WARNING THAT THIS ISN'T A GOOD IDEA. But I proceed. So I pour the oil into the hole where it's supposed to go, thinking that I'm doing good for my car. You know - making sure that there's oil in it so that the engine doesn't seize. Man - I was SO wrong. So first came the smoke. Then came flames. I ran in the car, grabbed everything valuable and called 911. You know - when I'm freaking out because my car is on fire and they ask where I am ... I CAN'T FREAKING REMEMBER. So I tried my best to spit out where I was and within 1-2 minutes the fire people were there. Go figure by the time they get there my car is no longer on fire. The flames basically stayed put... just on the engine in the back where the oil had spilled. So lesson #1... invest in the little tunnel cup things to avoid spills.. Lesson #2... when the engine is hot don't pour oil into it - it might start on fire. Lesson #3... Change your oil on time and you won't have to have any problems like I had. What a nice start to my weekend. Things will get better. :)

...I wouldn't mind a beer right now

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Mosh pits

Okay. You know you're old when............ you think mosh pits are so stupid. I guess it's official. I'm getting lame. I just don't see the point in it. Little boys who have like 2 pubes on their body and still squeek occasionally when they talk are looking around at eachother to see if it's cool to push the person next to you. Then when they get the okay they all just start pushing eachother around. HOW FREAKING LAME! Sorry... I just went to a concert tonight and I was so disappointed with the behavior. I don't know - it just seems stupid to push eachother around. Why not just all make a big circle and dance together. GOSH I sound so much like a freakin' hippie. I hate that. Can't deny my inner hippie... as sean would say ;)

So vendetta red SUCKS. The bassist or one of the guitarists (sean and will help me out with this one) I saw before they went on. He walked by and I commented on how he looked like a girl from the back with his hair. I couldn't even see his face the whole time because the hair was in the way. He looked like cousin it from the addams family. What the heck!?!?! And the lead singer looked like Mr. Big! LOL. So I think Bayside is pretty good for a new band. Check em out. I give them 1 thumb up. At least their songs didn't all sound the same. The dude from Vendetta Red always would kinda sing low and then all of a sudden when the chorus broke out he sang the SAME note. It got old fast. Sean and I just kinda looked at eachother. I think they sound better produced..... but I've never heard them on the radio so I can't confirm that. Anyway ... it was nice to go out and support live music. Thanks again, Will... he took us to the show. Way to splurge on the .94 cents!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jesus on food

Alright. Not sure who heard about this. But there was this woman who was frying her Pierogies on Palm Sunday when she flipped one over and saw the face of Jesus burned into it! So first they put it in the freezer to keep it and didn't know what to do with it. So the lady decided to sell it on Ebay... to see how much it would cost?!?!!? It sold for $1,775 to Golden Palace Casino! What does a casino want with a piece of food with Jesus burned into it?!! How freakin' weird is that. The lady seemed pretty genuine and didn't really know what else to do with the piece of food. They couldn't eat it because they're felt it was a little odd to eat something with Jesus' face on it. I can understand that. And they couldn't just throw it away... so why not make almost 2 grand on it!!! Anyway I just wanted everyone to hear about this ... I linked the picture to the eBay website in case u all want to see it for real. It's already over.. the auction that is!

Great weather and attitudes

So first off... what a kick ass summer we have had so far. Can I get an AMEN?!?! I love the sun :)

Anyway - I just wanted to make note that I'm happy. That's all :) Life is grand. I've started to run/jog every day... for the most part I've been doing it every day. It's really for myself :)... I think it's a good idea to keep a good physique and the only way to do that is to be in shape and exercise. I do a little stretching and exercises after too... sit -ups hopefully will be showing some progress in a month or so. It's sparked by a lot of things. I'm getting to the point where I realize that if I do not work out that I'm not going to stay the same size. My metabolism has slowed down a tiny bit and I want to look good. So... instead of talk a lot about it (well except to Sean :) ) I'm doing something about it! I just wanted to say this because it goes into the whole happy thing. I feel so much better about myself and about life in general when I exercise. All the happy juices/seratonin stuff is doin its thang. If anyone out there is feeling like life just needs a boost - go for a walk or something. You'd be surprised what it will do for you.
..for me it'll hopefully help me look hotter than I will already look on our wedding day!

... speaking of which - that's only 32 days away! EEEEEK! ;)

(don't worry Sean .. that's a good EEEEEK!)

Where the heck did these people come from?!?!

What happened to just a personal blog to rant and rave and keep in touch with friends. First my e-mail gets loaded with spam. And you have to have pop-up blocker on your web browser if you don't want to be annoyed with announcements/advertisements. NOW they're leaving replys on our BLOGS?!?! WHAT THE F@#$@!!!!!
I'm sorry but I'm so pissed off and I know it's stupid but thats the whole problem.

I will NEVER become that. EVER. I hate ads. I think they're for businesses that suck and need some information to be popping in front of your face all of the time so that you are hearing about them. It's obvious that they don't have what it takes.

Anyway - hope everyone is having a nice week. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bats, Mr V's will KILL me and 9am drive time

Yes - those all pertain to me. First the BATS!!! So apparently because of this weather we have BATS in our house. Will and I were walking out of my apartment into the hallway when a bat was swarming above us. I screamed and it might have been scared and left the building - I'm not sure. If I sleep tonight I'll be lucky. I'm so afraid it made it's way into our apartment because the hole between the floor and the door are wide enough for those tiny things. How fun - sleeping with bats. I feel ghetto!

Second. Anyone hear that Mr. V's cheeseburgers can ACTUALLY kill you? Just ask Sean. He'll tell you all about that. I think Will and I almost literally pissed our pants because sean was so serious about the matter. He got so trashed (not sure how that happened) on little alcohol and even puked his brains out. I was trying to help and offered some y ummy mr. v's and he refused and said if he ate it IT WOULD KILL HIM! LOL. Sean - just too funny sometimes :)

Lastly 9 am.. that's the latest we can leave tomorrow. It's after 3am. Ick.
Good night.

p.s. had a good time tonight everyone - including my fellow friends who i called :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Damnit Janet!!!

Sooooooo.. work this week has been slightly frustrating and because I'm chicken to say something to the person that is most bothering me - i'm going to rant about it now. So just don't read my post if you don't want to hear complaining :)

This girl i work with is really annoying me and it's getting to the point where I wonder if I need to just go request to not be on her teams anymore. It's so obvious that she has SOME problem with me.. what I did still boggles my mind. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not from her state (Mass.), I moved from California where ABA (what I do at work) is slightly different so my methodology isn't 100% the same as my company's.... or maybe she is a lesbian like I think she is and she feels like I'm judging her. OR she just plain out doesn't like me.
So she writes a note to me and my co-worker (I mind you it's written in a MEAN script.... like her normal writting isn't like the way she wrote it). It basically complained that she has to spend 10 minutes EVERY day fixing up mistakes me and my co-worker make in the book... WHICH i have to say, yes we make mistakes occasionally - but that is part of HER job, and something that is normally fixed at the CONSULT. But even if it weren't the case - the things we forget to write down are so miniscule... it's annoying! No one except her highness (yea right) is as anal about this stuff. Actually the more I work with this person - the less I care about the paperwork. I spend my time looking at the clock wondering when the hell i can leave. I am even thinking of taking the note straight to the owner and telling her I think this person needs to be talked to. It's just so RUDE to leave such a note! And the way she corrects me and my co-worker when we do something wrong is just SO FREAKING WRONG. It's like she's making us feel like shit when she does it. I like constructive criticizm... everyone needs it. But we don't need the kind that makes you feel bad and like they're better than you!
Plus I think she's taken a disliking to my co-worker because my co-worker spends time working with me! So anyone who has an association with me is officially onher shit list.

And get this - so yesterday we had our weekly meeting with one of the kids. The 3rd therapist on the case is not in town this week so wasn't supposed to be at the meeting. I get there first - go in and am playing with the kid, waiting for my SO FUN co-worker to come, and the one who was apparently on vacation this week (something I forgot about). So my SO FUN co-worker shows up and goes into the room to start the meeting... thing is I think she's just hanging out in there with the mom waiting for our 3rd co-worker who WASNT FREAKING COMING. I'm playing with the kid having fun and after a few minutes I go in the other room and the mom and co-worker kinda just look at me and the meeting papers are sitting on the table. I said something about how the 3rd person hadn't shown up and my SO FUN co-worker says so VERY kindly "She's not coming. She's on vacation." And I said "why didn't you come get me" And her and the mom didn't have an answer. They said they were just waiting for me. WHAT THE FREAKING HECK!?!?!?!? Shouldn't they have said.. hey christine,... the other one isn't coming, let's start the meeting." THEN the meeting only takes 30 minutes so we have to sit for 30 minutes and just talk because our meeting is an hour. GOSH!
So I'm happy to say I will do everything in my power to not work with her EVER again. What a bitch. There are places for these people. The sad part - she was one of my favorites when I started with the company. She does great work with the kids. But she's shit to me if she can't treat her co-workers with an ounce of respect.

That's enough venting for the day. I'm really not that upset - but I was going to get that way if I didn't just let it out. I know I should go tell the SO FUN co-worker that it's getting old and to just grow up and treat me with respect - but I can't. I'm a pussy! :P

Monday, August 08, 2005

Friday night...

So this weekend turned out to be loads of fun. All of the girls got a SUV Escalade limo for me and we went out for a night on the town. Of course, Kim had to throw something funny in - so she took us all to Show World first. It was funny - my cousin picked up porn dvd and all of a sudden a whole bunch fell down. The girls just over all I think had a good time walking around. :) Then we went to Coyote Joes, Karma/Barfly and ended the night at Liquid. Man - it flew by SO fast!! We got started a little late but it was fun. I'll post the picture of the entire group in front of the limo as soon as I get ahold of it. This is me at the end of the night... it was obvious that as the night progressed I got more and more drunk..
The best part - when I got home I was still walking with no assistance. We get back and I see Will standing outside of Sean's car.... Sean's in the passenger seat PASSED OUT! LOL. So he was more trashed than me. I tend to like to get drunk but remember my night... it was like Sean went out for his bachelor party - he was SO drunk. (Thus the pictures on Kelly's blog) :)
So thank you to all of the girls who attended - and a special thanks to Diana and Melissa for travelling from afar to be there!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Let's hope this isn't me later tonight or tomorrow morning!!

Okay, So tonight is the bachelorette party... and it is going to rock. BUT It is my desire that I do not vomit tonight or tomorrow from this partying. Let's see what happens. Isn't this picture just wonderful? Makes me want to get a garbage plate :)


Sunday, July 31, 2005

The weekend is almost over!!

It feels like this weekend was nice and long - which makes me very very happy! I've really had a good time. Friday we all got a little carried away with the drinking - Kelly and Will were trashed at like 8 at night! That was funny watching Will stumble down the stairs! Then Kelly rode the bull at Daisy Dukes. It was just crazy!... in a good way.
Yesterday was fun too. I spent a whole 3 hours on straightening my hair and then after 3 hours when it was only half way done I decided to quit and sprayed water all over my hair and it instantly went back curly. Ugh. Oh well. I went to a bachelorette party with Kelly and that was fun too! Soho East... where all of the bad dancers go! Oh my gosh - seriously bad dancers! It was fun to watch though. Then the drama that some of the girls brought along was funny to watch too! Kelly, maybe this is why you don't have a lot of friends that are girls - if that was what I hung out with all of the time I think I'd never be around them - I just can't associate with that. But they were alright. The drama could have been left out of the night and I wouldn't have cared. Oh - and what was up with those guys at Soho East? There were all of these guys dressed up like they were from the late 70's early 80's! Strange.
And then there's today - it's beautiful and sunny... AGAIN! I think it's basically been sunny every day for a few months. Let's hope that this weather carries over into the middle of September! Keep your fingers crossed.
That's all for now.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Frustration inc.

:-P! A BIG one of those!! So I guess I deserve this in some sick and twisted way... a co-worker was late today. So because I'm not certified I can't officially work until a co-worker is with me that is certified and because my co-worker was late, I had to stay an extra 10 minutes at work. This would normally not bother me, but I REALLY needed to be somewhere at 3:15 today. It's a little tough to make it to the animal hospital when I am in Wayne county, have to travel home, and then to the animal hospital. SO i had to cancel the appointment and they have nothing available for another week! So now our dog has to just suck it up and deal for ANOTHER FREAKIN' WEEK! I'm just frustrated because she got hurt last weekend and I'm not sure that the extremely long nails are helping her cause... they might be the root of the problem. But now I have to wait til God knows when to take her in. They're only open during normal business hours and my hours NEVER work with them. I'm so pissed off I could break a window! I don't know why this pisses me off so much, I guess I just REALLY wanted to get this over with. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Busy bee = me (& and Sean too!)

Well I made it back to Rochester after a crazy and fun weekend in J-town. I had my second fitting for my dress and trial hair-do run on Saturday and then helped get things ready for the bridal shower that my sister and lynn threw for me today. Then when I couldn't help anymore I sat outside and enjoyed the weather and Alexander's cuteness. He's almost 9 months old now!!! I should post some pictures of him. I think my dad got a great shot of us this weekend. Anyway - I'm exhausted. I never thought I'd have a problem with people watching me, but today was a little overwhelming. I had almost 50 people watching me open presents and every move I made. The best part - there will be over 3 times that many people at out wedding and here I am nervous with 50 people!! I guess it's a nice practice for me to get used to having eyes on me. After a while I wanted someone else to get some attention so I had Sean's neices help me open presents! That worked, somewhat. The shower went great though - more presents than I know what to do with right now! We sure would like a house about now - because then MAYBE we'd be able to fit everything.
Well it's after 1 and i'm ready to sleep for 17 hours. Good night!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hot Hot Heat! :P

First I thought I'd share with everyone Sean and Will watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!
Sorry the picture isn't the best - but you all get the point :) Will came over last night for a little taco night :) They were SOOOO good! Sean did a super duper awesome job. (lol)

Man is it HOT here! I tried to take The Nut for a walk down by the river and I had to carry her back from the river because she was too hot and just kept laying in the shade and looking at me. Poor thing - she's just trying to deal with this heat. Funny - a Cali dog can't handle the heat! HA!! Well - most of you just don't realize how cold it is, especially in Pacifica.
Anyway - I'm back to working my normal job. Overall I like it. There's this girl I work with and I have this feeling that she doesn't like me. I'm trying to figure her out. She's so much more friendly to my co-workers than she is to me. I've never really had this happen like this before. She's a very normal person - well maybe not. but oh well. I'm not losing sleep or crying over it! :)

Wedding plans are coming along nicely. Hope everyone has September 17th set aside - PAR---TAYYYY!
The cake and wedding music are the only big to-do's left. Can't wait til I say "I'm finished!!!" It'll be fun though - unless a certain someone doesn't show up...but I have faith he won't disappoint me - he's stuck with me for GOOD! ;)

That's about all that's going on for now. How's everyone else doing?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Back in J-town

Well I'm back in the hometown for the week... took "The Nut" back with me... thought if I took her she'd be less likely to freak out because the fireworks by our apartment would scare her. Turns out I was way wrong... down here on the lake neighbors have been setting off fireworks since I got here at 9:30 and it's 11pm now. Sooooo there goes my theory! She's so scared - poor thing.

Mike, Lynn and 'Zander were here tonight... he's such a cute little baby!!! He must have given me 10 kisses or more! I don't mind that kind of slobber ;)

That's about all that's going on here. How was everyone's 4th of July? I'd love to hear...


p.s. I still miss you seaner!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

HA - Spending time on the boat.. that's funny

Ummm yeah.... so about that hanging on the boat thing - I was way off course. First off, a few weeks ago my brother and dad were putting the boat back up on the lift and the lift cable broke. They had to take the lift out of the water and replaced. The guy who replaced it decided that it wasn't important to put the lift BACK into the water when he was done so my parents just returned from their trip late Tuesday night and the lift was just put in this morning (Thursday). Tomorrow is supposed to be crappy so I highly doubt the boat will be in until Saturday and I am not sure I'll even be here.
Secondly, I've been pretty busy. My first two days I spent at Mike and Lynn's house after work with little Alexander - my nephew. He's such a cute baby - I swear! :) Then my parents came home, I spent last night hanging out with my friend, Megan, and parents after... today I worked most of the day and spent some of the time doing wedding cake stuff and favor planning. My mom and I ordered the things we need for the favors and bought the other stuff at the craft store today. I'm really psyched about the whole thing. :) YAY!!!
Plus the invitations are all picked out so that's a good thing. They'll be ordered first thing tomorrow morning. Busy busy busy busy busy.
After this we just have music for the actual wedding and then it's smooth sailing from here. It seems a lot more frantic than what it actually is. The bridal shower is in less than a month, then a week later is the bachelorette party... then breathing room at the end before the wedding a month and a half later. AHHHHHHHH! haha.
Seriously I'm having a good time. My mom has taken a lot of stress away by helping me. Lynn has been extra awesome lately. Yesterday she helped with invitations and today she helped with the cake stuff. Anyone have any places to find huge books full of wedding cake ideas? I need help with that still. The lady who will most likely do the cake doesn't have pictures of much to show me so I have ot really create what I want on my own and I honestly have no freakin' clue. I just know I want a cake!!

By the time I'm done with everything every night it's about the time it is now.. 10:30 and I want to go to bed soon. No time for a tan. And I doubt I'll actually get to lay out in the sun this weekend. It seems like a nice dream but never really happens. such is life. It'll be nice to see Sean again after the long week down here. :) Hang in there Seaner.... only one more day left then you're stuck with me again for a few days. :P

That's all for now. Oh - and everyone read Sean's blog and shed some tears for Donut's Delite. Such a sad story.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Off to my hometown...

Well I'm off to go work for the fam this week. Not sure I'll be online much since my parents are still running 56k MODEM!! I swear they are in the ice age when it comes to the internet. But on a brighter note, I'll probably spend a little bit of time on the boat and trying to get a tan when I am not working at the shop. Hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Isn't this a cute picture of Kelly?!?!? :) I personally don't see how this is a way to get her back for Sean's buck tooth picture but I thought I'd join in the fun... sorry Kelly :-D

Lovely weather!

I have to say - so far it's been SO beautiful for the past few months. Ever since the last day of snow it's been so warm overall. There have been a few days that felt like the ice age was coming back, but other than that I'm satisfied with the weather.
It's funny - I think I've seen more sun in Rochester since January than the amount of sun that I saw the entier time we lived in Pacifica. Sure - 5 miles outside of Pacifica there was sun... but Pacifica SPECIFICALLY... it was soooo foggy!

So lovely weather - that's all I have to say about that. I'm looking forward to getting a little tan. No more bright white legs!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Gettin' lazy

Okay - it's official. I'm lazy. I haven't blogged in almost a week.
Oh well.
Just had to leave a blog so i'm not lazy.

Friday, June 17, 2005

a night out with girls... can you believe it?

Tonight was the first night I really went out with girls ONLY! It's been so long I honestly can't remember.. probably back in like 2002 I went out with only girls. Serioulsy - I love hanging with "the guys" BUT it was SO nice to be around girls. I feel like I never get to do that and i always feel so out of touch with girls and girly kind of things.. like make-up or my outfit, or hair or anything.. all that girly crap i do not do.. sometimes i wish i were more girly. anyway i just wanted to let u all know that it is way after 1am and i'm drunk... not super drunk but yea ... i barely got myself home. didn't feel like waking sean up to get me home and yea it's close enough. we went to mex, then that metro lounge (weird place, fun though) especially when you're not paying... and then to soho east. Fun night. got to know my co-workers better. they're the best.
i'm sleepy, p-nut wants out. and i've had 2 glasses of water.
good night
guten nacht


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Damn those pesty loggers!

So most of you are probably thinking... She's talking about thos mountain men up north that cut logs.


I'm talking about a virus-like program that is on our computer, called a logger. What does it do you? I'll tell you! And I will tell you how you are SUPPOSEDLY able to remove it (but I'm finding it difficult to get rid of it).

If you search your PC for ISNSYS.dll and find it.. YOU HAVE IT TOO! :(

if you go to start -> run and type in
Regsvr32 /u isnsys.dll

it is supposed to unregister this .dll andthen you can go into your computer and remove it by deleting the file... but it has to be unregistered first.

Basically this stupid logger has been on our computer since April 20th and has been logging every single key stroke on this computer. That means e-mails, blogs, passwords, etc. you name it... I found where they have it stored on our computer for "pick-up" later. They... whoever the hell THEY are, leave a backdoor open somewhere on my computer so that they can either come in and manually copy the files whenever they want, or set it up so somehow the information gets sent to them and updated from time to time. ]

So basically this entire blog that I am putting up is being logged on my computer right now and ready for some low-life to have access to.

I guess I am sortof new to these things. I've always heard that the internet isn't as safe as I thought that it was, but when I see that a site is "secure" I tend to believe it. WRONG. I now know that someone has pretty much all the information they would need to steal my identity. Scary, huh?

This is why programs that scan for viruses are good. Of course, we do not own one... ours are just the free ones.
Not sure what we'll do to get rid of this. I've got computer people helping me that program mozilla firefox. They've been super helpful :)

Until then I guess I should give a huge FUCK YOU LOGGERS shout out since this blog is being copied ;)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Isn't Mister Rogers so cool in his sweaters?

The World According to Mister Rogers!!!

So Sean and I were in the store tonight and I walked by these little books. I suggest you all check them out in a book store. They're inspirational and great little books for any occasion. I'm going to post a picture of the front of one of his books. There are a few of them. I just thought they were great. Eventually we'll get them for our small book collection. Maybe I'll read them too!!!

Anyways, Just wanted to let the world know about these great little treasures ;)

Old Job, New Job... this is getting old!!!

Okay. Anyone else out there think I'm rediculous because I definately am thinking it might be a possibility. Today was my last day at the day care center. Man, I think I fought back the tears at least 3 times... Telling the kids "Ms. Christine is going to another school to play with other friends and won't be here anymore." Gosh that sounds so sad and depressing. My boss said, "Let me know if you change your mind..." Part of me wanted to just stay because I love the kids so much. But I know that it just isn't anywhere where I can grow with the company. The parents were so supportive of me leaving and most were happy to hear that I am going on to work with kids with special needs. Tomorrow I start over at ANOTHER job! This will be my third job since February. Basically it's like I've averaged one job every two months. That's sick. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this job is right for me.

This just all proves that I am indecisive. But the jobs are always with kids.. nix the one with the old people (who are like kids in some ways)...

Through all of this Sean's been there for me. Bless his soul! How anyone can sit and watch their loved one/partner/me :) go through this many changes ... geesh!!!

Let's hope tomorrow is a fresh start to something that will stick.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Why Sean rocks....

So this past weekend was a blast. Mike and Lynn came up with Alexander and I'll definately have to post a few pictures from the weekend. Then yesterday Sean surprised me with the Sarah McLachlan concert. This concert ROCKED! She played for almost two full hours and did two encores. The best part was the first song of the first encore was ICE CREAM! I loved it. It was a nice and relaxing show. The Parishers opened for Sarah. We were not so impressed but I'm sure that I could think of a few people who would like them. Too predicable and boring for my taste.
Anyway, I was so surprised by this concert and couldn't have asked for a better time. Thank you, again, Sean for a wonderful evening.I love you!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another nice day!

I could focus on the kids being brats at some points of my day but I seem to walk out of work and have a smile on my face. I'm not sure if it's because I'm leaving them to go to a quiet home where they will not be yelling, or because I forgot about all of the bad they did. Either way leaving work is nice :).

Today a mother was telling me how she wants to keep her son in the class and not move him up to the next class because he got a new teacher and her and the boy's father like me and so does their son... and I think my face must have gotten 3 shades darker red than a stop sign. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm already leaving. How hard it must be for a parent to be in their shoes. I still am going. I think that it's always hard for a parent. But, I need to do what I need to do! The kids will still have "Ms. Tiff" so it'll all work out in the end.

We went to the Lilac Festival today! The kids loved it. We went to the main stage and watched some high school bands play. The kids were all jumping and dancing and having a great time! HOW CUTE THEY WERE. All of the people walking by were like "Oh how adorable they are!!" And in the back of my head I'm thinking.. yea til they start telling you "NO!!!" when you tell them to do something, hit their friends, or spit when they're angry. Tell me they're cute then!

I bet people who were my teachers when I was that age thought someone thought the same thing about me. Oh well.

Well tomorrow we get visitors. I'm looking forward to it. Should be nice.

It's Kim's birthday today. One year closer to a dirt nap - congrats Kim! :-D haha

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Good things

Mike and Lynn are probably coming with Alexander this weekend to visit :)
The sun is out!
It's not too cold out.
My new job starts in a week - let's hope this works out!
I no longer work strange hours.
Lfe is good.. let me take that back. Life is GRAND! :)

If every day we all sat down and wrote about the good things that happened to us that day and every day, I bet our attitudes would be more positive. Just a thought. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Musical jobs :)

So apparently according to my brother, I am playing musical jobs lately. I am fine with this :) My current job has been great. I can not lie. I like what I do. The kids are so cute... occasionally I get pissed off because I tell them about 10 times that I do not want them to sit on the bean bag at circle time and then they look dead in my eyes and sit on the bean bag. But then they smile at me and the annoyance goes away... (most of the time). Sometimes they just piss me off the entire day but I still hug them.

BUT... here's the kicker. I'm quitting. Yes, I've given my notice. This is the second job that I have quit since I moved here in the end of January.

New Job....
So I decided to go back to work with children with autism. I'm starting the day after I end my current job. Let's hope that I keep this job for over a month. I'm hoping to work for at least a year at the new job. We'll see!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Interview... again!

So my new job is going pretty good but I still am going in for that interview today. It's doing what I did in California so I thought I'd see what they are all about. If they are anything like that stupid company CARD, then I REFUSE to work there. But if they're better than my last company then I might consider working there instead. I'm just trying to find what makes me the most happy (aka what pays the most!! haha). Seriously though.. kids are a definate as far as work requirements, but beyond that I am still exploring what I want to do with it. There are endless amounts of jobs working with kids. I just to find the best one for me. Takes time... sometimes it feels like too much time.
That's it for now. I saw the sun briefly today. It was nice... cold but nice. Can't wait for the summer.

Lilac festival is on its way. The tents are being set up now. Let's pray for good weather.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy May Day... Yay sunshine today :)

Happy May Day everyone!
Not that you all celebrate it... but still :). I went to take the puppy and p-nut outside and I put on my winter coat and was pleasantly surprised with a warm sun. Yesterday was really foggy... especially for Rochester. It threw me off! So I was super happy to see the sun again today. It has been cloudy for a few days and I was ready for the sun to come out. The clouds are quite large so I think the sun will be coming in and out all day but I will take it!

We get to give the puppy back today, I think it's a good thing. He's starting to finally get along with p-nut but still. They play for like 2 minutes and then p-nut is all out of breath. Poor old dog... doesn't have it in her like the pup does! But she puts up a good "fight". They look like they are fighting at first but if you really watch they're playing around. The puppy loves to jump all over her back.

That's about it.
Enjoy the sun... if you have it where you are. (If not I'll enjoy it for you!)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Yay spring!

So spring is taking a while to really be visible but I'm enjoying the leaves starting to show. Yay green!

That's all I wanted to say about that :)

Oh.. and Sean, it's been great so far having the same schedule. I love seeing you everyday!
I love you!!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Yay new job, new life, new everything!

So it is official. I have a new job. My new job starts this Monday. HURAY!
Sunday is my final day at my crappy job. I will miss the residents but I figure if I miss them that much, I can go visit them! My co-workers... we'll see if I keep in touch with any of them. There are a few I would like to keep in touch with but the feelings have to be mutual. We will see... only time will tell.

So the new job. YEAH!!! I'm going to be a Lead Teacher at a day care. It's more than jsut baby sitting though... I will be teaching little ones.. they're between 3 and 5.. I'm just not sure which classroom they are putting me in. Right now it doesn't really matter. All I care is that I am in. All of the staff there are SO friendly and seem to be a tight knit family... reminds me of Ed Tech Center days. (Man I miss that job still!!) So I am psyched and do not really care about working at 7:30 am. No more sleeping in during the week but I think that I can take it. I'll have weekends off now. YAhoooooo!!?!?!

Monday, April 18, 2005

This is the log named Old Faithful. I remembered a sign of it and thinking the end of it looked like a face, although now looking at the picture I do not think it looks like a face at all.

Old Faithful... the log that is!


Go there... read how there is a 9 1/2 foot diameter piece of Petrified wood named Old Faithful. (No one has picked it up but it is estimated that it weighs over 44 tons!!!) Then laugh really hard like we did. Apparently a dingleberry is now named Old Faithful too.. (RIP dingleberry...) ...it's not mine fyi
And what else is named Old Faithful guys? Common help me out.. And don't say that silly thing in California. I'm talking about things like logs.

So last night we got to talking about the Petrified National Forest. I mentioned how they have this huge log named Old Faithful. Sean and Kyle found it to be so funny that they started saying "that must be called old faithful too.. right christine??" to anything... even a dingleberry. LOL. So I phoned a friend. I was desperate. Regis would have been disappointed in my friends. My mom and dad didn't know. They travel all over the US and didn't know the answer to my ?!?! Then I phoned Mike and Lynn because I thought they might have a computer near by to look up the information. No luck. so I was stuck with Sean and Kyle thinking I had lost my mind for "phoning a friend" to set the record straight. If I was wrong I didn't care because the whole thing was so freakin
funny. So I found a picture of it on here. It will be posted on top of this blog after I'm done! No worries people. I'm all over it.
So that's all. I had a great time at the concert and have learned that short people at that venue have a large disadvantage and everyone over sean's height should be behind us so we can see!!! ...not that Sean is short... but I want him to be standing with me! :)
That's it ... I'll write more later.

Anyone want to guess what's under the white tarp?!?! It could be dead people the people that live in this house are trying to hide from the police... Or it could be wood for the dock... who knows!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Amazing grace!!

What a beautiful weekend... and for that matter it's been sunny every day back to the last time i said it was sunny minus the day following that last post I made - not sure that made ANY sense at all but that is the best part of this being MY blog - it doesn't matter!

Saturday was the best. The weather was the best and Sean was the best too ;) He threw a nice birthday party that I didn't know about until about 20 minutes before it was going to happen. Pizza, cake and good times! I even broke out the Dance Dance revolution for the kids to play. They were so cute! It was just really nice to see everyone and have them all come see our place. It was extra special because his parents were there and it made my day. Then a few of my friends came out with us to snuffy's and we played some beer pong. Good times boys! I was up for a long time and the only part of the night that was not so fun was when I was sleeping on the couch and Red and Style's place and when I turned onto my other side I could smell Charlie's ass. Sorry guys - new couch I think is a good idea... even one from like VOA or Salvation Army would be better. And Charlie needs a lesson in toileting after that so he doesn't stink up another one!
That's it for now
Going to go find a job tomorrow... gotta get a new one. Only ONE co-worker is cool, the rest are groupie bitches who wouldn't help you out unless it benefits them. Whatever... I ignore them and hang with the residents.
Peace out!

Friday, April 08, 2005

It's getting nicer out!

Yesterday was sorta gloomy but today made up for that 100%. It's so beautiful outside. Still waiting to hear from the school district that I sent my resume to. I am kicking myself in the rear - i forgot a word in the cover letter and Microsoft Word didn't pick it up either! Damn program... so much for helping me out!
Anyway, I'm off to work soon. Ick.
Hope everyone enjoys the weather ;)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another sunny day!

Today is pretty warm out. Not sure on how warm but it felt nice when I took P-nut out for her power-poop session :)
Job hunting is back on its way. A handfull of people now have my resume and I'm working on more. Hopefully I'll find something soon! Positive attitude.. that's omething I need to work on for sure.

Off to my wonderful job now *sense the sarcasm*!

Monday, April 04, 2005

It's sunny!!!

What a beautiful day it has been so far. I took this picture from the computer room today. I thought it turned out really cool because you can see the reflection of the windows in the picture... do you see it? I actually took it by putting the camera really close to the window so I'm not sure how that reflection got in there but I like it.

So I didn't get the teaching job. I don't know if was something I did or if they really did find someone that fit the mold better - but it's over and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm looking again now for a new job. Wish me luck. I really need a way out of the job I have now. That's it for now!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The sun and mindless babbles

So I saw the sun both today and yesterday. It was great. I walked P-nut today. It was awesome. She loved it. It was so warm outside I didnt' need my coat. Yea,

I'm still puzzled about Terri. I don't know her but I know someone JUST like her. The only difference is the woman I know is older and was born this way. Blind and deaf. But do we stop feeding her? She can not eat by herself. She has a special spoon that she holds onto and with 90% assistance she eats. If we just gave her the spoon and said, "K, if you want to live then go ahead and eat", she'd be dead. We take her to movies, to concerts, and other events. Michael Schiavo would think we were crazy I've decided. Because according to him, K has no hope, no sense of what's going on around her and should just die. Did you know that Hellen Keller said that she was happier before she knew how to communicate? She was at peace and life could not have been better. Then she figured out the sign for water and learned to interact with the rest of the human race. How sad is it that a woman who could not communicate with anyone was happier that way. This world is such a beautiful place... can't we work on making it more beautiful and not filling it with more Michael Schiavo's and the judiciary committee people? My faith leaves me with knowledge that these people WILL be judged... just not on our terms...So K, she listens to music too... even though she's deaf. But her face, it seems so peaceful when peaceful music is on. I hear that she responds to vibration at concerts and even to sound when she's near a speaker (not that anyone wouldn't - those things are so freakin' loud!!!).I just think about her and how if she was in the wrong hands she'd be starved to death. How sad.
On the other hand, Terri is lucky. She has left this earth... where hate and war exist - and is now in a better place. Someday some of us will join her. Others - I don't think will make it (but I won't be the one at the gate deciding :) )
I'm just still upset about that. And then the Pope.. ohhhh the pope. He's only 84 but I think he's done more in his life than some people's lives combined. What a great man he has been. I just hope that he is in the least amount of pain possible... if any at all.

And then there's my job. I am sick of it. Sick of pretending that I go in there enjoying my job. I think about quitting, telling my boss that I'm done. Telling everyone it's been nice to know them but my time there is well over due. Wishing that I was busy planning lessons and not planning the time to wake people up at 11:30 at night to go to the bathroom or change their depends/attends and wipe their behind. Those days need to be done. Finito!!!
That's it for now. I'ts 1am now and I have to be at work in 7 hours. I can't wait til 2pm. Then I get to spend the day with my handsome fiance!!! :) Now that sounds good! Can't wait to see him ;)

... I'm off to the nine :)

Thursday, March 31, 2005


So with my second half of my post I have good news. My interview yesterday was awesome... despite me being up for almost 24 hours when i had the interview and having worked a 9 hour shift right before the interview.. I did great! I should hear back from the director today. If not today I'm guessing tomorrow. She's probably going to say they would like to offer me the job. LETS HOPE SO!! I just want to quit my job right now. Today we had a meeting at work and all the admin people from the office were there (i didn't dress up either! LOL I looked like such a goof and I didn't care)... no one told me about this. Anyway, they made us a really good breakfast and just introduced themselves to us. It was interesting. Got out a little early. That's about it. Just waiting to get a phone call and go to work. Have a nice day!


Today is so emotional for me and I thought this was the best way to just let it all out. To start with the good or bad... nothing seems to matter I guess either way. What is done is done.
Terri Shiavo is dead. Nothing anyone says or does will change that. Her parents tried for their last appeal last night... her 12th day of starvation. Where is the justification for starving someone. And on the news I heard that her jerk of a husband had refused her own parents, the people responsible for bringing her INTO this world could not be there when she was LEAVING it. AND he said he was playing music and had flowers around her during her last hours alive. Now let me inform you that this is the SAME man who was taking the feeding tube out because he said that she had no sense of anything anymore. So why play music if she can't hear.. why give her flowers if she can't smell? WHY the heck would he do that?? Oh, yea because she is a human being who DOES have her senses and should NOT have died. Who in their RIGHT mind would have someone on a feeding tube for 15 years and then say "Oh, by the way... Terri didn't want to live if she was like this, so I'm just going to starve her to death." AND if your wife/husband/loved one was in a coma or not speaking for 15 years and when you DID pull out their feeding tube, they say "I WANT TO LIVE" Do you put it back in? If you are a human and know that you are not God and don't make these decisions for others... you'd put it back in. The woman doesn't talk and she SAYS she wants to live. How can he get away with murder?

Did you know that in the Nazi concentration camps they played music and had bands come into the camps and play WHILE they were dying? AND Terri's maiden name is Schindler. I know it's a huge coincidence, but damn!

So I'm just really upset today that Terri died. Granted, she's gone to a much better place where she is no longer confined by her physical body.... but was that her husband's decision? I do not think so. We have Dr. Kevorkian being sentenced to jail time and the judicial system so unfairly holds her own blood from giving her the life that she deserves. Where is the justice. It's all gone. Probably was never there - I've decided.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Cloudy day, no call, it's okay

So it's not sunny today, nor do I recall yesterday having sun. Please correct me if I am wrong :)

Still no call from the school. Keep your fingers crossed... they want me, they really do. My hopes are still high but not as high as they were last Wednesday. It's been over a week. Will SOMEONE from that school please fill me in? Waiting is the worst.

Today I got an email from Christopher's mom and I had to post his picture. Isn't he adorable? This was the last day that we spent together. I had his parents take us to a skating rink and he did so awesome. It was only his second time ever skating and he was going by himself. Just had to share this moment with the rest of the world :) I miss the kids.

Christopher and me skating

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Look out ladies!! Alexander has THAT look... he'll seduce you with his eyes.

Alexander.. doesn't he look happy to be in his jumper??

New Digital Camera

Well.. it's new to Sean and me, and that's what counts. Kyle gave us his old (not really that old) digital camera and we went nuts tonight. We tried to take some pictures of the skyline at night but it didn't turn out. Sean took some great pictures but you'll have to look at his blog to check them out. Thanks again Kyle.... and thanks to Mr. W :) too! Look out Rochacha... We're armed and dangerous!!!

Who is this adorable couple??

Sean with the AWESOME digital camera Kyle gave us!!!

Kyle and I look so stupid I had to put it on my blog :-D

Mmmmm tasty! P-nut looks like something must be tasting pretty good

Monday, March 21, 2005

Moby's CD cover :)

Briana and I on the trampoline... jumping while the sun sets into the Pacific

Briana by the Pacific

The lovely Briana

Kaila and Marisa

Moby Moby Moby, oh and it's sunny today...

Okay so I haven't been looking for info on Moby lately but I found out that his newest Album is coming out TOMORROW!! it's called Hotel and I can't listen to any of it until I buy it because he doesn't have excerpts that I can find on his website.

SECONDLY.. Moby is doing some book signing cause he has a book coming out on the 24th and HE IS GOING TO BE IN SAN MATEO - WTF!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Go figure that once I leave, Moby comes to San Francisco. He'll be at Hillsdale Mall - well the Barnes & Noble across the street. Again, WTF?!?!?!

THIRDLY, he's touring and going to be playing at the Warfield in SF... Gosh that sucks. He'll be playing in April on the 20th in NYC but I know it's just not going to happen. I'm so bummed. He's playing in Toronto but I believe it's on a Thursday or something that would be hard for us to make it.

Boo Hoo!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Coping with a lot of feelings tonight... oh.. and it was sunny today!

Tonight has been a huge conglomeration of feelings... and I thought just letting them all out is the best therapy. I really felt like crap like after going dress shopping with the girls, which went pretty good considering we only had about 15 minutes when we stepped in the door til they were closed.
So then I had a headache for a good portoin the night. Got to meet Christo and Ellen's dog... his name is Buster and he's really cute. He loves to play with P-Nut and P-Nut loves to pretend she's protective of her environment. They're going to be good friends, just give it time!!!
So I tried to go out with the guys but it just didn't work. One sip of beer and the neon lights got to me so they brought me home. I love you Blue!!! :)

I spoke to Mika tonight. It was great to catch up with her. Whenever I speak to someone back in Cali I just get all sad. I never thought it'd get to me like this. I've moved around enough in life and met so many people that I had to say good-bye too. What's the problem? Marisa sent me this adorable picture of her and Kaila and it just makes me smile. I miss them all so much. I wish I could go visit them soon. Even if it was just for an hour, I'd do it. Just to hug them all again. once more... Gosh I feel so pathetic. Oh well. So I'm posting the pictures as a little "I miss you guys" tribute. Aren't they SO cute??!?!?!?! Miss you all more than you know :(

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Short and sweet entry...

Okay. gotta go to bed. 7 hours til I work AGAIN and I jus got hom. WTF. I saw the sun for like a second today but in all honesty it was just loads of clouds and a little blue sky. So in all fairness today was the first gray day I've seen in a while. There you go Rochacha... you proved me wrong!!! haha. Tomorrow I'll see the sun again, I'm sure.

Work sucked. What's new. 10-12 pm was alright. Me and my co-worker "S" had a good talk. She's actually much cooler than I thought. I have learned not to judge so quick. The ones I thought were cool... yea they're bitches and I really could care less to see them. Anyways, it was nice to come home to Maverick but I have to go to bed now and that sucks. Tomorrow I'm probably going bridesmaid dress shopping and that makes me super happy. We need to get them ordered. That's all.

Good night.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Men who are baby killers and the sort...

So tonight was a good night. "Maverick" and I went to Snuffy's expecting to see Mike and had a beer just the same. Then when we arrived home we got a call from "Styles" and we went and met them out. After we were out we met Mike and his girl at this restaurant where this drunk from like the vietnam war or something saying he's a baby killer. Not cool. Then Styles' friend got upset and they argued. It was an interesting night out. Maverick and I tried a new garbage plate. Good times. Good night :)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sunny weather, I feel better (oooh that rhymes!)

So today is sunny - yay. :)

My interview yesterday definately raised my spirits. I got there almost late. I woke up at 12:30 and had to be there at 1. I took the worlds fastest shower (if you can call it one) - and yes I did turn the water on :). I think it went great. I'm pretty sure I'll get a call by the end of the week with the director asking me to come in for the 4th interview (which means I'm hired, I believe). At the 1st interview she said the fourth interview is to meet the pastor of the church that the school is in. She had said that it basically means you have the job but the pastor wants to meet the person who will be teaching in the church. Fine with me!! Just hand over the job :) So say a little prayer for me, if you pray that is. I have a good feeling about all of this... plus after yesterday I need it for my sanity. I need to be done at my job. No more of this crap.Anyway, I'm looking forward to the phone ringing and it being them. That's all for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Toe nails... who needs toe nails?? (and did I mention the sun is out?)

So I need to get to sleep... 2 hours til I have to get up and get ready to kick butt at this third interview but I need to vent.

My morning went great until 6am. Then it SUCKED more than any other day I've worked at this place. First of all this woman has these special stocking like socks that are open toed... like they go past her toes and up to her knees to help with the circulation in her feet. They are so freakin' tight that you have to pull with all of your might to get the freaking things on right. So in the midst of me doing this I did something horrible. I didn't know until I went to put her shoe on and she said "uh uh" and had this aweful face. Then I look at her sock which is BLEEDING and I freak out. I try to calmly tell her I'll be right back and I go tell the girl on meds that her TOES IS BLEEDING. I UNINTENTIALLY started to tear her toe nail off when putting the stupid stockings on. Then the staff bitch has the nerve to say "we'll have to have someone work with you next time and figure out a better way to put the stocking on so her nail doesn't fall off." Man, I almost lost my nerve - and that never happens. I've heard other staff say they don't like her because of the way she talks to them ,now I understand. I'm thinking of telling the manager how I feel because I'm so pissed off right now. I wanted to leave work right then.
To make matters worse I had asked the med girl what she was doing and said I'd take over what she was doing because I didn't know if she'd have to call a dr. or take this poor resident to the hospital because I tore her nail off.... So she said if I wanted to take over with another woman resident that would be fine. The bath tub was filled with water. So I assumed that she was to take a bath. It wasn't made clear. She normally takes a bath at night but I thought maybe she didn't get to last night. So I put her in the bath. I then find out that the bath water was for another resident (the one I was working with next) and she was pissed off when she couldn't get into that bathroom because they had to rinse off the resident I put into the tub that wasn't supposed to be in the tub. AND that resident got her knee wet, which isn't supposed to ever happen. UGH.
THEN the pissed off resident whose bath I ruined wouldn't go into the other bathroom. Then when she got in there she refused to use that bathtub. She calls it the pool and the other tub the hot. She said she wanted the hot and no pool. THEN she proceeds to try to hit me and spits on me a gazillion times while I put her in the tub. THEN when I go to get a washcloth she sucks up bathwater and starts spitting it all around the room. Then when we get done with that and I take her into her room and get her all dressed and to the med room to get her meds the one that I ripped her toenail.. yea she has to go to the bathroom. REAL BAD. And the lift that she needs, yea it's being used. And she gives me a not so pleasant face when I tell her she has to wait. Turns out she had to take a crap - I guess I can kinda understand. But I have told her before not to wait til it's 100% dire that she go RIGHT THEN... she's in a wheelchair, we can't lift her she needs this special lift that other's use in the house and it takes time to lift her up, move her to her bed, pull the pants down, lift her back up, lift her into the b athroom chair, bring her to the bathroom. It's always like this. So she goes into the bathroom. And then the bitch that is running meds tells me I need to make sure I do not leave dirty clothes behind in the bathroom. LIKE I FREAKIN' MEANT TO. I was BUSY! I told her that I didn't mean to leave them but that I didn't have the chance yet. Whatever. I can't wait to leave this job. I have no bad feelings about quitting soon. It needs to happen. I'm pissed off right now. Not a good feeling.

So now I am going to sleep for an hour and 45 minutes.. then I get ready for my interview. Hope my nap takes my anger away.


:) ahh I feel a little better now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

More sun and interview #3!

Okay. Toay is beautiful outside. Yes, it is 30 outside, but my car was warm on the inside from the beautiful sun!! YAY for the sun. I am not counting, but it's been sunny every day for several days now. Not bad at all.

Today kinda blew so far. I'm looking forward to seeing Sean. The meeting at work was 2 hours. 10-12 noon. That sucked. They spend so much time talking about nothing. I just feel like it is the biggest waste of time. It's every 2 weeks too. COMMON PEOPLE! Too much meeting time... it's just because managers do meetings. :P.

After the meeting I spent some quality time with Liz. That was fun. :) Good times. Plus P-nut had a friend visit today - we brought Zoey over to play. P-nut went CRAZY.

Then I brought liz home and in 20 minutes Sean will be home from work (I hope). Then church, then bed til 11, then work midnight to 8am.... then probably bed again for a few hours. Then my third interview for the pre-k teacher position.
I have a good feeling about this. This time I'm meeting with the executive director or something like that. Yahooooooooo. :)
So that's that.... Good night, hello, good night, hello etc. Can't wait til I have a normal schedule.

Oh.. the nasty blood is gone. YAY! Still have the raspy voice though :\ such is life

ciao ciao

Monday, March 14, 2005

I see sun! ...and me complaining about my stupid nose

So I see the sun again today. I actually woke up before Sean today because the bright red sun was glaring into the apartment. It was quite a sight!

So now onto me complaining. Really - it's just for me to complain. You might as well not even read this part... it's a little gross.. I just am so frustrated! So when we lived with Liz I got a stupid bloody nose again that kinda bugged me out. After that last big ordeal where Renee had to hook me up with a nose doctor that cautorized my nose for free(!!!), I have been super cautious about the whole nose thing. I just always have this crap happen when I don't have insurance. (actually I don't have insurance a lot so I guess the chances are high) So anyway, yesterday my voice started to sound like crap. Today it is a little worse. It sounds like lyrngitis or however you spell it. I even had hot tea last night to help with my throat. I've been taking DayQuil religiously (3 times in a row at the right time) which is apparently hard for me. This morning I woke up and don't really feel like it's done anything to help. It might have actually made me worse! Now I have a bloody nose and when I cough up phlegm, blood will come up too! So now I'm coughing up blood. What started as a little tiny cold that I was not really worried about turns into this! At least I do not have to work until Wednesday afternoon!! UGH. So I'm just kindof frustrated. Plus the nose spray stuff that I use - it's with Sean so I can't get it til he gets out of work. Go figure once it leaves my side THEN I need it. Sometimes I just wish so badly that I could have better luck with my health. I don't understand why me.. what have I done to deserve this.
Now I don't think I can take DayQuil again because it makes my nose bleed. I need a new nose.
That's all.

New Job interview and the sun

So my interview went really well. I went in thinking I had to have a 30 minute lesson planned and got there ten minutes early - because you all know how I am normally early. HAHA. So I get there and think.. this is great I have 40 minutes until my turn to teach the little critters. WRONG! They bring me to the classroom and tell me I am ready. The teacher's assistant (t.a.) tells the kids to clean up and get ready for Ms. Christine.!!! Then they tell me to make myself at home and go to it. I teach the kids for almost 30 minutes and when I am finished I have them calmly go sit back at their correct tables and wait for further instruction. While they are doing that I tell the t.a. that I am finished. She said "Already??" and I said "Yea.. it's supposed t o be for a half hour. Sorry if it was a few minutes short." SOOOO she then tells me" You're here til 12 right?" So I was supposed to run the show for 2 hours, not 30 minutes?!?! I quickly fumbled to the front of the classroom and with the help of the volunteer we sang songs and then I created an art project for the kids. These kids are so bright for their age. 4 year olds can not write their name, or spell or any of that. They are learning their abc's and the sort. These kids know sign language and how to write their name and all sorts of stuff. They have a few behavior issues I will have to tackle if they hand over the job but other than that I've got it down. The director of the school (kinda like a principle in public schools) was supposed to sit in on my teaching thingy but she had something else that had her tied up so she didn't even see me teach. My gut feeling is that they're going to hire me and are just going through proceedures. If all goes well I will be teaching VERY soon. I can't wait. My heart is so set on this job so if I shed a few tears if I do not get the job (small chance :) ) then don't mind me. I'll just hae to keep searching for that right job for me. No more of what I do. I honestly just can't take it. If I open up one more diaper (they call them attends) and see pasty crap I'm going to throw up on the resident. It just is not for me. At least I gave it a try. It COULD have been the right job for me. I'll miss the residents when I do quit but it's worth it to quit, my sanity needs it.

On a brighter note it was sunny today and I am pretty sure I saw sun yesterday. So there you go - not so gray after all eh???? :)

Today I worked early so that I could actually spend the day with Sean. Three days in a row we get to see eachother for more than 2 hours! It's so sad when that's all you get. I miss spending more time with him. Can't wait til we get back into a better routine. Tomorrow and Tuesday I have off other than a 2 hour meeting on Tuesday at 10am. Doesn't taht suck that I do not get to sleep in on my day off? They always schedule meetings on Monday or Tuesday... MY DAY FREAKIN OFF! Jerks.

For work today I got paid to go to church. That almost seems wrong - doesn't it sound wrong? We ended up going to Bethal church which is in Hochstein school of music. It's beautiful in there.. so open and everyone has the best seat in the house. It was a great time. It put a smile on my face. I love a church that just uplifts your soul. The weirdest part of this church is that it is literally a walk away from our apartment! I coulda seen Sean :(... but I had co-workers with me so I couldn't. He was sleeping anyway, it's Sunday for goodness sake! So at church one of the resident's pants fell down when he was walking up to communion. WHAT A SIGHT!! He wasn't really bothered by it so that was good. I got a good laugh out of it. One of the women that is another resident hit on every church-going man that came up to hug her during the time they say to greet your fellow neighbor. This church - man they do that stuff up. They spend like 5 minutes talking and saying good morning and peace be with you and all that! It's more personal I think. The bummer part is that it's not Catholic. I really liked this church and would love to go again but they don't do pre-cana and if they do it doesn't count for our wedding. It'll be ok though, I'm looking forward to going to church. This week we start. :) Get ready Seaner!!! OH BABY

Okay that's enough for now.

Friday, March 11, 2005

New Job Prospect

So tomorrow (Friday) morning is the interview. Unless something huge goes wrong, I'll be there at 10am and will show this school what I'm made of. I hope SO badly that they love me because I am lovin' the idea of being a pre-k teacher. Not to mention the hours, benefits etc. It just makes sense! So I'll let you guys know how it goes down. I'm sure it'll be a good thing.
Oh.. and today - it was sunny!!! :) just in case you didn't know.
Tah tah

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Another Sunny day and funny quote from George Carlin

Okay... so today is at least the 4th sunny day I have seen here since we moved. I'm taking a count. Every day I will mention when the sun is out. I think that people here don't realize how sunny it is. Maybe it's just because I have a room with 3 of the 4 walls covered in windows so if it IS sunny, I see it!! :) (this room rocks...)
So I was reading the book Braindroppings and found this quote to be super funny. Enjoy :)

Love Me, Love My Song

"There are entire too many love songs. I know. Society probably demands a certain number of them, but, goddamn, is this the only thing people can sing about? As far as I'm concerned, the love song category is filled. Let's move on. There must be some other topics. Everything's a broken heart. "Broken heart. Broken heart." What about a broken rib cage? Hah? How would you like that? Or a ruptured spleen? You never hear a song about that. Wouldn't you like to see some nice tall woman with long hair and big breasts up there beltin' out a song about a ruptured spleen? Or how about a nice song about a fire in a hotel? Or a guy who gets his legs caught in a threshing machine? How about someone who goes up into a hayloft and finds sixty dead Shriners? It seems to me we're passing up a slot of subjects that would make really good songs."

Monday, March 07, 2005

New Job?!?!?

So I might be working with kids sooner than I thought. I had an interview last Thursday to be a Pre-K teacher! I'm soooo excited. Today I was supposed to go in to do a demo lesson where I teach the kids for 30 minutes and the director and teacher's assistant critique every move I make. I was actually looking forward to this and go up all happy and then got a call from the Director. She's sick at home with the flu. At least she called me early enough so I could go back to sleep for a few hours. So she's calling me back tomorrow and we'll re-schedule the whole thing. I could tell she felt pretty bad about the whole thing but what are you going to do? I've noticed people here get sick far too much. In Cali it was rare that adults get sick. Oh well... so now I sit patiently for another call.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Beer Pong RULES!

Ok, for you non beer pong people, I just want to let you know how much you're missing out. Me and Will did pretty good tonight. We won the first round and BARELY lost the second. Both teams had one cup left and of course they won.... but have no fear - I'll get better. This is the first time I have played since we moved back. Get ready baby, cause here I come!! So tonight we went out to the Distillry for some good eats and then to Nathanial's for some hangin' out time. We found out that the good dart board has unlimited free games so we played Gotcha on the dart board a million and two times. :) It was totally fun. I had a blast. Now I just need to find a better job. I'm enjoying hanging out with friends again. Just gotta catch up with all of the girls I know around town. Despite the 30 and below temperatures I'm happy to be back. Better than living on the cliff where there are floods and possible land slides. My life is much less stressful right now.

P-nut is still doing fine with the weather. I think she handles the cold better than I do.

That's about it for now. ...oh yea - by the way we got like 8 plastic Nathanial's cups that have Labatt Blue on them to go with our Snuffy's cups. Go 50 cent drafts. Take that San Fran!!! The day they have 50 cent drafts I'll faint.

Off to bed.. peace out!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Benevolent Ruler

So I did the other quiz thing that Sean did.. not sure what this means.. but this is what it said I am :

our distinct personality, The Benevolent Ruler might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are the idealistic social dreamer. Your overriding goal is to solve the people problems of your world. You are a social reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that you can visualize. You are exceptionally perceptive about the woes and needs of humankind. You often have the understanding and skill to readily conceive and implement the solutions to your perceptions. On the positive side, you are creatively persuasive, charismatic and ideologically concerned. On the negative side, you may be unrealistically sentimental, scattered and impulsive, as well as deviously manipulative. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

I'm 30?!?!?!?

Okay. So according to this what age are you thing that Sean had posted, I am 30 years old!?!?

You Are 30 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Slackin' on the blogs!

So I will come right out and say it - I've been totally slacking on this blogger thing.

Sorry!!! :)

Sean and I have been super busy getting the apartment in order. All I am going to say is that you have to see this place. It is so huge and beautiful! We scored big time by finding this place.

That's all for now. I am hoping to take some pictures in the near future. Sean might do it too :)


Thursday, February 10, 2005

Back to New York...

Okay, so some might say I've been a little slacker on this blog thing. Maybe this is true - but I've been a little busy these days. I just finally found a job working in a group home setting with developmentally disabled adults. I'd tell you how it's going but they've been pretty SLOW in getting in touch with me. I'm hoping thing are a smooth ride soon. Next Tuesday I go to the house for my first day training. Keep your fingers crossed. The job that I really want I applied for and haven't been able to see what's going on with that. I'm going to keep trying though.
The snow hasn't gotten to me yet but today it almost did. I thought I'd be nice and shovel and caught a tiny bit of frost bite! Luckily I could take care of it here and not go to the hospital. So now I know my gloves are officially for looks only! :P Sean and I have been out quite a bit and I love it. Hopefully this Saturday we'll hit up some beer pong at Snuffy's... anyone want to come? It'd be fun to take Marisa and Mika from Cali. but they're just a little to far to drive over and hang out :(.

I've been keeping in touch with the families I worked with at my last job. I miss the kids. I didn't realize how much a part of my life they were until we moved. But - enough soppy story stuff :P

That's about all for now. Oh - I picked out my wedding dress. Wanna see it?!?! TOUGH! :) I guess you'll just have to make yourself available September 17th for a view.
That's all for now.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Gettin' excited...

I'm getting pretty excited. My friend from Kindergarten (maybe even Pre-K), Nikki is moving out to the Fresno area. She'll be driving up from Los Angeles this next weekend with her boyfriend and they're going to come to Pacifica before they go to Fresno. I haven't seen Nikki since before Sean and I moved out here so it'll be nice to catch up. Can you believe we've known each other for 20 years? Damn it makes me sound old! Anyways - it's just a little something to look forward to. I love having company. :)

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to you all!!! May your 2005 be better than 2004. Anyone have any new years resolutions? Sean was asking me last night and I decided no resolution this year. I always forget mine after the first month... so why bother? I'll just keep with my trying to better myself day by day. It seems more practical. Anyways - hope you guys all had a blast!